[2.6] Blade of Solaris – CwC Blade Vortex, now with 2.6 Shaper video and PoB Code!

Aggnog wrote:
You think this idea can work with EK (solaris + heart) or is the lack of duration double dipping too harsh? Maybe just for clearing and not bosses.

I don't think the cast speed on CwC will get anywhere near to feeling good for EK. The only reason BV gets away with it is due to all the duration scaling.
It might be ok without CWC though, a lot of EK builds go PF now but most don't use poison at all and I think the extra chaos from the wands could help a lot with scaling.

I guess I'll just make one and see how it performs.
Last edited by Aggnog on Mar 12, 2017, 9:35:32 PM
Yup, just uproot the duration nodes to solve for mana, cast speed, and proj nodes. You may want to consider rerouting to grab the MoM nodes. Intuitive Leap by Witch for the dual wield cast speed nodes is another thought.

Gear is pretty much identical.
Hey guys, new to PF and ranger in general. Can someone explain why CWC and not plain BV, and what the major pros/cons of each are? I am getting a lot of conflicting opinions on discord and would like to more clearly understand why people would choose one over the other. I am still trying to settle on a first ranger build and this one is in my top 3.
For CwC, the advantage is that you are able to disregard mana and cast speed altogether and invest the points you would otherwise spend along those lines toward damage and duration. Having Wither and your primary damage source wired into a single click also feels pretty smooth. The drawbacks are a longer ramp time for bosses and a greater reliance on BV duration helm enchants.

The good news is, with this build, that you end up leveling as self-cast (spell echo) anyway, so you'll be able to tell if that's more your cup of tea. Simply uproot Exceptional Performance and use those points to solve for mana and cast speed if you do -- rerouting for the MoM nodes might also be prudent.
hey, if we dont have a shavs or plan on buying one anytime soon cause broke. would you rec a Ci or life based or try to get a 5l solaris?
CI works, but it's much less damage.

Wouldn't recommend life-based or Solaris Lorica.
kechari wrote:
For CwC, the advantage is that you are able to disregard mana and cast speed altogether and invest the points you would otherwise spend along those lines toward damage and duration. Having Wither and your primary damage source wired into a single click also feels pretty smooth. The drawbacks are a longer ramp time for bosses and a greater reliance on BV duration helm enchants.

The good news is, with this build, that you end up leveling as self-cast (spell echo) anyway, so you'll be able to tell if that's more your cup of tea. Simply uproot Exceptional Performance and use those points to solve for mana and cast speed if you do -- rerouting for the MoM nodes might also be prudent.

Okay thanks. I think I am just having build paranoia, I don't have that much time to play and I really don't want to invest in something I don't like. I want to be able to clear all content with a reasonable clearspeed but I have a pretty fast FB totems character that I could eventually respec into vspark if I get a second character that's end game viable. This might just be the one.

I am not sure if the raider playstyle appeals more to me, but it seems like HOWA is the best and most scalable raider build and I just don't know if I want to go into HOWA.
I've updated the build guide with a leveling advice section and a full Shaper run video reflecting the 2.6 changes. Thanks to everyone that's messaged me in-game – your feedback has helped me to refine and hopefully improve the guide.
So I was the one pm'ing you ingame. Im trying it out and so far maps have been easy, and if I stack a BV up to 20 bosses just fall over.

Have only done up to t14 atm (leveling gems, they are quite low)

My question is in regards to using RF for more boss damage. Do I use my sins rebirth first, then RF and go ham, and turn it off after. Or does sins rebirth negate putting it on during the effect aswell? Because if it is mainly used just to toggle RF off, i am not sure if its worth the 5 ex pricetag currently in LSC.

Thanks for your help. I am going to hopefully start farming uber atziri with this build, but my ES is kinda low atm (only 7.3k).

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