(OLD) Public Weekend Event #1


This is a temporary two hour league with prizes.

It will run from 4pm to 6pm New Zealand time on Saturday (March 31 2012). This is 3am-5am UTC on Saturday March 31. Here is a link for more time zone conversions.

The league will not be hardcore. Deaths are allowed and normal experience penalties apply. NEW CHARACTERS MUST BE CREATED IN THIS LEAGUE TO BE ELIGIBLE. After the end of the league, they'll be moved back into the Default league. The league will be open for character creation 30 minutes before the start of the competition.

At the end of the tournament, we will award the prizes in the Hardcore league on a character that we add to your account. If you want to transfer these prizes to the Default league, then just kill that character.

Random Currency Prizes:
For this competition, we'll be giving the winners a certain number of random currency items from the list below. These are picked with equal weighting using a random generator.

  • Divine Orb
  • Exalted Orb
  • Regal Orb
  • Gemcutter's Prism
  • Blessed Orb
  • Orb of Regret
  • Orb of Scouring
  • Chaos Orb
  • Orb of Alchemy
  • Glassblower's Bauble
  • Chromatic Orb
  • Orb of Fusing
  • Orb of Chance

Top Prizes:

The top five players of each class by experience will receive prizes.
  • #1 player of each class: Demigod's Presence (Unique Amulet), 6 random currency items (see above list)
  • #2 player of each class: 5 random currency items
  • #3 player of each class: 4 random currency items
  • #4 player of each class: 3 random currency items
  • #5 player of each class: 2 random currency items

  • dbud (timgod)
  • IcepickDuelist (IcepickD)
  • Rapa_Testrun (Elegia)
  • DeadFire (deMoxE)
  • ShootyMcPewPew (nilats)

  • MRDR (dime)
  • Gorbbal (Krizzen)
  • NoPantsDance (Exmorda)
  • Gallese (Zeshin)
  • Lixton (Lixy)

  • Rapa_Eaglehorn (TobyTheEneMy)
  • WorldRacer (Megalodon)
  • ThePot (Saucygibbon)
  • balgorb (mmo4gamer)
  • ohgodohmanohgodohman (Nishi)

  • PopPopInTheAttic (IMDisappoint)
  • WuuZzZzZ (Wuuz)
  • SotW_Flemyth (xcrafter2)
  • TL_Vanilla (Double_Dare)
  • HSR_Samara (maxwolfie)

  • VaramirTemplar (miroslavs88)
  • IWon (EvilPeople)
  • Wyldmage (wyldmage)
  • ForeverDrowning (PutThisInYou)
  • MascularSantaClaus (EvilDuckling)

Quest Prizes:
The first player to complete each of these quests wins the prize listed. If you're in a party then only one of you will win the prize. The player will be selected randomly.

  • Normal difficulty Hillock (Twilight Strand): 3 random currency items - Liter_Of_Cola
  • Normal difficulty Medicine Chest (Tidal Island): 3 random currency items - Jessuh
  • Normal difficulty Fairgraves (Ship Graveyard): 3 random currency items - PopPopInTheAttic
  • Normal difficulty Deep Dweller (Flooded Depths): 3 random currency items - PopPopInTheAttic
  • Cruel difficulty Hillock (Twilight Strand): 4 random currency items - Liter_Of_Cola
  • Cruel difficulty Medicine Chest (Tidal Island): 4 random currency items
  • Cruel difficulty Fairgraves (Ship Graveyard): 4 random currency items
  • Cruel difficulty Deep Dweller (Flooded Depths): 4 random currency items

Full-clear Prizes:
The first player to kill all of the monsters in any of the following areas will receive the listed currency items for that area. Note that your minions count as monsters currently, so we strongly recommend avoiding minion builds. If you are in a party, then the player who gets the killing blow on the final monster gets the prize.

  • Normal difficulty Fetid Pool: 5 random currency - Supermaaan
  • Normal difficulty Old Fields Cave: 5 random currency items - PopPopInTheAttic
  • Normal difficulty Dread Thicket: 5 random currency - dbud
  • Cruel difficulty Fetid Pool: 5 random currency items

Spot Prizes:
We'll also distribute some spot prizes randomly after the event to people who reached certain level thresholds. You can be eligible for multiple tiers of spot prizes. Winners of other categories can still win spot prizes.

Level 25+: 5 random currency items (1 person receives this)
  • No one

Level 20+: 4 random currency items (5 people receive this)
  • dbud (timgod)
  • Wyldmage (wyldmage)
  • rumsey (rumsey)
  • Rapa_Eaglehorn (TobyTheEneMy)
  • Dieter (Xorim)

Level 15+: 3 random currency items (5 people receive this)
  • DeadFire (deMoxE)
  • Supermaaan (Ardelo)
  • Blammer (Lochiver)
  • Saebi (conaironvhs)
  • fattyJ (fattyJ)

Level 10+: 2 random currency items (5 people receive this)
  • WuuZzZzZ (Wuuz)
  • Truarro (zakandu)
  • Ragnabjorn (Peith)
  • stolenblue (ztolenblue)
  • Ansin (Henide)

The game version will be whatever the current 0.9.8 version is (probably 0.9.8b). STASHED ITEMS IN THIS LEAGUE WILL BE LOST

Our decision on the winners is final. Bugs and mistakes will get in the way for many players and this is why we are running an event like this. If you lose your ability to participate due to a bug, please tell us about it and we'll do our best to fix it. We can't change the outcome of the event due to this.
Lead Developer. Follow us on: Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Contact Support if you need help!
Last edited by Chris on May 11, 2012, 1:08:35 AM
Chris wrote:
This is the Public Weekend Event #1.

The league will not be hardcore.


At the end of the tournament, we will award the prizes in the Hardcore league on a character that we add to your account. If you want to transfer these prizes to the Default league, then just kill that character.

Cut/paste fail?
No HC fail :)

Cristo9FP wrote:
Chris wrote:
This is the Public Weekend Event #1.

The league will not be hardcore.


At the end of the tournament, we will award the prizes in the Hardcore league on a character that we add to your account. If you want to transfer these prizes to the Default league, then just kill that character.

Cut/paste fail?

This is intentional - it's the same as our other previous non-hardcore events. We give the items in hardcore so that the person who receives them can pick whether to move them to default or not.
Lead Developer. Follow us on: Twitter | YouTube | Facebook | Contact Support if you need help!
from the timing schedule, this seems to be the only event I can participate over the weekend :-/

Had liked very much to also take part on a HC race too!
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: www.exiled.eu & ts.exiled.eu
I just hope for no bugs unlike the last race I got disconnected twice and of course the entire thing went down. I'll be there, hope I win something this time.
I died with 3 minutes left!!! There goes my prizes!
O wait.. its default!! i still win something =D
Lol, just a few minutes before the end IMDisapoint was #3, than at the end he miraculorously finished on top.


(yes, pun intended)

Results will be kept here http://exileladder.appspot.com/ladders/view/Event%20%231/
Last edited by LXj on Mar 31, 2012, 1:13:34 AM
Had an awesome time. great game, cant wait to get back in now. Love the kiwi plants and stuff

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