(Feb 12) HC Ladder Unique Race
Thanks dime. I feel I should have figured that out but now I know.
If I have to predict, a templar might be the second best shot, marauders have got a good push too and duelists can do fine though they are probably too hard to play at top 3-level in competitions for anyone but indczn!
I think rangers might have gained enough in 0.9.6 to actually be competitive at the top! Witches are though hands down the topdog again since I think the bonus to Spark and the change to lightning nova is actually benificial in the long run for good witches! I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
" I'm pretty sure IMdisappoint could do a duelist too, as he told me the build :) Also, 2nd duelist last race was ahead of me most of the way. I don't think the Nova change helps the witch for rushing, I was trying to use it but found it clunky, and had trouble hitting many monsters, perhaps I just need to get used to it, or have less desync issues. The spark change is nice, however. |
Btw. Like last time: I dare the rest of the players to prove me wrong. In this case I would prefer to be proven wrong! :P
I appear to be living in "Romance Standard Time". That has to be good! :)
" I'll be doing something different if I run this one. :) |
" god forbid duelists are useful for anything Garrison - Closed beta Elemental Cleave DW Duelist
" One patch change that should be interesting: " This likely benefits witches most, but everyone gains from this in a race setting. I'll be pretty disappointed if there aren't at least a few players to reach level 30 or higher. And as it is such so also as such is it unto you
I hope you're right IMD, I think only a few players are capable of breaking 30, you are clearly one of them but maybe you don't realise you have talent for this sort of thing.
I for one find it hard to concentrate at that level for 3 hours straight - but i'll try everytime! A dumber thing about hardcore races is anyone with a degree of lag will have a much harder time playing. It's harder to trust taking on a big mob when you have lag, especially in a cave or small area. I think the winners will pretty much always be on low latency connections. |
Just realised this is on a Monday :( i'll be starting work at 10, not a POE race. I swear it said it was on Sunday this morning.
Will be there. Would love to play for extra beta invites :D
IGN @dime