๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key

i want it too! pretty pls! thx!
I would greatly appreciate it if someone were to give me a beta key :-)
I realy want test this game =) beta key plz ;) im realy happy if some one give me the key ;)
need key
need key
Want to play so much >_<
plz, allow me to test :3
thank you in advance
Would be nice if some one will send me a key ;).
i want it so bad ill cry if u give me one QQ
Yes thank you I'd really like a beta key ... I've done beta work in the past, I know how important feedback and game play testing is ... and I'm not one to bitch if something I like but is OP is nerfed :-)

Hey guys. I am actually In Beta from supporting and was hoping to nab a key on this account for a buddy. Thanks for consideration

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