Why do people get vaccines? Don't they research the ingredients?

Yeah but they are worried about aluminum in vaccines; maybe they think it will soak into their brain from the hat!
Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on Nov 19, 2018, 4:10:49 AM
I got the flu shot this year and the woman did a terrible job sticking the needle in, and the muscle in my arm was injured for a few months. I researched some on the internet and apparently it isn't a rare occurrence.

I'd rather risk a flu for 1-2 weeks then not be able to lift for 2+ months. Last time I get a flu shot.
Last edited by Khoranth#3239 on Nov 19, 2018, 11:46:17 AM
Khoranth wrote:
I got the flu shot this year and the woman did a terrible job sticking the needle in, and the muscle in my arm was injured for a few months. I researched some on the internet and apparently it isn't a rare occurrence.

I'd rather risk a flu for 1-2 weeks then not be able to lift for 2+ months. Last time I get a flu shot.

This isn't a case of the vaccine being bad/inefficient/dangerous though, it's just mismanagement and/or simple human mishandling. That shit happens and it's very rare, it just so happened to fall on you.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun
Dont forget to buy those hats for the upcoming 5G.. who knows, they might save your brain of what is left of it.
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
faerwin wrote:
Khoranth wrote:
I got the flu shot this year and the woman did a terrible job sticking the needle in, and the muscle in my arm was injured for a few months. I researched some on the internet and apparently it isn't a rare occurrence.

I'd rather risk a flu for 1-2 weeks then not be able to lift for 2+ months. Last time I get a flu shot.

This isn't a case of the vaccine being bad/inefficient/dangerous though, it's just mismanagement and/or simple human mishandling. That shit happens and it's very rare, it just so happened to fall on you.

Well me getting the flu is rare too, havent been extremely sick in like 20 years, I'll risk feeling bad for a week over the 10 week torture that woman put me through.
Not getting a flu shot is fine UNLESS you work with childrens or elderly people.
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun

did you try immunoglobulin shots?

source with more info: https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/210367-overview

I got it when I was around 17 years old, was ill almost every week, be it flu, cold or anything, I had it all , all the time whole childhood.

After getting those shots my state improved that I get a cold about once a year maybe. I don't guarantee causality, maybe just my body reached a point where it matured beyond how it was, maybe shots helped, maybe both, but if its that bad with your immune system its worth a shot.
Spreading salt since 2006
Last edited by Necromael#6926 on Nov 19, 2018, 6:21:51 PM
faerwin wrote:
When your choice of not vaccinating childrens is seriously dangerous for others, sorry but at that point, you shouldn't have the freedom to say no.

explain how me not vaccinating my child is seriously dangerous for yours.

you shouldn't have the freedom to say no. lol holy fuck.
people talk as though vaccines are the only medical thing that exists in the world and if you don't do it then everyone will die from all diseases that exist. its pretty ridiculous.

its actually quite tough to have civilized discussions about topics like this because of these irrational and seriously condescending responses.
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Nov 19, 2018, 8:01:56 PM
Depends on the situation, for example. Polio and Small Pox would likely still be problems if the vaccines had been completely optional. Another example, vaccines are not 100% successful. However, when almost everyone in a population gets a vaccine then it comes as close to possible to being 100% successful.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Khoranth wrote:
I got the flu shot this year and the woman did a terrible job sticking the needle in, and the muscle in my arm was injured for a few months. I researched some on the internet and apparently it isn't a rare occurrence.

I'd rather risk a flu for 1-2 weeks then not be able to lift for 2+ months. Last time I get a flu shot.

A lot of people do get sore with an injection into the muscle. The choice of muscle makes a big difference. A larger muscle (like the gluteous maximus) will absorb a shot quicker and be less painful. It used to be used more often, but people wince at getting a shot in the butt. If the person giving the shot isn't careful, they can hit nerves.

For someone who is sensitive to shots, the large thigh muscle Vastus Lateralis is the best choice, as it the largest and recovers the fastest.

Have your practitioner put a warm pack on the area before and after the shot (20 minutes) and the increased blood flow will cause the pain and soreness to subside much sooner.
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Nov 20, 2018, 12:04:04 AM

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