[3.1] Max block molten strike gladiator, League starter, All content viable
" Due to the AoE nerfs a few leagues ago, it's not possible to stack enough AoE to get balls into the point blank penalty range. Well maybe with stacking shrine and headhunter effects, but let's ignore that. That said, most balls will fall outside the full bonus range, even with conc effect. See the Molten Strike DPS Calculator for gory details on hit rates, point blank bonuses, etc. 2.6 BLS Berserker budget shaper farmer build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1882710
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" Yeah, but it's definitely worth the one point to pick it up for the more multiplier, still. Especially since we'll path right by it anyway. For the uniques someone was asking about before, might want to check out the new one Ahn's Might. They're a great stepping stone weapon, around 320 PDPS. And since we don't rely much on Frenzy charges, the -1 max frenzy isn't a big deal. It's certainly not BIS, but for the PDPS they're selling cheaply on poe trade, before you can get some crazy juicy something from an elder or shaper item or whatever craziness is happening. |
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What is your feeling about the build ?
I have tried to make it work, but it really lack in terms of damage. I feel like physical nodes are not the best way to scale molten strike. For a similar build, raider has literally double the dps, while only losing 30ish block but having 40ish dodge.... |
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This is the most fun I ever had on Path of Exile.
MS with Ancestral Call. With a Max Block Gladiator.. Oh. My. Fucking God! "Good thing they nerfed the carto, it wasn't fun to find one in every map." - Haborym Last edited by monkuar#2123 on Dec 12, 2017, 7:48:22 AM
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Added "late game" section for this build, solves every problem.
"Point Blank" for molten strike. There are errors in that guy's calculator, it's not very useful. Molten strike spread is 5-20. With x2 wildfire and conc. effect it's 5-22. Chance to hit per ball is ~47% (on average), considering every ball hitting further away is very likely to miss, range is 5-14 for hits. Point_blank_multiplier = (5*1.5 + 1.48 + 1.46 + 1.44 + 1.42)/9 = 1.477 Point blank gives 48% MORE damage for Molten Strike projectiles. Additional damage per ball 146.6 * 0.6 * 0.47 * 1.48 = 61.2% base damage, which is worse than Barrage (61.4 * 1.5), but Bow Multipliers are worse (no conc effect) I don't understand why people don't use Tornado shot, it's also "shotguns" and scales additional projectiles much better (109% vs barrage 61.4) |
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How about going for Avata of Fire instead of going right to ranger and then saved point invest in Lava Lash and Iron Grip? Then as one of our support we can take fire penetraton. How would it compare?
Only con I can see is that we wouldn't benefit fully from Hatred, so maybe it wouldn't be worth to take it. Instead we can take other aura or curse with Blashemy. |
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So i read all of the above and still got a question.
First of all: Lovely Build, im having alot of fun with it and with garbage equiq i already made it up to map Tier 5. Thx for that! :) Great Starter. (Just got a 5 Link, 3R 2B) So i made some Calculations with Path of Building and stopped on a question i couldnt fully answer. Every Calculation I took showed that Melee Physical Dmg Support can increase the Dmgoutput by up to 40 Percent, which sounds alot. And the Dmg should also be conversed to fire additive or doenst it? Im using 3R2B with MS,conc. Area , AC, ED Support and Ele Focus. Exchanging the Concentrated Effect with the Melee Physical Dmg support should increase my dmg alot or am I wrong? |
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" I assume you have just the physical hit of Molten Strike selected. MPD does not have an effect on the projectiles, so it's not a great support. |
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" Well, that could be thanks so i'll try around some more :) |
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Funny thing is , He's made this build and aint even playing it.
Instead, he plays a molten strike build of some other player, Good job buddy. |
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