[3.7] Freezing Pulse Totem Hierophant | Cheap, Starter, Guide, Guardians, Shaper

Hey guys!

Just uploaded a video fightning T15 Red Elder. Hope you all enjoy! (:

Last edited by Salvatron on Dec 20, 2018, 10:18:08 PM
Salvatron wrote:
Hey guys!

Just uploaded a video fightning T15 Red Elder. Hope you all enjoy! (:


Nice video and gear!

did you get lucky with the mace, crafted or bought it?

also... which pantheon is best to run these rippy mods below? ty in advance

Last edited by wackygoose on Dec 21, 2018, 7:25:09 AM
@wackygoose thanks!

I got lucky and bought the sceptre for a very low price.

Well, I always use Solaris (Kaom's) and Gruthkul. If no Kaom's, I use Brine King.
Hey again guys!

Just uploaded videos fighting Shaper and his guardians.. all of them deathless!

Going for Uber Elder next, when I get my loreweave a 6 link.

Hope you all enjoy!

Phoenix + Null Portal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzxGUssSqrU

Chimera - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1kLd88xrow&t=4s

Minotaur - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDs3qkkPAOE&t=5s

Hydra - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0tmxclfb_w

Shaper - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br7CTGrJv6Q&feature=youtu.be
Thanks for this build! Its the first character I was able to manage maps with without dieing in tier 1 and I'm having a blast. I have made it as far as tier 11 Factory but I seem suuuuper squishy. I realise I need some new items for life but it seems I die in two-three hits. One triggers immortal call, then 2 more and I'm dead.

Any hints would be appreciated, I have about 80c to spend, and 50 or so chromatics. Is armor better than evasion maybe?
Last edited by vegnz on Dec 22, 2018, 4:14:57 AM
@Salvatron: Awesome vids! Very proud of you. I will probably add those vids to the post on the frontpage.

vegnz wrote:
Thanks for this build! Its the first character I was able to manage maps with without dieing in tier 1 and I'm having a blast. I have made it as far as tier 11 Factory but I seem suuuuper squishy. I realise I need some new items for life but it seems I die in two-three hits. One triggers immortal call, then 2 more and I'm dead.

Any hints would be appreciated, I have about 80c to spend, and 50 or so chromatics. Is armor better than evasion maybe?

Would be good if you unhide your characters in the privacy settings.

What exactly is killing you? Our character shouldn't usually take 3 big hits. Most mobs get frozen and killed from far away. And against bosses (including Syndicate) you should move around to dodge attack animations.

Do you have good flasks (curses, freeze, bleed can easily kill you). Do you use fortify?
Last edited by VisorX on Dec 22, 2018, 7:30:53 AM
@VisorX thanks man! I love this build (:
VisorX wrote:
@Salvatron: Awesome vids! Very proud of you. I will probably add those vids to the post on the frontpage.

Would be good if you unhide your characters in the privacy settings.

What exactly is killing you? Our character shouldn't usually take 3 big hits. Most mobs get frozen and killed from far away. And against bosses (including Syndicate) you should move around to dodge attack animations.

Do you have good flasks (curses, freeze, bleed can easily kill you). Do you use fortify?

Sorry I tried to find that setting yesturday but I have changed it now.

I'm not 100% sure what is killing me to be honest. Bosses are usually fine, I THINK it could be bleeding. I'll be going along fine as can be and then my life just plummets and I die ;_;
finally an ok mace. Now ive dropped clear mind to try 12s fortify.

Weird, removing clear mind didnt change my dps on pob.

vegnz wrote:
I'm not 100% sure what is killing me to be honest. Bosses are usually fine, I THINK it could be bleeding. I'll be going along fine as can be and then my life just plummets and I die ;_;

Sounds like Bleed. You REALLY need to work on your flasks. Why are you using Rotgut and Soul Catcher? You don't have an instant life flask. Flasks are one of the most powerful parts of the game. Read the guide, it explains which flasks you need.

Your gear has some really weak points. Like the shield and boots are pretty decent. But the gloves could very well be white gloves :D. Rings looks very weak.

Quite amazing feat to reach level 90 like this.

wackygoose wrote:
Weird, removing clear mind didnt change my dps on pob.

Clear Mind says "when no Mana is reserved". Are you still using Clarity? It's one of your gems at least, so probably auto-activated by PoB.

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