[0.10.3]Argonaute's Righteous Fire/Low Life FP Templar: 19.5k+ DPS, 6 Auras, Static Blows [VIDEO UP]
Just added a video of my character running a low map: http://youtu.be/zk5KVBg6x4s
With the release of 10.2 and the new Shavronne’s Wrappings unique, I've decided to write a guide for my Low-Life/Righteous Fire Freezing Pulse templar. I’ve been working on this character since early into open beta and struggled for a month trying to make it map viable. The new unique has instantly made this build possible and, in my opinion, has turned it into one of the strongest, if not the strongest, caster builds at the moment. This Low-life/Righteous fire templar outputs insane dps while maintaining pretty decent survivability with the option to have very high MF. Build Summary: -Uses righteous fire for massive spell damage buff. -Freezing pulse /w added lightning and Ice spear totem as main abilities. -Zealot's Oath with high Energy Shield pool/low max life to negate Righteous Fire burning damage -Pain attunement with 3 auras reserved on life to gain further damage boost -Ghost Reaver to leech energy shield Pros and Cons Summary: Pros: -Insanely high damage- your final spell damage is multiplied by 250-290% using PA and RF. Shocks amplify this even more. -Decent survivability due to high freeze uptime and massive life leech -Six auras provide a lot of offensive and defensive utility -Good farming build due to ability to use Wondertrap, the largest MF boost item in the game -Really fun! A true faceroll dps build Cons: -Less survivability in terms of raw ES pool when compared to CI -Relatively difficult build to pull off; large number of passives required and thus doesn’t work until late game -EXTREMELY gear dependent. Two specific uniques are absolute must-haves -Not immune to chaos damage -Low sight radius in dungeons can get annoying -Vulnerable to cold damage- this is largely negated using Sapphire flasks Overview: The core of this build uses the low-life state and Pain attunement combined with a constantly active Righteous Fire to obtain an enormous spell DPS boost. Righteous fire is constantly kept active by using Vitality and life regen nodes combined with Zealot’s Oath to transfer the life% regeneration into %Energy Shield (ES) regeneration. By having a very low life pool and very high es pool, the regeneration from Zealot’s Oath can outheal the damage done by Righteous Fire. Ghost Reaver is used as the main source of survivability and ES regeneration. These are the essentials of the build: low max life for a low damaging RF, high energy shield to tank and offset low life , and ES regeneration via Zealot’s Oath and Ghost Reaver to offset RF burn damage and leech back any damage taken from mobs. This core build can then be applied to essentially any caster build. I have chosen to build a cold-crit caster using Freezing pulse with Ice spear totem support. The reason this was my top choice was due to a number of factors: firstly, freezing pulse linked with multiple projectiles deals very good AoE AND single-target dps due to the overlapping projectiles. The downside of this is that freezing pulse requires you to be in close range and thus vulnerable to attacks; however this is offset by the fact that Freezing pulse and Ice Spear (and other cold spells) also provide unparalleled defensive utility for an offensive spell due to the ability to freeze mobs on crit. On a crit-heavy character you thus can keep large numbers of mobs frozen while dishing out big damage numbers. What makes this build so good? This build essentially works similarly to a Chaos innoculation (CI) cold crit templar; you have basically no life pool, and your ES pool becomes your effective life. It focuses on the same stats in passives- as many energy shield nodes as possible, and then crit nodes and elemental/cold damage nodes. However, for an investment of about 10-15 extra passive points in order to pick up Zealot’s Oath, Pain attunement, Elemental adaptation, Inner force, Ghost reaver, and one life regen node you are rewarded with the ability to use the Righteous Fire and Pain attunement buffs. Combined, RF and PA multiplies your damage by 277% at max level (or up to 292% if you are using a wand like mine). That’s right, for 10-15 points sacrificed in minor nodes, mostly in things like 6% cold damage or 3% cast speed, you get to dish out almost THREE TIMES as much damage as your fellow conventional caster. Actual damage is buffed even further due to increasing returns on shock and static blows. Furthermore, the ability to reserve life for auras in order to induce the Low-life state means that you can run SIX auras that further buff your survivability and damage. And on top of all that, being in the low life state allows you to use Wondertrap, the largest mf boost in the game, making this build good for farming as well. What are the drawbacks of this build?
There are some drawbacks to this build. With the 0.10.3 patch you no longer will have as much pure ES as a CI build since you cannot take Imbued shield for the 20% More energy shield. So this build sacrifices some raw survivability- 20%- in order to achieve the 300% damage boost. However this build is still very survivable in endgame maps if build correctly with proper gear- the fact that you are killing things considerably faster and leeching 3 times as much ES combined with the ability to run many auras like Grace, Vitality, and Purity as well as shrugging off all elemental damage due to 83-85% resist does make up for the fact you will have ⅙ less ES than a comparable CI build.
There are also some annoying drawbacks- being on low life constantly means you will have severely reduced vision radius in indoor maps. You are also not immune to chaos damage, and so will have to stack chaos resistance otherwise you will eventually die from -60% chaos res. There are some map mods that simply cannot be played- mainly blood magic maps, 50% slower and no regen maps, and -max player resistance maps. Another drawback that is shared between this build and CI is being very vulnerable to cold damage and the chills/freezes that accompany it, as chill and freeze duration is based upon your pitiful max hp. The most significant drawback of the build however is that it is simply not an easy build to accomplish. The interaction between Righteous Fire/Zealot’s oath and your health/ES means careful balancing of your resists, hp, hp regen passives, and ES and requires you to meet a threshold ES pool size to pull off. The core pieces of the build (Zealot’s Oath + Ghost Reaver + Elemental adaption + Pain Attunement) requires you to take passives from four different character’s passive areas; and the build requires all the pieces of the puzzle to fit together in order to work. This means that this build basically doesn’t do anything until the end of Cruel difficulty, meaning some people may struggle with levelling until you get to that point. The gear requirements are also very prohibitive; the Shavronne’s Wrappings unique that is absolutely required for the build is extremely expensive at the moment. However, once you do manage to collect all the pieces you are rewarded with a character that can faceroll through anything. My character’s stats:
![]() ![]() Passive build:
Current Passives (Lvl 78) http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAnEC_gQHBLMFWwx9EH8RLxa_HNwdFB8CJ-0pTy0fLUcy0TbFOtg74ULDQ2NFR0bXRwZMs03YUEJY9VnzXcZd8l76X2pgbWZPZp5nvW0ZcFJw1XFNe9d_xoFJgW-Cm4fbiEKLjIw2jHaOZI9Gj_qZmprPm6GdgJ3Enjyio6cIpyusqrI4tQS297b6tzG4k8AawcXB88Lsw23GntDQ2CTb593z34Thc-L35CLrY-wY7DjtIO5v8h3z3fPq96b3wfrS_Ks=
Endgame Passives (Lvl 89) http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAnEC_gQHBLMFWwx9EHsQfxEvFr8XVBzcHRQfAiKBJ-0pTysKLR8tRzLRNsU62DvhQsNDY0VHRtdHBkyzTdhQQlj1WfNdxl3yXvpfamBtZk9mnme9bRlwUnDVcU1713_GgUmBb4Kbh9uIQot6i4yMNox2jjyOZI9Gj_qZmprPm6GdgJ3Enjyio6cIpyusqrI4tMW1BLb3tvq3MbiTvjrAGsEAwcXB88Lsw23GntDQ2CTbGtvn3fPfhOFz4vfkIutj7BjsOO0g7m_yHfPd8-r1S_em98H60vyr New Whispers of Doom Dual curse variant: This build I think would be even stronger since having Frostbite + elemental weakness is a huge damage boost, especially against resistant mobs. Once I can afford the 30 regrets or something I will need I may switch to this
Lvl 79 http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAP0CcQSzBVsMfQ5IEH8RLxGWFLAXUB0UJ-0pTzLROVI6MDrYO-FCw0NjRUdG10cGTC1N2E5tWAdY9VnzXcZd8l76X2pgbWZPZp5nvW0ZcFJw1XFNe9eBSYFvgh6Cm4hCiGuLjIx2jmSPRo_6mZqaz5uhnYCdo53EnjynCKcrrJisqrI4tQS297b6tzG4k7w3wBrAUcHFwfPDbcae0NDb593z34Thc-L344TkIutj7BjsOO0g7m_yHfPd96b3wffX-tL8qw==
Endgame Lvl 89-90http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAP0CcQSzBVsMfQ5IEHsQfxEvEZYUsBdQF1QdFCKBJ-0pTysKMtE5UjowOtg74ULDQ2NFR0bXRwZMLU3YTm1YB1j1WfNdxl3yXvpfamBtZk9mnme9bRlwUnDVcU1714FJgW-CHoKbiEKIa4uMjHaOPI5kj0aP-pmams-boZ2AnaOdxJ48pwinK6yYrKqyOLTFtQS297b6tzG4k7w3vjrAGsBRwQDBxcHzwuzDbcae0NDbGtvn3fPfhOFz4vfjhOQi62PsGOw47SDub_Id8931S_em98H31_rS_Ks= All-out tanky endgame variant (lvl 89): grab literally almost every ES passive on tree Notable passives and passive choice explanation:
*Zealots Oath: Life regeneration applies to energy shield instead of life. For %Max Life regeneration bonuses such as that from Vitality, you instead regenerate %Max Energy shield. This is used to counter the constant damage dealt by Righteous fire. We take 1% life regeneration from passives and add another 1.8-1.9% from Inner Forced Vitality.
*Ghost reaver: Life Leech applies to energy shield instead of Life- Since our energy shield pool IS our life pool and we cannot regenerate ES while Righteous Fire is on, we ghost reaver to leech life during combat. Because of our massive damage, the life leech is easily maxed (at 20% per second) and it provides us with very good tankability via leeching. *Elemental adaptation: +5% to all maximum elemental resistances. This increases our max fire resistance and thus significantly reduces the amount of damage Righteous Fire does to us. It is also one of the best survivability passives in the game. *Inner force cluster: 30% increased effect of buffs on you. This is probably THE best passive cluster in the game (well now that Imbued shield is introduced that is easily the best passive in the game). This passive is very important to us. It buffs all aura effects on us, and we are running 6 auras so that is a no brainer. More importantly, it increases the effect of Righteous Fire on us. This includes increasing the burn damage- we now burn for 130% of our max life per second (which sucks but not that big a deal), as well as increasing the MORE spell damage modifier. This means that instead of 81-87% More spell damage from Righteous fire, we now receive a bonus of 105-115% More spell damage. *Pain attunement: 30% More spell damage on low life: Also another huge More spell damage buff. Other important passive choices: *Static blows: We will be using added lightning damage with our Freezing pulse, and static blows is taken in order to apply shocks to enemies for an additional damage boost. I will eventually have a section with more in-depth analysis of Shock in this build. *1% Life regenerated per second: This tiny extra %Max Life regeneration node is required in order to fully counter Righteous Fire’s burn. *Grabbing hybrid armor/es and evasion/es nodes instead of raw es nodes: These node clusters in the templar/shadow trees are stronger than the raw es clusters in the middle of the map due to Body and Soul/Nullifcation even if some may be a little out of the way. More importantly, the +armor and +evasion bonuses are actually very helpful because we will be relying on inner force boosted granite flasks and Grace auras for armor and evasion to help with our survivability. *Critical strike vs critical multiplier: I chose to focus on critical stike nodes initially even if multiplier nodes might give more raw dps because I felt it was more important to have more frequent freezes for survivability than more spiky dps. Furthermore, the fact we are using Added lightning damage and shocks means that there is already an inherent pseudo-crit multiplier since every crit will apply 3 shock stacks on a target (if the lightning damage rolls high enough). *Mana/mana regeneration nodes: I didn’t get very many of these because there weren’t many easily reachable good mana nodes that seemed worth the skill points. 7% Reduced mana is really good, but for your other needs you likely will have to rely on +mana regeneration from your gear (e.g. rings, shield, wand). Righteous Fire Endgame Math:
Righteous Fire base gem deals 100% of your max life to you per second as fire damage. With inner force this gets buffed by 30% to deal 130% of your max life per second. This damage is reduced by your fire resistance, which will be 83% as a result of elemental adaptation+purity (technically at lvl 20 purity you get 85% resistance but it takes forever to get there).
A lvl 75 or so character with my build with Eye of Chayula and NO substantial +Life on his gear will have around 500 hp. That means righteous fire will deal: 500 * 1.3 * 0.17 = 110.5 damage dealt per second. Since we have 1% life regeneration from passives and ~1.8% from inner forced Vitality. With Zealot’s Oath this means we regenerate 2.8-2.9% of our max energy shield per second. The amount of energy shield you need in order to outheal righteous fire is thus: 110.5 dps / (0.028% es per second) = 3946.43 So we need 4k energy shield (with discipline) to completely outheal righteous fire with this build. This is the point at which you can switch from using a Springleaf shield into a spirit shield. Damage boost math: Righteous Fire and pain attunement are both MORE spell damage modifiers, meaning they are applied multiplicatively after all other damage calculations are done. Different More spell damage modifiers are also multiplied individually. At lvl 20 Righteous fire adds 87% more spell damage. With inner force this gets increased to 113% more spell damage. Pain attunement is 30% more spell damage always. Your buffed dps is then: Current dps * (1+113%) * (1+30%) = DPS * (2.13) * (1.3) = 2.77 X DPS Skills:
Main spell: Freezing pulse (quality) + Lesser Multiple Projectiles + Faster casting + Life leech + 5L(Added lightning damage) + 6L(Cold penetration/Mana leech/Added cold damage). Quality is essential on freezing pulse because projectile speed increases both range and damage of FP. Added lightning damage will be explained in the shock stacking analysis section. LMP is taken because it’s amazing with Freezing pulse; I chose this over GMP because GMP both increases mana cost too much and the further reduced lightning damage will make it too difficult to get shocks, meaning that GMP may actually decrease your effective DPS.
Totem: Ice Spear + LMP + Faster casting + Spell totem: Your standard freezing totem. Actually does pretty significant damage in this build and can kill many mobs by itself. Purity + Vitality + Haste + Reduced mana: Your first set of auras. These three 40% auras are used in combination with Blood Magic from the Covenant Robe in order to have them all reserve life. This reserves about 85-90% of your life, putting you into the low life (below 35% max hp) state. Purity increases your max resistance even further provides a bonus to all resistances; Vitality grants you a respectable %max life regen boost. Both of these are required in order to maintain Righteous fire. Haste is just a useful aura to run; a substantial move speed and cast speed boost when amplified by inner force. Discipline + Grace + Clarity + Reduced mana: Your second set of auras. These are fixed mana cost auras that will be run using your mana (so take off Covenant robe after casting the first 3 auras, and then cast these three). Discipline provides a huge ES boost of about 1k. Grace provides a moderate amount of evasion that will let you reach 20-30% dodge after taking the nullification clusters, which isn’t amazing but still overall a big survivability boost that is multiplicative with shield block chance and armor damage reduction. Clarity is used to help with mana problems. Righteous fire (no linked support): Sticking Righteous fire in a weapon/shield with +2 Fire gems level is actually a huge bonus since every +1 level adds about 4% More spell damage (with Inner force). Remember this More spell damage is a multiplicative modifier. Frostbite: This is your main curse and absolutely essential. Reduces resistance to help you deal with cold resistant mobs, but also importantly provides a large chance to freeze with every cold damage hit. Combined with high crit you end up nearly permafreezing certain mobs. Summon skeletons + minion life/faster casting: Sometimes it’s useful just to have some skeletons to tank for you or distract mobs. Particularly useful when dealing with beefy map bosses that can do ridiculous amounts of physical single target damage. Molten shell+increased duration, Enduring cry: Just useful to have to improve survivability. Elemental weakness: A good second curse if grabbing Whispers of Doom for even more damage. Added lightning damage and shock analysis:
Work in progress, more to come. My shock stacking profile with current stats is:
![]() Gear:
Weapon: Redbeak unique sword. These give a huge 100% damage boost on low life for really cheap on low life. Eventually endgame this will want to be replaced by a better wand; your standard ideal stats apply (in order of importance: high spell damage, crit multiplier, critical strike, casting speed, +2 fire gem level, mana regeneration)
Shield: Springleaf unique shield- Gives huge 6% hp regen on low life. This is used mostly during leveling and allows you to start using RF earlier when you don’t have 4k es yet. Once you reach around 3.5k es you can switch this into a Spirit shield. Stat priority: High energy shield, spell damage/spell crit chance, mana regeneration, chaos resistance, elemental resistances Chest: There is only one option here: Shavronne’s wrappings . Without this chest you will get immediately oneshot by chaos damage. If you stack hp and chaos resist you can survive a few hits, but it is still a huge hassle. I played this build for a month before Shavronne was released, and deal with chaos damage was extremely frustrating. Don’t put yourself through that. Boots: Wondertrap- 100% increased rarity. One of the main reasons I wanted to make a low life build in the first place. Amulet: Eye of Chayula. This is another required unique for this build. Without it you will simply die. Stuns are based upon what percentage of your max hp is dealt in damage, and with this build you will be at a very low max hp, meaning basically everything will stun you without this amulet. There’s also a nifty bonus since the 20% reduced hp actually benefits us because it reduces RF’s damage. Ring: Dream Fragments: good ring as it solves a lot of mana problems and prevents you from being frozen, which is the main vulnerability of this build. However, at its several exalted price tag I do not feel it is necessary; you can instead use a sapphire flask and get 96-98% cold resistance with inner force/purity/elemental adaptation. You won’t get frozen very much when you are taking only 2% cold damage. Other: The Covenant unique robe. This chest gives you blood magic without an increased cost multiplier, which allows you to run three 40% auras reserved with your life. Put this chest on, cast Vitality+Purity+Haste, and then leave it in your stash and cast the rest of your auras. Rest of slots you can just use rares: Stats in order of importance are: High energy shield, enough elemental resistances to max your resists, chaos resistance at least enough to become positive, and +Dex/+Strength in order to use your Vitality/Grace/Haste gems. Leveling guide:
Stage 1: The suck it up stage, Lvl 1 to Lvl ~40-50ish .
Playiing in this phase will essentially be the same as playing any other standard caster templar, except this build sucks at this point. You basically get little support from the passive tree- a large fraction of your skill points will be stats as you attempt to make skillgrimages all over the tree. You can choose to take some HP nodes that you will respec out of as soon as you convert to righteous fire. Thankfully this part of the game is relatively easy and having a suboptimal skill tree shouldn't prevent you from progressing. As for abilities, just going immediately into Freezing pulse+LMP and Ice spear totems are good. Make sure to level up Purity, Vitality, Reduced mana x2, life leech and blood magic with you as you will want to use them levelled asap when you make the transition. Stage 2: Initial Righteous Fire/Low life conversion, ~lvl 45+ Once you reach around Act 2/Act 3 cruel you can convert your build into Righteous Fire/Low Life. There are several things you will need: Passives: You must take all the core passives of the build before you can switch. This means Zealot's Oath, Elemental Adaptation, Life regen, Ghost reaver, and pain Attunement- Inner force is also helpful. Your passive tree thus should look something like this: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAnEEBwSzBVsMfRB_HRQfAiftKU8tHzLRNsU62DvhRUdG10cGTLNN2FnzXcZfamaebRl714Fvgh6Cm4hCi4yMdo9Gj_qePKcIpyusqrUEuJPAGsHFwfPDbcae2CTb5-Fz4vfkIuwY7DjtIPId8933wfrS Gear: Redbeak, Springleaf, and Eye of Chayula are essential for this transition. If you are not going freezing pulse and instead using a safer skill like Dual totems or spark then it is okay to switch without having Eye of Chayula. Just know that you must eventually pick it up. Energy shield: There is a minimum energy shield requirement for this transition. In order to counteract RF at this point, where you have about 81% fire resist since purity is still low level, you must have at least: (0.19*MAXHP/sec)*(1.3 from inner force)/(.07 regen per second from Springleaf+passive) = 3.5 * MAXHP So your energy shield after Discipline must be at least 3.5x your max hp. Once it is and you feel like you can survive with just your ES pool, then you can switch an aura to blood magic(or two to covenant), equip Redbeak and Springleaf, go on low life, turn on Righteous Fire, and profit from the massive damage boost. From this point on, you will crush non-chaos mobs, but still die extremely easily to chaos so I would recommend using totem + summons or playing in parties to progress through those areas. Stage 3: Endgame lvl 62+; gear switches Lvl 62 is when you can finally equip Shavronne's wrappings and finally become immune to chaos 1-2 shots. This is also when you can finally start taking passives in entirely energy shield/damage/crit. The next big point is when you can switch out Springleaf for an ES shield. Springleaf's regen is nice, but once it is no longer needed to maintain righteous fire the extra ES and affixes on a real high level shield are too good to pass on. In order to achieve this your energy shield needs to be high enough so that Vitality and the 1% regen passive is enough. As calculated in the earlier math section, this threshold value is around 3.8k-4k ES (including that gained from your shield). Actual thresholds vary depending on your hp values and any flat +life regen from your gear. My character’s gear:
IGN: Argonaute or Argohuskar Last edited by argonaute#5163 on Mar 15, 2013, 12:17:11 AM
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Just spent my entire fortune to pick up , will update and hopefully get a video up once it's up and running again
IGN: Argonaute or Argohuskar
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Looks very interesting, how did you level through to merciless? Was it hard at all? Did you use RF at the very beginning?
ign: ClamSlammers
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haha the first build I ever came up with on my own was a pain attunement / redbeak RF build. It's been slow because I've been trying different iterations of the build and they each have their issues getting to a high enough lvl to use rf. I've kept the build in the back of my mind but as soon as I saw the new shavronnes I knew I had to get back to it. Let me know how it works out, I'm only ~lvl 60 and my gear isn't nearly good enough to use RF yet but i'm working on it.
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Oh, you cheeky bastard... You beat me to it.
Well, not quite. I'm running a build that's quite similar to yours, but I've tweaked mine extensively. For single targets, I utilize a Firestorm socketed with Faster Casting, Culling Strike, and Increased Duration inside a Rime Gaze. (If you do the math, the tooltip DPS is way off. It's absolutely ridiculous.) It synergizes nicely with minion targeting for easy use. Hover over the baddie and hold down the button until shit goes down or it keels over. What I like most about the passive build you can run with it is how malleable it is for leveling purposes. Early on, you have easy access to all sorts of HP nodes for survivability. By the time you reach the gear level where you need to pick up your more exotic keystones, you have enough respec points to remove them and put them where you need them. MESSAGE TO ANY MATHCRAFTERS WHO FIND THIS POST: Inner Force multiplies both the More Spell Damage and 100% Life as Burn Damage per second portions of Righteous Fire. |
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I actually have a question about that, if you take in to consideration the buffs from discipline purity and vitality does the inner force circle have a net increase or decrease on the damage you take from rf? I could prob do the math later but I was curious to know if anyone knew off the top of their heads. There are other things to consider but that information might be important when deciding when exactly to take the circle points.
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" Levelling is a little difficult- you cannot use RF until you have all the pieces of the puzzle together (zealots oath, elemental adaption, springleaf, ghost reaver, and ~1.2k+ es) which for me happened around the beginning of cruel act 3. I also made liberal use of respec points both for levelling and trying to test things out. Chaos damage is a huge problem until you get shavronne's or high chaos resist, so I spent most of my levelling time in chaos-free areas like ledge, fellshrine, docks. If you play with parties though levelling is still pretty easy. " Haha I'm sure there's a lot of people like us out there- I started working on this character over a month ago and at the time there wasn't any proper guides I could find. Invalesco also used firestorm+Rime gaze and I do want to give it a try when I pick up rime gaze but my gem slots are pretty full right now and I probably might not want to trade my spear totem or minions for firestorm when my single target dps is already pretty substantial. but the fact that you can do it ranged instead of meelee FP can be helpful too. " It depends on your current stats but for me it seems like it doesn't matter, and IF may actually decrease the damage. I have around 550hp, without IF I take 0.17*550= 93.5, with it is 121.6. Without IF, the es threshold you need is 93.5/0.0245(life regen)= 3816. With IF, the es threshold you need is 121.6/.029= ~4200es. So its about the same, which means at lvl 20 purity the extra 1% max resists means that you are actually more survivable with inner force. Regardless, the massive bonuses from IF to your spell damage, your resistances, your es pool, quicksilver/granite flasks, etc. are just way too good to skip. IGN: Argonaute or Argohuskar
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I take it after you got the unique armour you respecced out of all life passive nodes and into es nodes?
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" yes I respeced out of all the life nodes; I had originally ventured down into the marauder area to grab golem's blood for more regen to allow for more hp. While more hp is useful (lets you perhaps run one more aura off blood, also decreases your frozen/chilled chance), it just isn't as worthwhile a passive investment. IGN: Argonaute or Argohuskar
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would weapon elemental damage benefit the damage on this build? Thinking about transitioning to this but I already have quite a few points into things like catalyse. Also notice 70 percent critical strike multiplier thats up for grabs that would effect spells as well right?
Last edited by desolater543#2660 on Mar 12, 2013, 6:31:12 AM
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