๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key

Make this day the day i'll get a key !!!!

Go go Beta invite timer !
GoRomo wrote:
๏̯͡๏) omg 811 posts ๏̯͡๏)

There's 811 pages ;)
I WANT BETA KEY, please :D
Last edited by Darthkac#6346 on Jan 13, 2013, 3:58:33 AM
Awaiting for a beta key... PM me pls ;p
When i buy the "early access pack", how long takes it normaly sending the betakey? Is it immediately or have i to wait a week?
I want a key so I can play with my friends before the open beta so they can help me and teach me the new stuff in this game
First person to make a post after me with a non beta account from before 2013 gets my extra key.
I want one beta key
I want beta key, please
need beta-key
I would love to get a beta key! As I'm a D3 user I've heard much about this promising and upcoming game, so I'm really interested to see how it is and also share my feedback with the community as I play the game.
Thanks in advance, you're doing me a eternally good favor of sharing a beta key with me, trust me! ^_^
Have a great day!

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