Donald Trump and US politics

Antifa are getting hammered in the media. Even Morning Joe is slamming them. The left used to simply condone their actions. And they can't anymore, now that they're being brought into the spotlight.

Some areas got laws in place that make it so you can't wear masks to cover your faces.

This is how they should be dealt with. If they do something stupid, they can be identified and arrested.
CNN: Trump caught trying to jack an elderly woman's car.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
I like how he retweets shit like this.

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
Kechop wrote:
Wall when , afghanistan why ? draining swamp where? paying NK any attention why? I for one am a hilldawg nao and sandersmissile - IMPEACH BOGLAN KRUMPFT 2 SCOOPS OF CHAOS ORBS!? STOP CLAPPING GOYIM , STOP!

From 1 to 10, how mentally stable are you?

im just here for the shitposting mate.
Xavderion wrote:
I like how he retweets shit like this.

That's part of the reason I like Trump. He doesn't care about the left's feelings. And never passes up an opportunity to rub their noses in the fact that he won.
Interviews with Trump supporters from the summer of 2016. In it they talk shit about Hillary and Obama.
"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
Last edited by ChanBalam#4639 on Sep 3, 2017, 6:29:17 PM
MrSmiley21 wrote:
deathflower wrote:

I would say The Republican party moving from a pragmatic and conservative party to a more ideological, nationalist populist party in the image of Donald Trump. It would be more fruity.

Conservatism, in the traditional American since, is a dying ideology. Most of its subscribers are old people who're dying off. Gen X and millennials aren't buying it. I consider Conservatism to be a boomer ideology. Classic Liberalism is also a boomer ideology, and the left has been co-opted by considerably more extreme leftists. I don't have that much of a problem with classic liberalism. It's preferable to what the left today offers.

The Republicans would have lost the last election running on a strict Conservative platform. Donald Trump is the only reason there is a Republican in the White House. Does anyone seriously think that a Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio could have won? That type of platform isn't gonna win another presidential election.

What the polls don't really take into account is the real impact of things like approval ratings. They might say, well 41% approval rating for Trump is terrible! But what % of the 59% has a low approval rating for government, in general? Not approving of one side, doesn't mean they approve of the opposing side. Trump might still be considered the lesser of evils by a considerable portion of the 59% who don't approve of Trump. Poll #s by themselves, with no context, don't mean anything. Democrats might overplay their hand and assume low approval for Trump means that people support their agenda instead, and that would be completely erroneous. And could cost them more elections.

2018 will very much be a referendum on Trump's agenda, and if the Democrats lose more seats in the house and senate in 2018, then they'll know that the people disapprove of their agenda even more than they do Trump's. Then getting elected in 2020 will be who's the *least* unpopular. Every single trollish bone in my body will be giggling with excitement for many, many months if the Dems get routed in 2018. I mean, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA - in anticipation. The snowflake liberals will have to eat that b....bu....but! Trump is unpopular! And look into a mirror and recognize that their agenda is even MORE unpopular.

Democrats don't really have an ideology but open borders for votes and cheap labor and even more welfare state which is not sustainable and a moral hazard. Public is stupid though and will vote themselves Venezuela. Or Detroit or Illinois ruined by democrats.

I'm a Millennial and Ayn Rand is my girl on economics. I buy it very much. Economic liberty and private property built USA from dirt farmers to #1 in 100 short years. Did so as well for other countries. Statist counties cant even feed thier ppls like NK Venezuela or former soviet block. More power you give to state more it impoverishes ppl because power corrupts. Plus no incentive to produce by middle ppls because you're a slave not able to enjoy fruits of your labors. This is why Gini index is exploding in western world as it gets more statist

Conservatives have a fundamental problem in politics and thats people can only see free shit from govt and see conservatives as not caring about them when they want market forces to work. Conservatives are like tough love parents dems spoil the children. This gets democrats in power who promise everything and fuck everything up. Then Conservative again when ppl are tired of dems. rinse repeat.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Sep 3, 2017, 9:27:42 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:

Democrats don't really have an ideology but open borders for votes and cheap labor and even more welfare state which is not sustainable and a moral hazard. Public is stupid though and will vote themselves Venezuela. Or Detroit or Illinois ruined by democrats.

I'm a Millennial and Ayn Rand is my girl on economics. I buy it very much. Economic liberty and private property built USA from dirt farmers to #1 in 100 short years. Did so as well for other countries. Statist counties cant even feed thier ppls like NK Venezuela or former soviet block. More power you give to state more it impoverishes ppl because power corrupts. Plus no incentive to produce by middle ppls because you're a slave not able to enjoy fruits of your labors. This is why Gini index is exploding in western world as it gets more statist

Conservatives have a fundamental problem in politics and thats people can only see free shit from govt and see conservatives as not caring about them when they want market forces to work. Conservatives are like tough love parents dems spoil the children. This gets democrats in power who promise everything and fuck everything up. Then Conservative again when ppl are tired of dems. rinse repeat.
Interesting. Ayn Rand. I'm not surprised. Selfishness before all else.

Ayn wrote:
She said the individual should "exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself".[115] She referred to egoism as "the virtue of selfishness" in her book of that title,[116] in which she presented her solution to the is-ought problem by describing a meta-ethical theory that based morality in the needs of "man's survival qua man".[117]

A couple of points about her though. First, she claims that her philosophy came from herself and and Aristotle and no one else. So whatever economic philosophy built America from 1776 until 1943 it wasn't Ayn Rand's.

Until the early 20th C it was mostly an economic system that had no rules. It was a terrible system whose legacy we see today in superfund cleanup sites and the war between management and labor in the US; unbridled pollution in third world countries, slave labor around the world, and inhumane working conditions all across the world. That is the economic system that built the US and is being replicated by greed rational self interest.

Do you know why the great monopolies of the late 19th C developed and what economic mechanism were at work? They were the powerhouses that laid down the foundation for the 20th C.

Your brand of laissez faire selfishness and greed is all about granting the rich permission to get richer at everyone else's expense. There are just too many people in the world for that approach to solve any of our many pressing problems.

"Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone
ChanBalam wrote:
Aim_Deep wrote:
Democrats don't really have an ideology but open borders for votes and cheap labor and even more welfare state which is not sustainable and a moral hazard. Public is stupid though and will vote themselves Venezuela. Or Detroit or Illinois ruined by democrats.

I'm a Millennial and Ayn Rand is my girl on economics. I buy it very much. Economic liberty and private property built USA from dirt farmers to #1 in 100 short years. Did so as well for other countries. Statist counties cant even feed thier ppls like NK Venezuela or former soviet block. More power you give to state more it impoverishes ppl because power corrupts. Plus no incentive to produce by middle ppls because you're a slave not able to enjoy fruits of your labors. This is why Gini index is exploding in western world as it gets more statist

Conservatives have a fundamental problem in politics and thats people can only see free shit from govt and see conservatives as not caring about them when they want market forces to work. Conservatives are like tough love parents dems spoil the children. This gets democrats in power who promise everything and fuck everything up. Then Conservative again when ppl are tired of dems. rinse repeat.
Interesting. Ayn Rand. I'm not surprised. Selfishness before all else.
She said the individual should "exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself".[115] She referred to egoism as "the virtue of selfishness" in her book of that title,[116] in which she presented her solution to the is-ought problem by describing a meta-ethical theory that based morality in the needs of "man's survival qua man".[117]
A couple of points about her though. First, she claims that her philosophy came from herself and and Aristotle and no one else. So whatever economic philosophy built America from 1776 until 1943 it wasn't Ayn Rand's.

Until the early 20th C it was mostly an economic system that had no rules. It was a terrible system whose legacy we see today in superfund cleanup sites and the war between management and labor in the US; unbridled pollution in third world countries, slave labor around the world, and inhumane working conditions all across the world. That is the economic system that built the US and is being replicated by greed rational self interest.

Do you know why the great monopolies of the late 19th C developed and what economic mechanism were at work? They were the powerhouses that laid down the foundation for the 20th C.

Your brand of laissez faire selfishness and greed is all about granting the rich permission to get richer at everyone else's expense. There are just too many people in the world for that approach to solve any of our many pressing problems.
Two things:
1. Economically, you and Rand do not strongly disagree on the problem, so much as the causes and the solution. The villains of Rand's novels are the same sort of people Noam Chomsky or Bernie Bros would demonize -- CEOs of major corporations seeking to monopolize an industry and claim for themselves the unearned product of another man's work, hoping to get rich at everyone else's expense. The difference is that while you blame laissez-faire for this, Rand blames government intervention; her villains lobby government to regulate against their competitiotors and regulate in favor of their own companies (usually by claiming victimhood when their mismanagement cripples their businesses) in order to bias what would otherwise be fair competition. Now consider for a moment that the Bush administration oversaw a $700 billion dollar bailout of banks, mostly large ones with substantial Washington connections, funded by taxpayer money, all because these banks had the hubris to trade in ridiculously risky mortgages, with no handout to banks smart enough to avoid the danger... well let's just say that, if Rand were still alive then, she would rather have seen them all collapse as they rightly deserved. This may be something you have in common with her.
2. The "selfishness" thing should be understood from the context of borderline inhuman discipline. Rand believed that there was only one path that best served any particular individual's best interests, and that each person's duty to themselves (is there any other kind? asks Rand) is to determine this path through reason. Whim, Rand argued, is self-defeating and thus not selfish. This stands in strong contrast with the usual connotation of the term. Rand despised religion, but if somehow she believed in Heaven, she'd argue that whatever path got one there was the most self-serving possible.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Sep 4, 2017, 1:08:29 AM
Trump playing 4D chess with DACA. The 6 month delay makes sure the RINOs either show their ugly RINO face and risk getting primaried next year or they suck it up and support Trump. Good shit.

The tremendous salt on Leddit is also great.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Last edited by Xavderion#3432 on Sep 4, 2017, 12:58:26 AM

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