๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key
^ thats mean don't sacrifice the poor cat i'm sure it didn't do anything wrong.
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An animal must be sacrificed for the great gift of the beta key
IDK if this really help but goddamn it I want a beta key! im soo excited for this game :(
beta key please
A key or i will kill myself , (yep i want to play this game that bad)
I have been waiting for this game since May 15th when I was sorely disappointed with D3, to me this is what D3 should of been. From what I have seen and read any way. Definitely looking forward to it hence why I NEED a beta key.
I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and all of hell was following close behind him
everyone does
๏̯͡๏) ๏̯͡๏) ๏̯͡๏)
I want key :( |
gimme mah beta key!
Any1 has key , trade 1 rare item and 1 uncommon iteam . Pleassssssseeee