[3.8]Champion Impale TS/Barrage | Leveling guide

FinnaDieFam wrote:
Just killed my first uber elder, wiped my first attempt learning mechanics, but my 2nd go lost only 1 portal. Obviously this can be improved with better gems, more accuracy, and perhaps swapping to an astral plate to get a bit tankier. Overall this is the most over powered build I've played. maybe ever; Been playing since late legacy league. With the availability of currency this league, its amazing how affordable this build is if you're willing to turn your brain to much doing some glaciers. 10/10

Gear below

GZ! You should get a Murderous Eye for your Tombfist, so that you use the intimidate.
having double curse is better than the dmg that ryslatha gives you ?
sporter26 wrote:
having double curse is better than the dmg that ryslatha gives you ?

i did mess around on pob for a while and ultimately double curse wasn't as good as it first seems. to get double curse you generally sacrifice the amulet slot (no multi and no big phys roll) and glove slot to get the curse on hit (usually a tombfist, which is good but bare in mind that you can get fossil crafted rare gloves with 25%+ AS, life, even an abysall socket if you are big dick and get intimidate from timeless jewels)

using those mentioned items above generally means you also lose resists that you could get on rare pieces, making it extremely difficult to cap with only boots and two rings. every other slot is pretty much locked in and you can't gear for resists on it.

from my testing a good amulet and attack speed gloves is basically identical dps to the double curse setup with a bloodgrip plus tombfist. note that this is only on standard settings. change it to boss damage and it's different altogether. the rare glove and amulet combo is about 18% more total dps.

so unless you can get a GG glove (life and 25%+ AS) and GG rare amulet (15+ phys to attacks and 30+ multi) with vuln on hit and an additional curse respectively, i really don't think it's worth it. it limits your gear and resists even more in a build where it can already be pretty tough to cap.

hope that helps a little
coryu wrote:
this build is so awesome. i rly like the tanky bow playstyle.

The only problem i'm facing: Barrage feels so unreliable and yes I stand literllay 1 step away from the enemy.
Sometimes I'm hitting with 2 * barrages and kill a T15 boss with it, but sometimes I didn't even realy hit with 4-5 barrages and die. Hit chance is not maxed but with 98% hit and 93% vs evasive monsters shouldnt cause so much trouble.

Any suggestions? Do I miss something?

sounds like desync to me. Try on lockstep?
and use molten shell or vaal molten shell before the boss, it'll give you enough time even with desync

Really enjoying the build. Here's my setup atm.

Is it worth getting a corruption on Quills like +1 Arrows or is the Accuracy better?

Im sitting at 97% Chance to hit at the moment
Last edited by Xuvali#6429 on Jul 23, 2019, 8:14:12 AM
So, a Watchers eye with additional impales stacks is better than a double damage one ?
blg_RealiZe wrote:
sounds like desync to me. Try on lockstep?
and use molten shell or vaal molten shell before the boss, it'll give you enough time even with desync

I used lockstep before. Atm I'm using Predictive and it feels a bit smoother.
which one would be better to start from zero, this one or a scourge arrow slayer build?
Last edited by betogallo#7457 on Jul 23, 2019, 2:31:43 PM
betogallo wrote:
which one would be better to start from zero, this one or a scourge arrow slayer build?

Slayer with scourge can probably do more dps with top gear just because of the mechanics of the build but it will be pretty squishy.

With how much damage certain legion mobs do you need actual damage reduction. This champion has a fair bit while slayer pretty much solely relies on leech. The dps is nutty too once you get the extra impale and effectiveness. I would go for this but slayer scourge is cool too
Why no Master Fletcher skill on the skill tree? Seems like a substantial DPS boost

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