Unofficial Offline Skilltree Calc (Delete the Data folder to update. Stop posting "update please" )

awesome stuff!
this is a great tool for experimenting build, and for us people waiting for the open beta, but please fix the mouseover problems, or is there any fix on this? thank you
the fairest flowers bloom in the foulest places
This works? gotta try this sometime then :)
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't get the character item importing thing to work.I click download I get that huge wall of text I put it where it wants me to, but it just doesn't seem to work. Can someone explain i like I'm five? thx
Zerasad wrote:
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't get the character item importing thing to work.I click download I get that huge wall of text I put it where it wants me to, but it just doesn't seem to work. Can someone explain i like I'm five? thx

There shouldn't be much to explain. which browser do you use?
opera seems to have a problem saving an extensionless file.
but ok.

1. Click the load Items button.
2. Enter your charname.
3. Click download or copy the link to a browser of your choice.
4. Save the file that is being downloaded or the webpage being displayed to a file named "get-items" no extension in the data folder.
5. Click Load items again.
Last edited by Headhorr#5386 on Aug 18, 2012, 4:30:08 AM
I might be crazy stupid here, but if I understood it correctly I should type the cahr name then the broswer pops-up (Chrome for me) with a web page filled with a wall of text, then i press Ctrl+s and save the file to the Data folder. Is it supposed to be a no extension file? Cause I can't get it to be, it's always a .txt file. If I did everything right what should I see? I just get the same window with the instructions and the link and the download and ok buttons.
do you see the txt extension in the explorer?
if you do remove it.
if not save it as .asdfg file and the rename it to have no extension.

if everything is right you should have something in the Item-Attibutes tab and no popup should open.
Last edited by Headhorr#5386 on Aug 18, 2012, 5:37:34 AM
thx! I managed to do it with your instructions
Works great! Good job!

I made an icon from an image.

Download Icon

And thanks for that great Tool
Last edited by swapfile#6766 on Sep 10, 2012, 2:03:11 AM

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