Some Bestiary Changes in Patch 3.2.1
" Ain't happening. They're too invested into it by now, and I'm sure Xsolla has some kind of kickbacks enticing them to keep it that way. Best way to get around Xsolla is to buy Karma Koin cards. I dunno where you're from, but even grocery store sites (e.g. can sell them to you at cost. I use personally, but if I'd never signed up for an account there I'd probably be using Kroger. Buy cards, combine their balances into one mega card, and store the PIN somewhere safe alongside the remaining balance. I have an item in my password manager for it. Then whenever you want to buy something from GGG, drop the PIN in and you're golden.
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As for making Bestiary better...
Well, the hallmark of a good league is it being present and transparent. Breach was the most successful at this, and Abyss was very good at it too. Bestiary, on the other hand, is absent and opaque. The opaqueness of it probably cannot be fixed -- nothing you do is instantly rewarded but tied to an endless list of recipes the usability and usefulness of which you can't know without checking later. Y'all can mark that as unfixable, I think. The league's absence can be dealt with, though, by tuning the rates of things. We need less nets and more beasts. I've seen two liches and silver coin'd my way to an Inya's Epiphany but haven't been in a single legendary beast fight. I've pushed through to red maps about 90% on my own (prior leagues it'd probably be ~50%) but haven't been able to do the unique belt recipe. The spawn rate of the red beasts is awful; in any given Bestiary map, I'm more likely to encounter some kind not-Bestiary thing. It doesn't make sense. Unless something big changes, this league is gonna go down as Talisman-tier bad. The idea of it is fine. More crafting options are usually welcome -- especially if the recipes are interesting. But as a league it's just not punching the right buttons. It barely feels *there* -- it's like Standard but with a little extra fluff that doesn't seem to matter much. Last edited by Futchya#4328 on Mar 12, 2018, 11:43:03 PM
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Step in the right direction. Now increase the amount of beasts and do something about the amount of junk the rare crafts make. Maybe the higher level the beasts used the more of the lower tier rolls are eliminated from the pool.
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I hope you guys wont add this to the core game... really...
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" Used them twice, it worked very good. |
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" Speak for yourself. I want it to succeed. And partly BECAUSE it might help slow gameplay down. Since you're an old hand, I'm sure you remember the speed this game played at during the early years. Well, while I don't miss the many bugs and lack of QoL features of back then, I do kinda miss the speed. We'll probably never be able to get back to that level, but anything that gets us closer to it is still a welcome change for me. As a side note, these sorts of unintended (or maybe actually intended?) consequences are also why I loved the introduction of vaal orbs - because they created a mechanic that served to destroy quite a few legacy items, without GGG being directly blamed for it (since it was upto the players to actually choose to use it). They've diluted that somewhat now by adding corrupted divination cards, and will do so even more with the corrupted implicit bestiary recipe, but by now it's likely already done almost all its ever going to do. And btw, as an old player myself, that addition affected me (aka my items) as well, and I still welcomed it. Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Mar 13, 2018, 12:20:15 AM
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" This. I've been playing since beta, and I can quickly say, without a single doubt in my mind, that this has been by an extremely far margin the worst league yet. I know they would hesitate about discarding all the work that has been done to bring this league (menagerie, einhar, 3d models, bestiary illustrations, recipe, mechanics, nets) but it's just flat out terrible. It does not fit in with the game at all in my opinion. I appreciate the fact that GGG had the guts to try something completely different for their game, but this is just something I hope I won't see again in the future playing PoE. |
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Keen to see an option to remove the new burning grass effect, its useless and uses up resources that could be put towards actual gameplay
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" I know friends and streamers who skipped the league for the same reason, this doesn't suit poe IMO. Would hate to see it in e core game, even more so after they have seen how much we all hate it and how useless it is. It also devalues a TON of items, not that it bothers me but the last thing this game needs is more worthless items, dropped a baron day 1, a supposibly rare item, 2c. |
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Can't wait!
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