Donald Trump and US politics

soneka101 wrote:

In the comments some people noted that Lisa = Elizabeth, so... maybe Warren will be the next POTUS?

Pls no Fauxcahontas as president. I'd be okay with Tulsi.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
鬼殺し wrote:
Feeling great again yet, America?

Just checking in.

meh about the same as always

somehow prideful yet simultaneously embarrassed
I dont see any any key!
Git R Dun!
鬼殺し wrote:
Feeling great again yet, America?

Just checking in.

I always feel great. You could put me anywhere penniless even backwater india I'd feel great. Comes from running since jrhs and endorphins at 5am. Plus I know god made me perfect so long as I dont fuck it up with drugs/alcohol. Whether country is great is up for grabs. Needs more freedom. Like get rid of all taxes would be a good start.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 3, 2017, 10:12:41 PM
k1rage wrote:
anyone get a kick out of the latest antics from Donny

the video where he put the CNN logo on the head of a guy from the WWE video

say what you will about him but he is super entertaining

I find it more entertaining MSM and leftys sanctimonious crap about Trump "encouraging violence".

The MSM has encouraged violence against Trump and his deplorables for like 2 year now. Now when a righty retorts they get all a snowflakey.

Trump anit Bush. Wont take their shit. Get over it.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jul 3, 2017, 10:35:00 PM
ChanBalam wrote:
Manocean wrote:
ChanBalam wrote:
It is designed for non thinkers who accept things without thought.

So the video and CNN are the same

I'd probably put Bill Whittle and the entire CNN organization about on the same spot for examples of factual reporting and journalistic integrity
that video was my first contact with Mr. Wittle. I would put all media outlets on a bias continuum. I don't follow too many right sided sources and would know how to compare them those I am more familiar with. That single data point on Wittle points him into a pretty far right corner for me. he had a pretty good story at the start, but totally blew it once he got past CNN and tried to link unrelated items.

Going right to left I would rank folks like so without regard to the space between them.

Rush-Hannity-Fox-WSJ-USA Today-ABC-Politco-WaPo-CNN-NYT-MSNBC-HuffPost

I think that Trump has driven CNN farther left over the past year.

It's a good enough order, but just putting - inbetween the WSJ and the USA Today really doesn't do it justice. I know you said without regard to spaces, but I think the spaces are accurate enough with that one exception needing like 10 or 11 spaces.

Also isn't it weird how Trump is always responsible for 'driving these people left'? Do they have no agency? Why can't it be that liberal media are driving the population rightward?
soneka101 wrote:
About the Russian Interference thing.

Look, I understand if one wants to say "there was no collusion between Trump and Russia". So far one can make that argument as there's no evidence of such thing.


What are the basis for saying that Russia didn't attempt to interfere with the election? The former Director of the FBI said under oath that the attempt was real:

Who has made this argument? Of course russia attempted to influence the election. Kinda like how Barry campaigned against fucking Brexit while in office. Countries make coordinated campaigns to influence things in their favor. If it's illegal, why is it ok when Obama did it? If it's illegal, why didn't Obama do anything to stop it?

Read the actual report from our intelligence agencies; I have. It's a nothingburger. Their summary is that some Russian citizens tried to influence the election via twitter. Literally.
MrSmiley21 wrote:
A little bit of hyperbole can go a long way in keeping away the border jumpers from the south. So in a way, I thank the liberal media for blasting how big of a Fascist meanie Donald Trump is on the airways, because idiots from south of the border are going to get wind of it, and believe it. MAGA.

Here is a suggestion for Liberals, and it's only a minor stretch past their current levels of rhetoric: Start claiming that Donald Trump is going to put immigrant children into slave labor camps.

From 2009:

"Immigrant" children cross the border unattended all the time, to fates which vary from fortunate (finding relatives or other help) to simply disappearing. You think their parents would be all that fussed by Trump pressing them into simple labor, rather than the sex slavery (or worse) which is likely the fate of many? ='[.]'=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
Aim_Deep wrote:

Kushner is snek and Ivanka is a liberal.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Lol Canada...

"Canadian baby 'first without gender designation' in health card"

The kid's sex is officially "U" for unassigned.

The entire article is pretty bizzare but this one cracked me up:

The family's lawyer, barbara findlay, who chooses to spell her name without capital letters, told Global News: ...

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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