[2.6] Blade of Solaris – CwC Blade Vortex, now with 2.6 Shaper video and PoB Code!

Depends on what you run. If you're running a lot of interior / dark maps (e.g. uber lab), you may want to pick it up.
My character is dying easy as hell. Any idea on where i am going wrong? u can view my character
At your gear level I would recommend sticking to self-cast and running CWDT Warlord's. Consider swapping to Wither/CWC once your flasks and a 6L are in place. Stuns are likely to be an issue for you as well. Chayula or stun avoidance lab enchants should help you out substantially.
Last edited by kechari on May 1, 2017, 10:30:10 PM
Thank you for this Guide! Didn't know that these Obliteration Wands are THAT strong. The only change i will do for lategame is to switch Atziri's for an Armourflask. Physical dmg can oneshot you with about only 8,5k ES. I guess the conversion from Taste of Hate won't be enough for Bosses like Minotaur.
But still: great Build to follow until the changes for doubledip are coming online.
Glad to hear it's working out for you!

If you feel you need a larger ES pool and/or more mitigation, the best way to go about doing so (in my estimation) is to invest in a pair of well-rolled ES boots and to roll Staunching on an Experimenter's Basalt. Since Promise allows us to leech off Chaos damage, dropping it isn't a viable solution.
Im struggling t run all my auras. How can i get around this? i have charisma and level 3 empower but cant run both
Level 3 Enlighten, not Empower. Empower will increase your reservation.
I actualy meant enlighten. I have sorted now with some tweaks. WHat do you recommend to do next? and any tips for playing? i feel squishy as hell and seem to deal no dmg
If your dmg / leech feels bad, it means something isn't sorted with your gear or gems.

After taking a glance at your profile: drop inc AOE for c. destruction. Obliterations will carry your AOE by themselves. BV needs levels -- 14 is way too low for the build to feel good. Focus on getting a 6L and optimal flasks.
Last edited by kechari on May 2, 2017, 6:10:43 PM
Thank you. changed from a cyclone slayer as i love the look of vortex just trying to get the hang of it

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