9.7 Auradin-Summoner [Dual-curse Templar Build]

Okay, just to clear up some confusion:

Mana cost mutlipliers: Are what support gems have (and you guys can see them now). These apply to both flat and percentage costs.

Mana cost increase/reduction: From passives, and gear mods. Apply only to flat costs.

Mana percentage cost increase reduction: From passives, and theoretically gear but I don't think that stat is available no gear at all yet. Apply only to percentage costs.

Basically, everything other than support gems has been split into two versions, one for flat costs and one for percentage costs. This is because if they affected both we'd have to balance them around the effect on percentage costs, thus making them not nearly as good with flat costs.
Mark_GGG wrote:
Okay, just to clear up some confusion:

Mana cost mutlipliers: Are what support gems have (and you guys can see them now). These apply to both flat and percentage costs.

Mana cost increase/reduction: From passives, and gear mods. Apply only to flat costs.

Mana percentage cost increase reduction: From passives, and theoretically gear but I don't think that stat is available no gear at all yet. Apply only to percentage costs.

Basically, everything other than support gems has been split into two versions, one for flat costs and one for percentage costs. This is because if they affected both we'd have to balance them around the effect on percentage costs, thus making them not nearly as good with flat costs.

Thx for the clarification, Mark! Im not sure, though, that i've encountered a flat mana reduction on passives/equipment/gems (like -10 mana to whatever u cast - flat amount). Did i get something wrong?
Concerning auras, if i understood correctly, the % reduced mana cost from passives/gems will reduce those auras that reserve % mana, as well as extra % cost from support gems for the flat-mana auras. Is that so?
strldr1 wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Okay, just to clear up some confusion:

Mana cost mutlipliers: Are what support gems have (and you guys can see them now). These apply to both flat and percentage costs.

Mana cost increase/reduction: From passives, and gear mods. Apply only to flat costs.

Mana percentage cost increase reduction: From passives, and theoretically gear but I don't think that stat is available no gear at all yet. Apply only to percentage costs.

Basically, everything other than support gems has been split into two versions, one for flat costs and one for percentage costs. This is because if they affected both we'd have to balance them around the effect on percentage costs, thus making them not nearly as good with flat costs.

Thx for the clarification, Mark! Im not sure, though, that i've encountered a flat mana reduction on passives/equipment/gems (like -10 mana to whatever u cast - flat amount). Did i get something wrong?
Concerning auras, if i understood correctly, the % reduced mana cost from passives/gems will reduce those auras that reserve % mana, as well as extra % cost from support gems for the flat-mana auras. Is that so?

No. Support gems have mana cost multipliers which apply to both. those are the only things which do.

Passives & gear which have increased/reduced mana cost will NOT affect percentage reservations skills, only those with flat costs - like normal skills, or the reservation skills that don't use a percentage, but a flat amount.

There are other passives for "reduced Mana percentage Reserved" - these are the only ones which apply to percentage reservations skills.
Awesome! Thx alot! Got it now.
I would also assume that the passive skill " % increased effect of buffs" (the one right next to templar) would apply to the "buffs" portion of auras (ie not damage). Correct?

EDIT:Adding a variation of my original build:
Still 74 points.
- Another 15% reduced mana cost for flat-mana auras (as well as regular skills)
- Extra 40 DEX for easier support of DEX-based aura gems
- Loses minion instability
- Loses necromantic aegis
- Loses 30% increased aura radius
(The top 2 of the above can be re-added for 4 skill points, 2pt each, going to total 78 points)

Last edited by strldr1#4032 on Mar 19, 2012, 9:28:07 PM
I highly suggest using blood magic support gems with your actual spells (curses) so you can maximize the usage of auras.
PM me in forums if you need any help!
Malice's Newbie FaQ: http://tinyurl.com/72wrafn
Sarganym wrote:
I highly suggest using blood magic support gems with your actual spells (curses) so you can maximize the usage of auras.

Indeed, this might be a great idea (thx Sarganym!). since the cost should be affected by all mana reduction stuff, u wont lose too much health.

A quick note on auras. Its actually impossible to get all the % reserved auras at the same time, as of current patch, since there is simply not enough reduction possibilities (from maxed mana cost reduction support gem: about 20-25%,from skill tree: 20% total max (this build uses 10%, the other nodes are quite far away), both gem and passive should apply multiplicatively).

EDIT: Actually it might be possible,if casting some % mana reserve with blood magic support gem, but that might just kill ur HP.

After some research i found these mana % auras to be optimal for this build:
- Hatred (extra cold dmg,as % of physical), reserves 30% of mana
- Haste (fater attack speed/cast speed), reserves 40% of mana
- *** Adding another 40 % reserve aura is actually possible, with the expected leftover mana to be around 20-28%. Only defensive choices here, so best candidates are Vitality (% life regen) and Determination (% armor). The leftovers optimally should suffice to maintain the 4 flat-amount auras. Curses and resummoning might be still done by augmenting with blood magic support gem.
- *** Should the mana be insufficient for the above, one could just drop the third % reserve aura, then maintain 4 flat-mana reserve auras (Anger, Wrath, Discipline, Grace), it should be possible with moderate +mana/cost_reduction gear. Cursing/resummoning can be performed using blood magic support gem, as suggested by Sarganym.

EDIT: edited some numeric values
Last edited by strldr1#4032 on Mar 20, 2012, 11:16:04 PM
Also it's worth noting that blood magic is quite a bit less scary that it seems, especially if you're rolling a minion build like this as you literally have a "meat swarm" to tank for you. A nice health regen mod on any item would likely sustain you perfectly, and you'd not need mana potions anymore so you'd have additional slots for Diamond/Crit flasks as well as more health potions.

Also there are some flasks that affect your minions which would be ideal with this build, I can't view your skill tree from here but I would hope you got necromantic aegis as well.

That's all I really have, if you can link all of your curses on a big item like a shield or a chest piece to a blood magic gem and place your minion spawning gems alongside a blood magic gem you should be able to get quite a bit out of just 2-3 blood mage gems (could probably cover all your bases with two depending on how you minmax, leaving auras to slot into your boots/gloves)

Sounds fun, someone told me last night you could have only 1 aura, but as I've seen GGG post in this forum positively I'm pretty sure they were either confused or meant that manawise it'd be insane to run more.
PM me in forums if you need any help!
Malice's Newbie FaQ: http://tinyurl.com/72wrafn
strldr1 wrote:

A quick note on auras. Its actually impossible to get all the % reserved auras at the same time, as of current patch, since there is simply not enough reduction possibilities (from skill tree: only multiplicative 20% total max, this build uses 10%, the other nodes are quite far away). After some research i found these mana % auras to be optimal for this build:
- Hatred (extra cold dmg,as % of physical), reserves 30% of mana
- Haste (fater attack speed/cast speed), reserves 40% of mana
- *** Adding another 40 % reserve aura is actually possible but it will leave u with 1% of mana left, leaving no room for other auras and leaving u practically with no mana for all the other things (cursing,resummoning). Curses and resummoning might be still done by augmenting with blood magic support gem.
- *** Instead of taking third % reserve aura, i believe its better to use the rest of 37% mana left for the 4 flat-mana reserve auras (Anger, Wrath, Discipline, Grace), it should be possible with enough +mana/cost_reduction gear. Cursing/resummoning can be performed using blood magic support gem, as suggested by Sarganym.

Chris has already said that reduced mana cost support gems work with percentage aura, so wouldnt a 40% aura got reduced to 30%, a 30% down to 17.5% ? (lvl 16 reduced mana cost with 0.75 multiplier, not counting passive on the tree)

So you can get 3 percentage aura up on mana, 3 percentage aura up on health (with blood magic support). It is actually possible to get all 9 auras up.
Unviable build tester.
Fuse mechanics:
95% Crit Build Without Charges [0.10.1c]:
Last edited by Progammer#5080 on Mar 20, 2012, 5:55:54 PM
Sarganym wrote:
Also it's worth noting that blood magic is quite a bit less scary that it seems, especially if you're rolling a minion build like this as you literally have a "meat swarm" to tank for you. A nice health regen mod on any item would likely sustain you perfectly, and you'd not need mana potions anymore so you'd have additional slots for Diamond/Crit flasks as well as more health potions.

Also there are some flasks that affect your minions which would be ideal with this build, I can't view your skill tree from here but I would hope you got necromantic aegis as well.

That's all I really have, if you can link all of your curses on a big item like a shield or a chest piece to a blood magic gem and place your minion spawning gems alongside a blood magic gem you should be able to get quite a bit out of just 2-3 blood mage gems (could probably cover all your bases with two depending on how you minmax, leaving auras to slot into your boots/gloves)

Sounds fun, someone told me last night you could have only 1 aura, but as I've seen GGG post in this forum positively I'm pretty sure they were either confused or meant that manawise it'd be insane to run more.

Necro aegis is included the front page build, though i have posted a variation without it, in favor of more mana reduction and +40 DEX (see a few posts above) - u can add it for 2 more points, so its no biggie.

The 2 main curses will be physical and elemental debuff ones, or as a more defensive alternative, physical and slow debuff (dont recall the exact names of the curses, but u get the point). Those should fit ok on 4-linked-sockets item: 2 curse gems, 1 mana cost reduction support, 1 blood magic support.

Each minion gem should be linked with minion life, minion damage supports, as well as blood magic. So ideally (if one can get EXTREMELY LUCKY or EXTREMELY RICH) u can have 6-linked item with each summon skill and the 3 supports above.

Lastly, its confirmed, u can have more than 1 auro simultaneously.

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