Donald Trump and US politics

鬼殺し wrote:

Chew on that one.
I'm not against these two types of events in theory, but I often am against them in practice. Why? Although I recognize everyone's right to pursue happiness, I do not recognize a right to have happiness bestowed upon oneself; in the same way, while I recognize the right to pursue pride and self-esteem, I do not believe one to be worthy of these things for no accomplishment further than mere existence. There are people, gay and straight, who have acted virtuously to secure the freedom of homosexual​ behavior from those who would oppress it; such people have something to be proud of. There are those, black, white and otherwise, who have fought in a culture war to have all people, regardless of skin color, recognized instead by the content of their character; such people deserve to be remembered. When these types of events are ran in this spirit, I don't just tolerate them; I admire them. But all too often, this isn't the case, and what I see instead is a reverence for the unearned, at the expense of those alive and dead who rightfully deserve it.

So it's not that we're mad those parking spaces aren't for us. It's that we see the people who parked there exiting their vehicles, and we can't figure out what their impediment is.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on May 15, 2017, 9:57:44 AM
鬼殺し wrote:

Chew on that one.

Going off on a tangent a bit...

Handicap parking: it's a broken system. Mandated number of handicap spots per ADA Standards for Accessible Design is a broken equation. It's based on number of parking spots in any given lot. So if you have a small store with a huge lot, you'll have an inordinate number of handicap spots that never get used.

So the argument against those spots usually has nothing to do with feeling entitled to those spots, or anything political, it's just a system that has obvious flaws. Do those flaws hurt anyone? No, of course not. It's just a convenience and efficiency issue.

The spots are needed for those who need extra room to enter/exit a vehicle, for example from the side of a van with a wheelchair lift. So that's an important factor in cities and other crowded areas. But here's the gut punch: do handicap people "need" those spots to access buildings in less dense areas, where spots are plentiful? No. It makes life easier on them, and being close reduces the risk of injury to these people. But the same could be said of anyone else. Our society feels bad for those struggling with a physical handicap, so we put forth an effort to help. It's purely a feel-good thing enforced via laws that in a small number of instances really does help those with physical handicaps.

And you will always have people who abuse it: use the handicap license or hanger when they don't need it, borrow someone else's, or just park in those spots without it. Those are the culprits, not the people arguing for a better system who obey the laws already in place.

Any ways...

Personally I don't feel like that quote in the image. I often park further away from entrances of grocery stores because I want to be close to the cart return areas (ie: I think ahead most of the time, not always).
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Head_Less wrote:
Trump doing a good job btw, Made North korea so crazy they just fucked up with russians.

That, I do like. Regardless of my personal objections to some of Trump's policies and actions, I love how he's not bending over for dictators as his predecessor did. We actually have some balls when it comes to foreign policy now.
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Head_Less wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:

He's not suing because he is forbidden; he's suing because his "dogness" isn't being acknowledged. Is this in California or some other Left Coast state? =0[.]o=

Lol nope this is in Europistan. Slovenia to be exact.

Dayum... =0[.]o=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
cipher_nemo wrote:

Personally I don't feel like that quote in the image. I often park further away from entrances of grocery stores because I want to be close to the cart return areas (ie: I think ahead most of the time, not always).

Nobody feels like the quote in that image. It's a false-equivalency strawman. =9[.]9=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie
鬼殺し wrote:

I just read all of this. It seems to offer a pretty solid set of answers, but the big takeaway I get from it is what I suspected: comedy is a form of creative art and although satire is much closer to the 'reality' end of the spectrum it's still a creatively intellectual endeavour. And like or not, liberal arts lend themselves well to create endeavours. The vast majority of comics, comedians and satirists are left-leaning because it was in a leftist environment that they found their identity. The right is much less bullshit, much more get-to-the-heart-of-the-matter, which means channels like talk radio back in the day, vlogging now. The article did cite Dennis Miller, whom I enjoyed greatly in the 90s, but acknowledged he's become more preachy than funny. The same happened to Bill Hicks in my opinion, although he was...a little more out there with the preachiness.

The article also notes that the left satirises the left pretty hard, citing Portlandia, which I cannot stand because it shows pretty clearly that satirically exaggerated liberals are fucking douchebags, and not in a particularly clever way. It also notes that Clinton (the other Clinton) was satirised more during his term than Obama or Dubya.

In contrast, I wonder why we don't see concerted efforts by right satirists satirising Trump. Is it because he's taking too much heat from the left satirists already? That's a fair call. Maybe it's because that'd be too close to acknowledging he's very, very easily satirised. I'm really not sure.

But if the left satirises the fuck out of the right, out of its apparent leader and its ideologies, and does so by pointing out repeatedly how ludicrous it all is, what is the right satirising the left right now? From what I can tell, it's a lot more savage and angry. I don't quite understand that; satire should never seem angry. So it comes across less as satire and more as plain old insults and attacks.

The last thing the article points out I want to mention is that satire destabilises, which is why it's been a tool of the liberal thinkers throughout history. Conservatism is more about respecting institutions and preserving the way of things, so what use does it have with a boat-rocking technique such as satire?

But here's the kicker: Trump came in as a conservative who promised the rock the boat. Many conservatives haven't shied away from saying they're pretty unimpressed with that. But if he is aiming to rock the boat, why aren't his supporters using the potent boat-rocking tool of satire? I'd guess they feel they don't need to. And that'd be a fair thing to say too.

I'd say the angry part could be projecting but that depends on who you are referring to ofc. as for the savage, I dont see the problem.
Comedy shouldnt be forcefully restrained, and there's been too much of a gradual restraining in comedy, to much political correctneess, to the point that even Mr.clean-comedy Jerry Seinfeld complained about it.

I think that has a lot to do with why you dont see as much right-wing satire, because the younger left crowd is used to being told they are smart and the right is dumb doesnt take it too well.
sure the left is capable of hitting itself with satire, but I find that often is too weak, its not actually hitting the weak points because comedians are afraid of alienating their own audience. Hell, even Stewart got attacked when he called out the hypocrisy of liberals when interviewed on CBS.

Im sure a lot already recognize trump is easily satirized, I also believe the majority does not support him fully in all he does. He's indeed under so much fire that it has become ridiculous. A lot of the fire however, tends to be even better material to satirize.
Why? because of how ridiculous some people are. Im sure you understand it, I found it pretty humorous how you referred to that laurie penny article as good writing. well maybe the english and structure was good, but the essence was pure delusion, completely out of touch bourgeois fantasy that cant see the problem is with themselves, if it was fiction I would have laughed much harder, the problem is the joke is the writer.
Well, I checked only a bit but Portlandia at least seemed to do a good job.

You speak of satire as a mean to destabilize, do you understand why kekistani is a thing? and why it works?
I think this video explains it while portraying at the same time that some are unable to take or even unwilling to understand the joke:
I think some people dont want to come to terms with themselves so they rather see things black and white and get too invested. Actually that takes me to another problem, there's too much politicization in comedy nowadays, its not that trump isnt mockable, its that some jokes have long ran its course and people are tired of how much they talk about it. Like he's the center of the fucking universe or something, we know he's flawed but there's a point where people nitpick every little thing to such an extent that its ridiculous and not funny anymore, its just nagging. I miss colbert when he just did whatever and was edgier, now he actually has to defend his edginess and him mocking trump just makes him "another one" (though lets face it, he's also in a completely different position than when he just did a small segment on the daily show)
Just like the young millenials found their identity in the left distancing themselves from the conservative right, I believe that generation Z will be more conservative overall.

Oh, related to all this, I just remembered this old sam post

as for art, this is my statement:

鬼殺し wrote:
Disrupted wrote:
Well, humour is subjective, though we could argue depending on what exactly you think is or isnt funny.
ofc in the other vid he's mocking people who actually hate gays so Im not sure you'd consider him right-winger, but he's been called a far-right leader before so...
Actually try his rutgers "how to make it as an artist" video, think that one was a good example
or maybe "privileged white male triggers oppressed victims, ban this video now and block Him " though I'll be honest, its been too long since I watched the videos to properly guide ya to the best, which In retrospect makes me think I maybe should have found a vid first.

EDIT: dont take him too seriously, that's a mistake. His rant is mostly comedy, he's not so much projecting as he's taking opportunity to also mock himself, that's a very important part in humour, to be able to laugh at oneself. He also does a bit of shock humour, so if you already think the satire is too self-aware you might dislike him more.

I also dont know what you like, what do you think of this one for example?
鬼殺し wrote:

I only really laughed with the nnnnnnnnjoke. He played that well. The rest looked like it was trying to portray what the left think of cops but again, it wasn't that funny because it looked like it was trying. Satire's an art. Most writers stay the fuck away from it because one joke over the line and you're just another arsehole. And like I said, art tends to be the liberals' domain, not the conservatives.

Yeah, maybe my fault, Sam tends to play more of the classical character comedy so its a bit over the top. Also, maybe he's not what you are looking for, or at least not in both videos, maybe I should have searched for something more political. Im pretty sure in this video his exaggerated abusive cop character is not about making fun of how the left sees them, but making fun of the cops that are like that. If it ends up hitting the left that is purely a bonus.

aaaand had to leave for a few hours and now the post may be incomplete but Ill post it anwyay. fuck it. MDE does a lot of different stuff, anyway. Some humour is completely ridiculous, loads are amateurish cellphone clips (with the ones where sam interacts with his unwilling-to-participate mother having a special kind of natural feeling to them) some criticizing some random thing in society, some with characters like The JHonniey. some a bit more professional like the world peace ones and the unaired Histories liars the dark truth and a few other projects with other comedians. Then there's the flavour of the standup which is a bit different, but its likely in standup where you find him challening the audience more, the easily offended often leave.

Also once again not quite sure if Sam would sit within what you'd consider right, he has no problem with lesbians for example, here's a few pics of him with some:

anyway, if you ever get to check any more of his vids, tell him he looks like shit, he loves that. and if you see him in real life kick him in the liver, he especially loves that.
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on May 15, 2017, 4:46:03 PM
I get what you mean, no problems.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother, actually lived the same with my maternal grandmother who passed away last year, she had Guillain–Barré syndrome, eventually the paralysis stopped her from breathing and she didnt survive the winter. its for the better, it was no way to live.
As for black lives matter, I think the problem was how they consistently defended criminals (the peak may have been when the brother of one the guys they were defending admitted he supported ISIS with no denouncing of it ever coming from BLM), and a good part carried hatred for whites, you wont solve hate with more hate.
Then there was also that event in... Toronto... I think? where they hijacked a LGBT parade and actually fostered hatred between them and the police, just creating more division.
Im pretty convinced its not a movement to stop hate, but one to foster more by a select few that would be irrelevant if division between people didnt exist.

EDIT: The video at least shows one thing (since its showing a quite wrong assumption by the SPLC), that some people take it waaay too serious. and its used to parody identity politics (hence why it also mocks the far-right effectively).
Last edited by Disrupted#3096 on May 15, 2017, 5:23:28 PM
Actually, kek comes from world of warcraft. Alliance players that saw horde players type "lol" in their chat translated to the alliance player as "kek".
Build of the week #9 - Breaking your face with style
IGN: Poltun
鬼殺し wrote:
faerwin wrote:
Actually, kek comes from world of warcraft. Alliance players that saw horde players type "lol" in their chat translated to the alliance player as "kek".

I'm fairly sure that in turn derived from the Korean kekeke from earlier games.

No surely it derived from bukakek.
(b) Personal abuse, foul language, inappropriate subject matter, obscene, harassing, threatening, hateful, or discriminatory or defamatory remarks of any nature ... are not permitted.

- PoE TOS.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.

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