๏̯͡๏) - post here if you REALLY want a beta key
give key pls
I played the game and all i really had time to do was test all the classes and find the best one for me. I found that the Shadow is best class for me and i really would want to play this game much much more. So if someone would have a spare beta key i would be really happy to have it. If someone give me a key maybe we could group up and play some PoE together. :)
IGN: porcupinezzzz
Q.Q ---- |
i REALLY REALLY REALLY want a beta key i can has?
one for me :D PLEASE!
I really want a beta key!
Can i have a beta key?
Up. Yes u can.
I Want Kay <cry>
I will sacrifice a cat , in the honor of the person that gives me a key