Why do people get vaccines? Don't they research the ingredients?

Alluminum in salt?... wait... alluminum in salt?

wait wait.. I dont get it.. ALLUMINUM IN SALT?

the hell man.. if its real then what the hell is going on...!
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
I Know all this is bullshit but there is difference between something going thru the mouth and kidney and something else being injected directly in blood stream/muscles.

Any assessment of the hazardous potential of aluminium focuses is on its effects on the nervous system and the fact that it is toxic to reproduction (effects on fertility and unborn life) as well as the effects of aluminium on bone development.

When aluminium is ingested with food, its acute toxicity is low. Only small amounts of aluminium are absorbed by the body. In healthy individuals, aluminium is excreted via the kidneys. In persons suffering from kidney disease, notably chronic renal insufficiency, this excretion process does not work well enough, however, meaning that aluminium can accumulate in the body. But even in healthy individuals, the light metal accumulates in the body in the course of a lifetime, especially in the lungs and the skeletal system.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Nov 18, 2018, 12:48:40 PM
Nizreb915 wrote:

Eat organic.

LOL Dude telling people to eat Devil's Snare. Funny thing is how stupid people like the OP would probably eat it aswell xd
Poppis52 wrote:
Nizreb915 wrote:

Eat organic.

LOL Dude telling people to eat Devil's Snare. Funny thing is how stupid people like the OP would probably eat it aswell xd

hur dur
Designer of Unending Hunger and The Craving divination card.
Head_Less wrote:
I Know all this is bullshit but there is difference between something going thru the mouth and kidney and something else being injected directly in blood stream/muscles.

The difference is in absorption rates. A medicine you take by mouth (not counting sublingual medicines like ondansetron) will usually take 20-30 minutes to start working and up to an hour to reach full potency. Because of the way the liver and kidneys metabolize different medicines, the amount needed in an oral dose is roughly ten times as much as if it were given through a vein. Given through a vein, a medicine can work in a few seconds to a few minutes.

As for Aluminum, whether it is absorbed through the muscle, given in a vein or swallowed, it is metabolized and excreted by the kidneys - as you mention below. People suffering from kidney disease (esp stage 4+) have to be wary of all sorts of foods and medicines. A low phosphate diet - such as giving up most cheeses - is usually part of such a person's health plan. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/15641-renal-diet-basics

There is also renal dosing, in which medicines are adjusted or withheld for people with kidney disease, or even a lot of people who don't have kidney disease, but whose kidneys are temporarily compromised (dehydration is a common cause of acute kidney injury).

This is something best left for someone to decide with their doctor on an individual basis.


Any assessment of the hazardous potential of aluminium focuses is on its effects on the nervous system and the fact that it is toxic to reproduction (effects on fertility and unborn life) as well as the effects of aluminium on bone development.

When aluminium is ingested with food, its acute toxicity is low. Only small amounts of aluminium are absorbed by the body. In healthy individuals, aluminium is excreted via the kidneys. In persons suffering from kidney disease, notably chronic renal insufficiency, this excretion process does not work well enough, however, meaning that aluminium can accumulate in the body. But even in healthy individuals, the light metal accumulates in the body in the course of a lifetime, especially in the lungs and the skeletal system.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
im personally against vaccines, but mostly just for super young children/infants. i think its fucking bonkers and dangerous people would dose up brand new babies.

theres a few huge talking points to the topic though. i for one do not care if people do choose to vaccinate infants (including my nieces/nephews) because i recognize it is their choice. they are the guardians and it isn't for ANYONE, especially government, to mandate any part of that decision.

as soon as people start talking as though all babies HAVE to be vaccinated or also if all babies CANNOT be vaccinated, then we have a fucking problem.
the main importance is choice. options are always great, but you specifically have to have the choice.

next big talking point is about vaccines themselves and if they are even effective. there is a bunch of proven false and doctored stuff all over the place regarding this issue, and a bunch of evidence and even stated facts suggesting most vaccines are not even effective.

there definitely needs to be unbiased research done by the individual whether they should get a vaccine or give one to their children, but they also need to know this. its a multi-billion dollar industry and these companies can easily pay and manipulate "trusted" information. its very naive to think otherwise.
and just the same, "antivaxer" (gotta love the word play and ridiculous titles) are also biased. all information is biased, its your responsibility to your child to research both sides and come to your own conclusion regardless of which that is.

in my opinion the only time you're an irresponsible parent is not which decision you make, but how you made it.
Bill Gates even hinted at vaccines being used for depopulation.
Designer of Unending Hunger and The Craving divination card.
When your choice of not vaccinating childrens is seriously dangerous for others, sorry but at that point, you shouldn't have the freedom to say no.

Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_EcQDOUN9Y
IGN: Poltun
xMustard wrote:
next big talking point is about vaccines themselves and if they are even effective.

It isn't a talking point. It is validated science. Small pox is a good example.

"One of the most devastating diseases known to man, it was responsible for the deaths of millions of people. As recently as the 1960s, around 12 million people caught this highly contagious disease and approximately two million people died every year. Symptoms include fever, headache, muscular aches and pain, a non-specific red rash on the face. The rash develops into small blisters. The pustules split, dry and scab, then the scabs fall off, leaving scars. Death can result if the virus attacks the circulatory system, bone marrow or respiratory system. The last known natural case of smallpox was in Somalia in 1977."

Vaccinations eliminated smallpox.

Maybe you'd prefer to see such a terrible disease resurface because someone had a "concern" about vaccines?

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2081910
Diseases that were supposedly eradicated are now making some appearances again which is sad. I thought I heard that they recently had a measles outbreak in Cali? When I was a kid we didn't have to worry about this shit because there were no anti vax nuts; what is with people these days?

I'm pretty much anti reg but I gotta agree that in this case it is necessary to regulate so dummies don't kill the innocent.

Are vaccines effective? What a silly question. If they were not, people would die all the time like they used to.
Last edited by kolyaboo#7295 on Nov 19, 2018, 3:51:18 AM

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