[3.8]Champion Impale TS/Barrage | Leveling guide

playing an phys impale ts raider with way more dmg (way more expensive tho) and is pretty strong, can still recommend!
I'm quite disappointed with the bow class (Ranger) this league and is really considering returning to Champ. How is this build with the same stuff this league, guys? Can spend 30 ex or so.
Who needs tornado shot when you have Barrage + Arrow Nova Support. hint hint hcssf making good progress.
wiwigvn wrote:
I'm quite disappointed with the bow class (Ranger) this league and is really considering returning to Champ. How is this build with the same stuff this league, guys? Can spend 30 ex or so.

Fun, so far. I went with the Deadeye the first few weeks, it farmed lower tier maps well, but the tank is just not there, and metamorphs started wrecking me when I could no longer freeze them. For pure speed farming, I say deadeye is actually better after the TS nerfs, but champion seems more well rounded and still does stuff fast. Lioneye jewels and Rigwalds is cheap now as well, so over all the build is easy to get going. And with all the negative phys resistance of the impale nodes and jewels, it does not seem to matter to much. The watchers eye prices are fucked though, like seriously. That does hurt the dps.

I still have a lot of levels to go in my build to really start doing great (well, mostly scaling up health), but so far so good. Lots of options to min max and take it in different directions. The loss of maim chest hurts, I got to admit, but over all it is not super critical and barrage damage is good anyways for single target. I do seem to have a slight mana issue with TS, so hopefully that becomes better with levels.

I have not tried the nova stuff yet, might be fun, but so far I dig TS sicne the secondary projectiles his most of the screen anyways, just not off screen anymore. I am doing TS with +1 for more effect.
Last edited by aaOzymandias#1218 on Jan 10, 2020, 7:30:42 AM

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