Patch 0.10.3 Deployment Schedule and Other News!

iNotSure wrote:
Maybe its about time some of the devs (I prefere Mark) tends to the Cyclone skill feedback topic?

Some people have given very much thought in how to improve this skill or have questions about it and are being left out in the dark. As this game builds on it community I kinda feel that it's time for some official response. Besides that, GGG made the topic and wanted the feedback but now that the topic has gone all negative they don't step up and awnser/respond.

Just my 2 cents

agree bump!
Doesn't matter what you change with Cyclone, it will still suck as long as the game suffers from this extreme desync.
Any news about 10.4?
Mark_GGG wrote:

mr48 wrote:
Look I'm not complaining that this one skill happens to give a less substantial bonus to dual-wield builds than to others, I'm just expressing my wish to see a new skill tailored to dual-wielders in a future patch. Using dual-strike all the time just gets tedious after a while, even if its effective. I'm not asking for a dual-wielding buff, just more variety.
You currently have heaps of variety - you can use basically any skill and get the dual wielding beneift. Heavy strike benefits form dual wielding, as does every attack skill except double strike, leap slam and ground slam - and those do still get the 10% attack speed, despite only using one weapon.

Adding some skills which use both weapons, and thus have an arbitrary damage bonus while dual wielding reduces the variety of skills available because then all those other skills, which currently are just as effective dual wielded as any other setup, are considered 'sub-par' because they don't give arbitrary damage bonuses, and skills are split into those which are only worth it if dual wielding and those which never are, rather than having very nearly all attack skills usable both ways.
We've already seen that start to happen - which only hits with both weapons because the animations that got done didn't match how the skill worked, and the skill was easier to change - and as a result had to have a rather ugly damage penalty applied while dual wielding. And because that penalty is additive, and only for physical, it doesn't actually counter the doubled damage much at all for some builds, resulting in people claiming that dual wield only has one useful AoE skill - where if cleave worked like the others, all of them would be equally good for dual wield, and equally good dual wielding compared to any other setup.

I just dont see how the 10% attack speed bonus is as good as the defensive bonuses you get from a shield. Its nice and all, but ultimately 10% is just not enough in my opinion.
Last edited by mr48#5631 on Mar 14, 2013, 7:38:12 PM
The way the skill animation looks it just doesnt make sense u would do more damage while dual wielding. U spin around with your arms wide and a weapon in each hand. This way u cant hit with both weapons at the same time.

I understand u want a dual wield AoE attack but cyclone just isnt meant to be (at least not the way most ppl want it to be). The 10% could be upped a bit to give the DW-ers a bit more worth for their choice, maybe up it to 15-20% but thats about it IMO.
Postcount +1
Last edited by iNotSure#3601 on Mar 14, 2013, 8:00:47 PM
Dual vielding should give bonus 15% att speed and bonus 20% physical damage and still it would be kinda weak compared to usign shield.
We want new skill!
Where is the preview?
You guys said you would deploy one each week.Show us!
Mark_GGG wrote:

Dual wielding means you alternate weapons, and this lets you attack faster. 10% multiplicative attack speed is a substantial bonus. That's what dual wielding is in this game.

I think that's the issue at hand that isn't being brought up. +10% multiplicative is not a substantial bonus, not when you need to invest in twice as much weaponry as before to make it useful. Then there's fact that the block chance, defenses, and affixes you can get on a shield far outweigh the 15% block chance dual wield gets. So outside of 2 broken skills (Dual Strike and Cleave), Dual Wield doesn't even come close to being the "middle-ground" between 1-hander + shield and a 2-hander, using a Staff does that a lot better. As a result, with Dual Wield feeling so sub-par to other options you always get the question of new skills being like the 2 skills that make Dual Wield feel worthwhile in the first place.

How about we make the Dual Wield nodes in the passive skill tree increase the More multiplication Dual Wield gives? Currently they offer nothing over regular weapon nodes, as any build using 2 weapons will be using 2 of the same type whether for stats requirements, intrinsic modifiers, or weapon type restrictions of melee skills.
iNotSure wrote:
The way the skill animation looks it just doesnt make sense u would do more damage while dual wielding. U spin around with your arms wide and a weapon in each hand. This way u cant hit with both weapons at the same time.

I understand u want a dual wield AoE attack but cyclone just isnt meant to be (at least not the way most ppl want it to be). The 10% could be upped a bit to give the DW-ers a bit more worth for their choice, maybe up it to 15-20% but thats about it IMO.

Lol, how does that animation explanation make sense at all?

If there's a group of monsters around you, why exactly can't you hit with both weapons at the same time, while both your arms are out, both wielding weapons?

It's called area of effect for a reason.
More fun & Crazy ;))...

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