Donald Trump and US politics

>you will never own a recreational tactical attack helicopter to kill people violating the NAP


GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Xavderion wrote:
>you will never own a recreational tactical attack helicopter to kill people violating the NAP


Bulgaria knows wassup!
Remember when I won a screenshot contest and made everyone butt-hurt? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Xavderion wrote:
>you will never own a recreational tactical attack helicopter to kill people violating the NAP
I now know which attack helicopter I sexually identify as.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on Jun 24, 2017, 1:22:51 AM
Ugly but robust and it gets the job of keeping out Seljuk invaders done.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Xavderion wrote:
>you will never own a recreational tactical attack helicopter to kill people violating the NAP


If we all pitch in, for the price of 333 Ruler support packs, we can get a six pack. Get to da Choppa!
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Drama Queen:


P.S.: BTW it was just a Sikh...

P.P.S.: Let's say it was someone planning to do some evil shit... Who takes a nap before doing that?
DalaiLama wrote:

Many in what should be a very trustworthy community (scientists) have been shown to have lied, hidden, altered, misconstrued or otherwise represent the facts in a manner to suit their opinion first and the science second.

Na. There may be some black sheep, but the despite on what you were lead to believe, this is science. Findings are being published and people try to prove them wrong. Should a black sheep publish phony findings, those things would most likely been tested and disproved. Look at the science scandals of the past. the korean clone-doctor, for instance. Noone could reproduce what he did, sceptiscism arose, he was exposed. This is a great mechanism, it is open to anyone, it protecs the integrity of science and helps to grow knowledge.

Again, what you are doing is that you prefer to assume that vast numbers of scientists all lie to make a living, that a complex conspiracy thrives and yes, not only scientists are into it, but law enforecement and judges, too. because, if what you were are saying was true, then there would be tenthousands of people breaking the law, lying, fabricating evidence to get grants, etc. There would be evidence, and that evidence would need to have been suppressed in unknown numbers of cases to prevent all those thousands of convictions that we are not hearing of.

Now I don't know what makes you so afraid, what makes you want to believe into this nefarious scheme you are laying out here. While, all the time, fearmongering you fell prey to, works just as well the other way around.

Yes, there is money, huge amounts of money, and there has been for quite some time money to be made, and, more importantly, money to be lost. By whom, you do not ask? Well, by all those who preferred to keep on with their current business model, because it was working out for them. Thats the fossil fuel industry, to begin but not to end with. Use your imagination. So, when the that maybe burning all that fossil fuel might have consequences and that maybe we should look into it began to take foot, there was no money to be made with it, there were no science grants, there was, basically, only curious and concerned people. Alongs with less concerned people with deep, deep pockets.

Why are you not concerned with those vested interests? Or are you, but prefer to not talk about it? Because you are using scare-tactics here, painting pictures of conspiracies with "vested interests" to protect. Of people fleecing the state of your, of our money, and putting it into their pockets. This is scary, right? The future, so unsafe, so dangerous. So, looking at what you have, it's maybe okay. You like what you have. What you don't like is the idea of things changing. Of maybe losing it. To something you can't touch, you can't really see. So what if the co2 levels rise? you can still breathe the air. So what if the sea level rises? Lets build dams, if necessary. What you have and can touch is less scary than what you don't have and can't touch. So you prefer to believe in what you have.

The other side:
Richard S. Courtney, DipPhil (Cambridge). Not PhD, by his own words in his publication Wind Farms Provide Negligible Useful Electricity. Thats a diploma in philosophy. And not, he was no member of the IPCC. But ask for the report and not write publicly about it. You could have dont it, too, and, et voila, you would have been an expert reviewer.
Dr. Vincent Gray - "Expert reviewer" of the same quality. Noone asked him to join the IPCC, least of all the IPCC.
Craig Isdo, B.S., Ph.D., in Geography. Big ties to oil industry, Member of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, which is a front to cloud science and spread disinformation. According to leaked internal documents from the Heartland Institute in 2012, Craig Idso was receiving $11,600 a month from the Heartland Institute through his Center for the Study of CO2 & Global Change

I could go on. All those you named make their living, and a very good one at that, by receiving money from those having vested interests, as you put it, for spreading their disinformation and for clouding real science. If you applied the same sceptiscism to the other side as well, you would not believe those people you just named.

With that in mind, Volcanoes:
Do they add more co2 than humans do? No: Just becaus some nutjobs say they do, it doesn't make it so. What those guys you named have in common, is that they all repeat things proven wrong over and over again, thus clouding the issue.

As for models: Knowledge is growing, scientists are adapting the models to the new knowledge. What you wrote in respect to that is basically this: Since we are learning more, we can't trust what we have learned. Na. That's not how it works.

DalaiLama wrote:
There is an energy problem on Earth. You only need to look at the disparity on this image to see we have a problem. You only have to imagine how much energy we would need if the whole globe was lit up to see we have an impending problem. The problem I have with the Climate Change Cult is that they aren't part of any solution. We need a long term cure for our energy problem, not a new patient doctor agreement or an amputation.

Technology is advancing rapidly. But even with available tech we could put huge field of solar energy panels into deserts and let them produce energy. Why, just look at the output of chinese solar panel industry, and at the rate it is growing. Look at the increase in wind energy over the last few years. There is more than enough energy available allready. Getting it is costly, though. It will get cheaper.

Of course, you took that as a given. You said the storage in the necessary amount was impossible. See, I don't believe it. There are so many fields of technology that so much money is flowing into that all research energy problems including storage, that I have no doubt that it will be possible to satisfy humanity's energy needs.

I fear what might follow if we don't keep fight the reasons for climate change. I believe that we have to face the problem. Hiding won't help, as is almost never helps.
Last edited by Donnerdrummel#4686 on Jun 24, 2017, 7:34:37 AM
soneka101 wrote:
Drama Queen:


P.S.: BTW it was just a Sikh...

P.P.S.: Let's say it was someone planning to do some evil shit... Who takes a nap before doing that?

random fact, mistaking a Sikh for a muslim is a insult to them... they really don't like to be identified as Muslims.
Donnerdrummel wrote:
You said the storage in the necessary amount was impossible. See, I don't believe it. There are so many fields of technology that so much money is flowing into that all research energy problems including storage, that I have no doubt that it will be possible to satisfy humanity's energy needs.

It's is said that the "Li-ion King" John B. Goodenough(The guy that invented the ion batteries that we use today on our smartphones notebooks and etc...) along with Helena Braga invented a new type of battery made of glass. Some people are skeptical because it seems too good to be true and also because it seems the research lab is not releasing all the info about it, but it's testament that people are trying hard to find better ways to store energy.

Also, this could very well be the beginning of the end of gasoline/diesel cars.

There are a bunch of videos around, but here is one.
Edit: OMG! It's Gaben's daughter!!!(wait, Nikki is a female's name right?)
diablofdb wrote:
random fact, mistaking a Sikh for a muslim is a insult to them... they really don't like to be identified as Muslims.

I can't confirm that since I've never met a Sikh before, but if I was mistaken for a muslim I would be mad too, in my case the muslim part is not the problem, but I would be mad if someone started making assumptions about me when I'm just minding my business.

Also, find disrespectful to take pictures of others like that ;P
Last edited by soneka101#4659 on Jun 24, 2017, 8:37:16 AM
So Johnny Deppshit suggested an actor kill the president mimicking Booth assassinating Lincoln.

So it's really true.

Democrats haven't been this mad since the Republican Lincoln freed the slaves.
I want cut scenes damnit.

How can you not like steak?

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