"Veteran" Beta timer
I can't believe I was picked... I wasn't expecting that at all.
Gestas (Templar), Hardcore league.
guys how do I become veteran in the smallest amount of time ?
makes me wish i posted more. but i guess this is fair for the oldies.
Good idea. Picking more people that actually care and want to get in the beta is good for devs and us.
Looking good Chris
Damn, wish I'd been more active in the forums. There isn't really much to talk about yet though, at least not until I'm in beta :D
I think Veteran timer is good idea :)
so those of us that signed up in 2010 and read the forums/news weekly, but didn't post much are not veterans...
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" Hope you like it and give us some feedback Waiting Beta Key
Posting worthless crap like this isn't going to make you a veteran. Joining this site more than a couple weeks ago and following/posting in the forums, WILL. Too late for all that now.