๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key

^ thats mean don't sacrifice the poor cat i'm sure it didn't do anything wrong.
An animal must be sacrificed for the great gift of the beta key
IDK if this really help but goddamn it I want a beta key! im soo excited for this game :(
beta key please
A key or i will kill myself , (yep i want to play this game that bad)
I have been waiting for this game since May 15th when I was sorely disappointed with D3, to me this is what D3 should of been. From what I have seen and read any way. Definitely looking forward to it hence why I NEED a beta key.
I looked and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and all of hell was following close behind him
everyone does
๏̯͡๏) ๏̯͡๏) ๏̯͡๏)
I want key :(
gimme mah beta key!
Any1 has key , trade 1 rare item and 1 uncommon iteam . Pleassssssseeee

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