A Preview of Content Update 2.5.1 - Divination Cards and 3D Art

My three favourites from the reward perspective:
1. The Standoff
2. The Wolven King's Bite
3. The Wretched/The spark and the flame/Mitts

Flavour text favourite:
The porcupine. So damn true for porcupine goliath packs.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Now that we've got a div card that gives a prophecy, can we please have Navali handle div card turn-ins in our hideout?
New cards, SeemsGood.
What can change the nature of a man?
Love seeing more divination cards and the art is great.
Tier 1 Talisman - could we see a return of the Rigwald content?
those are some nice looking Divination cards! :-D
Siouxsie871 wrote:
tkensei wrote:
Can I ask what is meant by 2D art and 3D art? I notice many items do not look like their 2D picture. For example the unique item "Infernal Mantle Occultist's Vestment" looks like a green striped vest, but when you put it on it looks just like all the other occultist's vestments. Does this mean it is missing 3D art?

Yes, this is it. "3D art" means the model shown on your character when equipped, as opposed to the "2D art" used in the inventory.

Thanks for your reply. I had been wondering this for the longest time.
I really like these new div cards. And more chances at farming for headhunters is always welcome. lol
Love the Wolverine's flavor text!!!
Ichimonji pls......

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