[0.10.3]Argonaute's Righteous Fire/Low Life FP Templar: 19.5k+ DPS, 6 Auras, Static Blows [VIDEO UP]
I'm loving your guide and this build. I had a low life EK witch before reading your guide and before shavronne's came out. I used what little orbs I had to buy all the uniques for this build besides shavronne's (I won't ever be able to get one probably...). I can farm city of sarn and docks fairly well (docks hurts since I have low ES and archer packs can kill me before I get started on them, so I prefer city of sarn). I tried a few maps but any poison arrows or snakes will be massively dangerous and need traps/totems to deal with (gg map boss that does chaos damage to enemies around it). Not to mention my dps and ES are low so it's semi challenging to do maps.
I have 1.5k sheet dps on a GMP fully buffed and only 1.6k ES. I have a 5L Ambu's Charge so I have Freezing Pulse linked to GMP-life leech-mana leech-projectile speed(I haven't been able to get a quality FP) 1. My passive tree is following the guide. Why is my sheet dps so much lower than yours? Righteous Fire is lvl 16. My Freezing Pulse is level 16 and way underleveled it feels...might be why my dps is so low? 2. Can Shavronne's drop in City of Sarn? Keep up the good work! IGN: Azuredrag, SpliTime
Fastest way to get a hold of me is in-game. Second fastest is through PM. I don't check on threads all that often since I prefer to play :) |
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" 1. He's using LMP instead of GMP. Also, he has Added Lightning Damage and Faster Cast which adds a fair amount of damage. The level difference would also be a factor since he has a higher level freezing pulse. 2. Occultist's Vestment is a lv 62 item. This means it can drop in City of Sarn, but only from Magic and Rare monsters, since Normal monsters are only lv 61. (It can drop from anything in Docks) Last edited by SpiritKinay#5678 on Mar 19, 2013, 11:40:08 AM
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" There are a few reasons for the dps: -As mentioned above, you are using different support gems that will drastically alter the tooltip dps- not using faster casting is a loss of about 30%, not using added lightning damage is a loss of about 25%, and GMP will lead to a loss of tooltip DPS although the actual dps is much higher. However I do consider projectile speed very important until you get a quality FP/projectile speed wand, and mana leech is okay if you don't have enough mana regen from gear to go without it. -Gear quality does affect damage significantly, because we do not grab that many raw damage passives from the skill tree. Thus spell damage/crit multiplier from wand/shield will affect your damage output pretty significantly. We make up for this in the end with the 277% buff multiplier, which means that any damage you get from gear is strongly amplified. -Level is also extremely important. You cannot really afford to grab too many damage nodes until lvl 65+ or so, and the fact we have so many different multiplicative damage scaling factors- crit chance, crit multiplier, levels on righteous fire, levels on FP, levels on haste, more spell damage, etc., means that damage scales exponentially. Someone's character using this build and buide had 3.3k dps with LMP at level 71- 8 levels later at they have more than 6k dps, almost twice that. IGN: Argonaute or Argohuskar
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Just spent 15-20 regrets and respecced into dual curse and a little more survivability. Tooltip dps when down a little bit but effective dps with a dual curse is still a lot higher and definitely worth the 5 extra skill points IMO. will update guide soon.
IGN: Argonaute or Argohuskar Last edited by argonaute#5163 on Mar 21, 2013, 2:47:04 PM
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"[/quote] lol its 6.6 now haha level 79. level 80 should make it around 6.750 edit: just started using haste now im right under 7.2 once gem levels shoudl be like 7.5-7.6 im hoping Though on a constructive note. the amount of damage scaling after level 70 that i experienced was insane. every little gear upgrade every passive is insane. I took a 6% node. which at level 60 gave me 15 more dps. at level 79 gave me 100 more dps. I cannot stress enough the importance of crit chance/crit multiplier. it is exponential what kind of damage you can put out. I put on caster dps gea just to see what the damage could get up too. with maligaros a dps amulet and a really nice wand i was able to achieve 8.8k which just comes to show the possibility of this build IGN: Crotchless Last edited by rsantama#4923 on Mar 22, 2013, 1:01:55 PM
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nice build
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Hey guys,
I finally got my new baby: It was a pain to link it.. I'm always so lucky with these fusings. After having theorycrafted a lot, I decided to play a witch. Here some explanations:
At very high lvl (88-90): If I compare the shadow to the witch with basically the same lvl: - 3* 3% cast speed (it's not very strong, assuming we use faster casting, it's about no use) - +1% spell dmg (yea the start nodes are 10 9 for the shadow, and 10 8 for the witch; who knows why^^) - 2* 6% cold + 1* 8% cold plus 5% freeze (as we chose to take many crit nodes, the 5% is non singificant; about the cold dmg it's 20% for 3 nodes; where as near the witch start we still can pick 3 cold nodes that give 6 6 18 = 30; basically the cold nodes in the shadow area are weak). - 30 crit chance + 20 int (the only fair nodes in the shadow start; but unfortunatly it's not worth to take it if we don't start as a shadow). - way less mana and mana regen (-28% -40%regen). - 3 more passives required to get in the main path (I mean the path I would I taken with both = basically the most usefull nodes). And with my build 3 passives is A LOT. Also, lvling as a shadow is way harder, since there are few resists nodes on the path + the life nodes are all pretty weak; whereas the witch can go to the templar area (which is just super good; I have even taken the shields nodes to fix my resists in lower lvls). My witch is lvl 74 ! Thx for the build, it gave me ideas :D My passives build:
My current build Very high lvl plan (lvl92 plan actually):
Next lvls I'll grab the es nodes from the middle of the tree (I haven't killed Piety in merci yet, I think I will kill her pretty soon, meaning +2 passives :D). Then I will take all the crit nodes I have planned to take, and finally the 9% spelldmg + 25% crit chance in the witch start). Lvling was not so hard in defense since I had have taken so many defense nodes, about the mana it's quite the same, I've chosen to get into the templar area asap, so I had no mana problem while lvling (which is really nice btw). But about the dps... it was a bit a pain, I had to use a +2 cold wand before I could use RF & lowlife. With my normal setup (tanky/progress setup) I have: 83 all resist 38 chaos 8.8k es 3k dps FP with lmp (5l FP/lmp/faster proj/added chaos/life leech) I run out of mana a bit too fast, I think I should try to get a new wand with mana regen/ or better rings; it won't be cheap though :s. Added chaos gives me about 200 more dps than faster casting, also with faster casting the mana becomes a bigger problem. With my mf setup I use to farm in docks (280rarity 34quanti: I'm also working on it): 83 all resists, 8% chaos (anyway it's not usefull for docks farming, I'm currently trying to find decent mf helmet/belt with resist and, overall decent es). 7k es 2.1k FP with lmp (FP/lmp/faster proj/rarity/quanti) With this setup I have no mana problem at all, my regen (about 65/sec) is enough. I haven't started running maps yet; 1. I wonder how bad is the status aliments with es based char (basically it's the same as if I was playing a CI char). For now stuns are not too dangerous, just annoying. But some ppl around are talking about perma freeze... I wonder how bad it's. There are 2 options about freeze danger: dream fragment ring, or the new unique helmet. Both are pretty expensive, though I could just save up currency to buy one of these (I had to burned all my currencies to buy the chest^^). Dream fragment looks like a better idea, as it provides huge mana regen, plus with rings the flat es is low anyway. Whereas with the helmet the es loss would be significant. To be honest I really would like to try and compare both, but for now I can't afford it. - Do you consider cold dmg crit/freeze as a big issue with this build ? Would I be perma frozen in maps with 83-85 cold resist and about 800life ? 2. Also, I wondering how I could counter shocks, these are also really scary (spells like arc/sparks are not even dodgable). There is one crappy unique to be immune to shocks, but is there any other option ? => only thing I see is to use flask, but 90% lightning resist does not mean immunity. - Is this a big deal in maps for you ? How do you manage vs shocks spell casters ? I'm currently trying to craft ezo helmet/titanium spirit shield to improve my gear. With a few lvls and some gear upgrades I think I can reach 10-12k es (12k beeing with really really good es gear). I have crafted this shield today: still wondering if I should exalt it since there is only a tiny chance to roll a decent es% (only 1 preffix, 2 suffix left :s). My feelings about this build: It is a pretty nice build for now. The defense is decent and the dps are very good. It's funny how high the dps are without any (just 1 actually) node in offense ^^ About the defense it can't really compete with CI (with CI 20k is reachable whereas with this build more than 12k seems to be hardly possible). I'm still wondering if this build can be as strong as a life build with koam's + the unique staff. DPS wise I'm sure low-life build win hands down, but here the question is the best optimization between offense/defenisve. Also the fact we can use the 100% rarity boots is just so cool :D Really good mf farmer buid ! Also, as we/I take many resists nodes (50+15 +30 from purity), it makes life much easier to use andvarius. Anyway I need to lvl to give a deeper feedback about this Shavronne RF low-life build. For now it is really strong. Also, as I will take the offensive nodes (mainly crit nodes) only later, from the lvl78-79 if I remenber well, I can't really value how strong this build can be dps wise. All I see is the dps snowball hard (just added chaos dmg (and no qual one) up my dps by about 900 (from 2.1k to 3k). =.= Pls ignore my old threads (more than 1 month ago) =.= Last edited by Oracle87#3935 on Mar 25, 2013, 4:47:01 PM
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In reply to your questions Oracle87, I have some suggestions. I have been running a ton of maps and am lvl 80 currently. You will want the stun immunity for sure (chayula), and probably the dream fragments. I run with both, and the reason is that there are many indoor maps and you cannot see anything really (low life bug kills your vision). So the first time you run into a wall of invisible archers, you will wish you had stun immunity. Shocks don't bother me at all. The chill effect is annoying, but I carry a fire trap and just lob it at the pack. It works well, because mobs that freeze/chill usually have no fire resist. Here is the build I am running currently:
A few other unique's I am using that may be of interest to this build are:
Anyway, its a fun build. There are a lot of requirements to make it work well, and the leveling sucked (protip: Searing touch+firetrap/firestorm for leveling), but its fun once you get to higher levels for sure. P.S. I have a few skill points saved just in case for the power charge nodes+new skill in upcoming patch. Although we need to see more details, it could be pretty nice. Just need to 6 link my armor now... Last edited by beertruck#6371 on Mar 25, 2013, 6:07:59 PM
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About stuns, for now it's not a problem since I'm still farming docks (7.3k ES at lvl75); but later I think it will be way worse. And I haven't been stunlocked for too long so far (I would say 2-3s max), with my current ES I could not die so fast in docks, but yes I think it will be a problem for mid-high lvl maps. I really hope GGG will add another unique with cannot be stunned, because I just can't use such a crappy necklace: Eye of Chayula. It's on an onyx, but seriously, 30% rarity is far mod, -20%life is nice for our RF builds; and.. that's all. If I switch to this eye of chayula I would need to grab at least 2*30dex + 1*str nodes in the tree, basically it's like losing 3 lvls. And even with 3 more nodes I will still need some str/dex from the gear. I don't have it, and not willing to buy it, but if I find it I would give a try. Many peple around says it's a must have... but still not convinced. I need to try it out by myself I guess. About freeze, I think I will buy a dream fragment, It does not look bad with all the mana regen it would provide, also I really like the idea of not beeing frozen for like 10s. Among the 3 uniques you linked I'm really wondering why you consider this belt any good for this build. Also the sword race reward is a bit crappy for the build, with a 'random' wand you can get this 100%, with fc/faster proj/crit/mana/regen. I agree these gloves are just very nice for any crit build. If I'm lucky enough to find a pair I will try it to see how it would increase my dps. An idea I had today: dual totem ice spear/ dual curse with low life-RF-Shavronne... same build with different spells actually.
I finally bought qual GMP and Ice spear today. So I was able to test this ice spear spell totem with low-life/RF properly. The dps are very nice, even if it's basically my displayed FPdps/4. Which in my case, means 500dps. My links: Ice Spear-spell totem-gmp-faster casting (unfortunatly I dont have a qual one yet). I fear in high lvl maps my defense won't be enough to survive to bad luck/lag/desync. I don't believe that even 10k ES would be that great to be honest since with FP you are always in mid-close range. Even with projectile speed it's a kinda close range spell. Currently I'm using a 25ish proj speed wand, proj speed support and 20qFP, and still feeling FP works well as long as you can facetank. That's why I'm thinking about using dual totem ice spear. Anyway I think that RF+PA build would be viable with any skill since for about 15 passive nodes you get *3 global spell dmg. Build lvl88: Basically if I compare it to my FP version: -50%es (which is 1kes assuming 2k flat es on gear+discipline, not so a big deal considering dual totem gameplay is way safer than FP one). -10% all resist -can't regen es leeching, so the only way to recover ES is the passive regen +1 ice spear totems with high crit chance (would be around 60-75% => perma freeze all mobs) +1 curse, curses never expire Comparison FP vs dual ice spear spell totem:
The real dps with FP (with for instance lmp) is not really 3*displayed dps, since most of the time I cast it in mid range. So it would be something like 50% of 3*displayed dps. In my case 3*2*0.5=3k dps. My ice spear-spell totem (fc-gmp): 500dps, *2 with 2 spell totems up = 1k. With this build and decent items +350% crit chance +300% crit dmg seems reasonable (must use an increase crit dmg for it, or some uniques). crit chance with FP 32% crit chance with Ice spear 73.3% global dps ratio with crit: FP: 0.32*4.5+.68 = 2.12 IS: .733*4.5+0.227 = 3.525 Basically crit snowballs way more with Ice spear (7% base vs 6%, plus 600% crit chance bonus in second shape). With my current dps (3k FP, 1k potential with dual ice spear spell totems) it would means: FP: 3*2.12=6.36k IS: 3.52k Basically FP is less than 2 times better in dps, and I don't take in account the dual curse for now. Let's assume 3 cases: 80% cold resist mobs 50% 0% FP with frostbite (with FP frostbite is better for me since the crit chance of FP is not high enough to reach 'real' 'reliable' perma freeze). IS with frostbite+elem weakness. FP effectiveness: 80-50 = 30 -> 0.7 50-50 = 0 -> 1 0-50 = -50 -> 1.5 IS effectiveness: 80-110 = -30 -> 1.3 50-110 = -60 -> 1.6 0-110 = -110 -> 2 (I believe it is not possible to make mobs have less than -100% in elem resist, let me know if I am wrong, I still have a lot to learn about mechanics) If I translate this with dps including crits I have computed before (I've based the comparison on my current FP/ice spear spell totem dps): FP 80% 4.45 50% 6.36 0% 9.54 IS 80% 4.58 50% 5.63 0% 7 As I was expecting the difference is tiny in real dps between FP and dual Ice Spear Spell totems. One thing must be noted is that vs curse immune mobs, FP would win hands down. The only way to go vs such mobs is elem adaptation with a spell totem spamming another elem than the one you are using. Let me know if you think I'm wrong on anything. What I can read with these numbers is that dps wise FP is actually just a little bit stronger than dual ice spear spell totems. And as we all know the safeness gap between FP/dual totem is huge. Well, that's the idea why I think dual totems with IS could work very well with the huge dps bonus with PA+RF. =.= Pls ignore my old threads (more than 1 month ago) =.= |
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The belt is mainly for the stats (my str/dex requirements are in the 140's currently). And the Redbeak because its the highest dps weapon I have for that slot at the moment. The Dream Fragements is really nice for the mana aspect as you say. There is a pair of boots that also has freeze resist if you wanted to go that route instead.
Dual totem should easily work, and not require much change to the build. FP + 1 totem would probably do more dps than dual totems, but you would probably be safer. Although, not being able to leech ES...maybe not so safe. Give it a try and let us know! Last edited by beertruck#6371 on Mar 26, 2013, 4:36:21 PM
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