
Im using it with gmp and echo and fast cast and the spell is very strong for sure but I think its just about where it should be. It doesnt scale with crit, to make it shock you need three dragons and atleast 4 points spent for 15% shock and even then it wont last long im guessing cause of low overall damage.

You have to stand still, the range is not the greatest, and to top it all off like someone else said there are several other builds much much stronger. It seems like a good leveling or first character gem. In a good place I think.

Would love to know if anyone is using three dragons with this though. I have one but dont want to invest 4 points into shock chance if it isnt worth it now!
Just want to reiterate how much I like this skill and think it's one of the best scaling and most reliable spells available. I wanna kiss it on the lips.

Tschesae wrote:
So does anyone have any numbers about how much cast speed we need in order to proceed casting with max stacks after getting stunned? Someone mentioned it being possible and it would greatly influence how to plan the passive tree with regards to practical application, hearth of oak and unwavering stance.

Also am I right to assume its basically impossible to consistently shock with incinerate even using the Three Dragons unique because dealing upwards of 0.5% of max monster hp damage in one hit becomes impossible at least against tanky rares and unique bosses in higher level maps especially considering party scaling?

I'm able to do it with 11 casts a second. A long duration stun or getting chainstunned still sucks though, which is why practical application is so nice to have. As for three dragons shocks I think that's a bit of a fools errand. It's a nice idea but not suited to a low damage, high speed spell. Especially now that shocks do not stack. If you want to shock, use a different skill or a thunderfist.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
3 dragons is interesting but personally Id miss having a good rare in that slot too much. so with out it and say with;
quality added cold,
herald of ice,
5% freeze from tree
28% cold,
60% spell,
60% elemental,
and 16% spell elemental

do you think Id get freeze status hits on anything but trash mobs?

how would that compare to;
and same stats but with 5% shock q added lightning and 28% lightning dps?

of the 2 Id prefere freeze if possible as Id be losing about 250 life from my gloves and would have to make up 20 dex I need for lvl20 haste (not easy as I already have dex on rings and use a unique ammy)

the status duration isnt important as long as its over the threshold of 300ms as I have over 11cps and even and it will be reapplied PDQ.

On a side note I often find Im blasting something with 4stacks and doing no dps but if I take my finger of a sec and reapply it works, is this desync or some other problem? I remember reading about other people having the same prob but cant find the post now.
LtTrog wrote:
3 dragons is interesting but personally Id miss having a good rare in that slot too much. so with out it and say with;
quality added cold,
herald of ice,
5% freeze from tree
28% cold,
60% spell,
60% elemental,
and 16% spell elemental

do you think Id get freeze status hits on anything but trash mobs?

how would that compare to;
and same stats but with 5% shock q added lightning and 28% lightning dps?

of the 2 Id prefere freeze if possible as Id be losing about 250 life from my gloves and would have to make up 20 dex I need for lvl20 haste (not easy as I already have dex on rings and use a unique ammy)

the status duration isnt important as long as its over the threshold of 300ms as I have over 11cps and even and it will be reapplied PDQ.

You'd get very, very few freezes against rares/bosses, though a lot against whites/magics. You'd definitely be chilling though. Incinerate is all about the damage effectiveness of added damage, you're casting too fast with too low damage to get past the threshold. The high DE and global more multiplier per stack is what makes incinerate strong with added damage, actually applying statuses is rare. This is why added chaos is so perfect, on top of the highest base added damage and no need for penetration/curses.

LtTrog wrote:
On a side note I often find Im blasting something with 4stacks and doing no dps but if I take my finger of a sec and reapply it works, is this desync or some other problem? I remember reading about other people having the same prob but cant find the post now.

Desync. You're not the one that's desync'd, the enemy is. It's appearing on your client as though it's in your face and being blasted by 100000 fireballs, but on the server it's actually a room away. You can also have the same issue come up with doorways, where the graphic will look like your spell is going through the door but on the server you're actually hitting a wall. It's all desync.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Last edited by Wooser69#4318 on Sep 26, 2014, 8:34:43 AM
thanks for the info, once I have everything done on my build gg gear 6l and all q gems ill probably give it a try chill in its self would be more useful as a kind of ghetto temp chains than shocking whites and blues. I do currently ignite a lot of things but the low damage of the proc makes it kinda useless.
When I press "C" and watch my incinerate DPS, is it shown for the first stage, or the last one?
I really like this awesome game and waiting to be added to CBT but beta inviter made me a little bit sad (everything on the picture xDD)
1st, also for only 1 projectile as far as I know. so for example a tool tip of 5k dps with lmp would actually be 5x4x3 so 60k if you shot gun with all three projectiles after ramp up to 4th stage
re my earlier questions about shock/freeze do things like ele weakness make status aliments easier by increasing the base hit and there for duration or are resists calculated after?
Resists do effect the chance to apply effects, they're not applied after.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
Well, not the chance technically, just the duration of Chill/Freeze/Shock.

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