[0.10.3]Argonaute's Righteous Fire/Low Life FP Templar: 19.5k+ DPS, 6 Auras, Static Blows [VIDEO UP]
--probably a pretty scatter brained post--
Due to recent post on this thread Ive decided to make an update on my RFPA build. Here is my current build I Have already explained my experience up to level 79. So i will develop on that and try to answer as many questions as i can. As I expected the damage on this class continued to skyrocket. currently level 82 (bout to hit 83) and I've reached some pretty high damage so far. I am currently experimenting with added chaos damage, serverely boosted the damage. Not running shock stacks does not hurt me that much since either A) i am running a map solo and i kill things in 1-2 hits or B) I am running in a group and 95% of the time SOMEONE is putting on shock stacks and Deal even more damage due to the fact i have a higher base DPS. With my current gear using LMP i was able to hit 10.5k dps on freezing pulse base. I have since then swapped to GMP which runs right under 7k dps. Im certain GMP is better than LMP --ONLY-- if you can support the mana costs. When running solo maps you clear quicker because you hit the whole group, And in group you hit harder on bosses because if your up in there face all 5 projectiles will land, and trash generally just melts anyway in groups. I had to take the 7% reduced mana cost passive and I am running mana regen on both rings and my sheild, I am considering taking the 3% and will probably play with it to see if it will be worth it but i doubt it will. here is my updated gear
Currently with this gear I am at 6.8k ES and 7.8k dps (with GMP) And to answer some concerns people had about the build in terms of elemental statuses. Freeze/Chill It sucks balls. I recomend running a saphire flask. I can definitly see being perma frozen at higher maps. The way i try to avoid it is by avoiding the projectiles. shoot shoot move. shoot shoot move. if they hit you pop what ever warming flask you have. Shock I havent found a way to combat this other than kill everything. If my ES gets below 3/4 and i have 3 shock stacks i get out. in some maps this will add some time to how long it takes you to complete it but shit can go south very fast Luckly most things that shock you die very fast. I am about to run peity for the first time once i hit 83 and i will update this post then. EDIT: Peity was pathetic... anyway there are my scattered thoughts and where i am at currently. I do want to note that i change alot of gems based on the map im going up against. This class does not have very limitations aslong as you are willing to sacrafice RF for a map or change a gem. The only thing that i find to be impossible is Blood Magic. IGN: Crotchless Last edited by rsantama#4923 on Mar 27, 2013, 12:20:09 AM
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Interesting. I just tested GMP and in a 5 link I can probably manage the mana with alot of flasking. The real problem is when I move to a 6 link, I would need to use mana leech or maybe a low cost support like faster projectiles. Something to play around with though for sure. I am also testing the shock theory. Not really sure I need shocking blows or the added lightning, since stuff dies when I crit regardless. Granted, the highest map I have seen is 72, so mainly running 66-68 maps *sigh*.
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two questions,
1. how can u sustain the fp mana? i ran a rf fp and really couldnt even sustain the fp even with mana leech when theres one or two mobs left 2. can u run half regen maps? IGN itsYOLO
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" How much mana regeneration do you have? it is not a stat you can overlook in this build. And yes i can run half regen maps. mana is the only problem but its doable. IGN: Crotchless
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Argonaute, would you think it's worth it to use Blood Rage for frenzy charges? If you have enough regen, of course.
ign: ClamSlammers
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" Im doing this now. Bloodrage litterly almost does no damage. its like free cast speed or a good alternative to haste IGN: Crotchless
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" ZING my theory works :D I will try this when I'm able to wear my shavronne's. I'm only lvl 54 =( Would def replace faster casting with Cold pen / crit mult. ign: ClamSlammers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Last edited by MikeHawkk#3442 on Mar 30, 2013, 12:24:58 AM
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" I went ahead and tried out replacing faster casting with crit mult. It seems to work really well, except i would prefer faster cast for ele reflect. the amount of damage my crits deals scares me. I still think faster cast is better for solo. But for group play crit mult i think will win IGN: Crotchless Last edited by rsantama#4923 on Mar 30, 2013, 2:50:23 AM
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ign: ClamSlammers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Last edited by MikeHawkk#3442 on Mar 31, 2013, 3:46:31 AM
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I'd like some feedback on this end-game build I put together using Righteous Fire, Pain Attunement, Static Blows, and Whispers of Doom, while clearing with Freezing Pulse. Let me know what you think...
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAv4FQgVbDH0OSBB7EH8RLxGWFLAWvxdUGmwdFB8CIoEpTysKLJwtHzbFOVI6MDrYO-FBlkLDQ2NEq0bXRwZN2E5tVa5WSlgHWPVdxl3yXvpfamBtZk9mnme9bRlwUnDVcU1714FJgW-CEIIegpuH24hCi4yMNox2jjyOZI9Gj6aP-pUEmZqaz5uhnYCdo52uncSePJ6hoi6nCKcrrJius6-bsji0xbUEtve2-rcxuJO8N746wQDBxcHzwuzDbcae0NDYJNsa2-fd89-E37Dhc-L35CLrY-wY7DjtIO5v8XbyHfPq9Uv3pvfB99f60vyr Last edited by GenJTC#4138 on Apr 2, 2013, 6:23:08 AM
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