" Iv always loved incinerate because the way it scales without investing any spell damage nodes. However what u said is true , the skill has many issues that greatly reduce its effectivity... This is my character and even after getting to this point i still frustrated by the issues my friend exile listed in his post. ![]() |
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while i understand the above complaints about incinerate,
i believe these drawback are 100%justified. why? the damage of this skill is very high even with minimal passive investment. possibly on the overpowered side. it ALSO has multiple defensive utility aspects, like linked with blind or knockback. |
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" You must be joking... I had it up to 2300 ish tooltip with GMP, that's 6.9k DPS on a ranged target and 34.5k shotgun in melee range. My spectral throw now does almost 80k with LMP, the CoC build of the week has a potential damage output in the millions... For all of incinerates downsides when it comes to ramp up time and lack of crit it has a exceptionally low DPS at end game. Late edit: Also knockback is counter productive to incinerate as you want to shotgun with it... In game contact @MajorAsshole Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27 Last edited by Redblade#3843 on Jun 4, 2014, 5:32:34 AM
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" So without LMP, you'd be hitting for 114k then? Note that ST can only hit once every 0.3 seconds per separate Attack. It does not shotgun. |
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" Something along those lines (in my farming gear atm using Prism Guarian and no empower so can't check without hassle). An no I'm not applying any shotgun dps to it, just the tooltip. The reason I decided to switch builds was that I tried über and could not get past the generals as the adds wouldn't die hence no flask charges. So to have some one claim that it's OP due to high DPS is kinda sad. In game contact @MajorAsshole Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27 Last edited by Redblade#3843 on Jun 3, 2014, 7:09:51 PM
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Really confused with how the ramp time works.
poe wiki says, "simply multiplying the cast speed by 12 (4 shots * 3 repetitions) and dividing by 10 gives the approximate amount of time in seconds, barring any stuns or freezes, that it will take the spell to reach maximum damage output." Not understanding the meaning of "dividing by 10". And if the above function is true, does that mean if I have a cast time of 0.1 sec, than I can get to full ramp with 0.12sec ? (something seem to be wrong here....) or perhaps poe wiki was wrong with incinerate...... |
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maybe its because i just woke up, but yeah it should be reworded.
the problem is casting speed is different from casting time. default casting time is 0.24 seconds. translates to 4 and 1/6th's shots per second as cast speed. using the now straight through comment on the wiki, it'll take 5 seconds to reach full damage threshold, which feels about right. but trying to apply increased cast speed of 40% increased, doesn't seem to work out well. new result is 5 and 5/6 shots a second which the wiki's comment states that it'll then take 7 seconds to reach full damage, which does NOT make sense. |
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Just to make the question simple.
How long will it take to reach full damage with incinerate if I have a cast time of 0.1 second? And what's the function between cast time and the time to reach full damage? Thanks a lot! |
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Cast time 0.1 seconds = 10 casts per second
You need 12 casts to reach the fourth stage, so that would be 1.2 seconds. Sorry Exile, but your loot is in another dungeon!
IGN: Delirii |
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Spell echo is a gigantic buff to this skill. I now cast so fast that I can be stunned and cast again before I lose my stacks with no block/stun recovery. Alongside CWDT lightning warp this means going very, very long bouts where I never lose stacks, or even need to do anything other than turn around my flamethrower.
If this skill is in need of a buff at all then having the stacks drop one at a time over a longer period of time would be good. But for now I'm very happy. IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
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