Some Bestiary Changes in Patch 3.2.1
" Eh, that I dunno, do they? if they do replace then that should be changed, if its additional drops then I see no problem (though do we really need that many tiers of nets? and shouldnt nets have their own inventory slot? Oblivious
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these are improvements? this league needs a complete overhault and not two bandaids
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GGG, listed below are some issues you need to fix. Not things that are niche and some people would like, no. I mean gamebreaking issues that ultimately result in why every league i quit the game when i hit around level 85-90.
1: "An unexpected disconnection has occured" This is really fucking annoying. What i've figured it means is, "Our game has given up on trying to load this zone so instead of just giving you a slightly longer loading screen we're just going to completely disconnect you from the game. Often i will have this issue happen about 5 times within half an hour. Its bs, and it's annoying. 2: Being wrong/Lying about patch size. On the day of the patch you said it would be 3 gigs. You realise 3 gigs and 5 gigs are not the same right? For people with fast internet this isn't as much of an issue, but for people like myself who need 2 hours to download 1 gig, its very annoying and inconvenient. 3: "Your authentication for instance transfer was invalid" and "Error: Failed to join any instances" ??? Like i don't even know what to say about this. 4: The overall stability of the game. This game is horrifically optimised. Not even joking when i say minecraft is better optimised than PoE. Ever since you removed preloads, consistently and without fail the stability of the game has got worse and worse with every patch. You haven't done anything to try fix this issue in who knows how long. Changes to burning ground, oh yay one fix that applies to one specific thing. You guys need to seriously try and do something to make this game even slightly stable, the stability of this game is why i always quit a month into each league. 5: That bug where items dont show when logging in, its just very annoying. Images: |
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No word on the nerfing of currencies drop, map and diviniation cards ..
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Imagine my surprise when I found out this doesn't count for the crafting challenge. Turns out there's a massive number of recipes -- including basic *leveling* recipes -- that I don't and can't know about without hitting up a datamine site. Why is the league this way? Who thought this was a good idea? I said in my previous comment the league was opaque. It's worse. This is pitch-black awful design: opaque *and* nondiscoverable. Y'all desperately need to hire a UX guy and put him in charge of everything presented to the player. Last edited by Futchya#4328 on Mar 13, 2018, 1:57:11 AM
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While nice to see some of those changes, this league needs a lot more than that:
1. More beasts spawning - guaranteed red beasts in each map/area 2. More meaningful crafting recipes 3. Something to spice up the league: capturing beasts should grant you their special mod for rest of the map. Player can have one yellow and one red buff. |
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resident sleeper continues - man im so glad i didnt start playing this one xD - standard ftw
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Nice update but what about a recipe for 'craft X (say AS) onto <ITEM>' if it has an open prefix or suffix slot and can the 'craft a rare item with X' recipes give a 'rare' item with just that mod and no others? i.e. iof i craft say AS on a claw I would get a rare claw of appropriate ilevel and just one mod which in this case would be AS.
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bestiary recipes are just a big joke....... would add some huge new one to bring the interest back.
by the way , 2 people in already deserted ? u realy failed this league , I have pity on you GGG ....... learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon. Last edited by xxxcobaltxxx#7702 on Mar 13, 2018, 2:24:12 AM
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Was really hoping for something to make 'new' monsters stand out more, I one shot clear my entire screen, and don't have time to see if any mobs are new nevermind the fact that even if I didn't if there is 2 new mobs in a pack of 30 its almost impossible to see, GGG please look into highlighting 'new' mobs to make them more visible.
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