[2.6] Chaos Animate Weapon Necromancer (EHC level 100!)

Here's an example of a map I bought for 10c that's a brick for others but probably ok for this build:

Can't get over 50% pack size otherwise. What's more is this build can handle a beyond or double beyond breach which is a lot of loot.

Here's just the maps that dropped BEFORE I got the first of the 3 minibosses:

I couldn't kill the Eater of Souls main boss but it was still worthwhile I feel.

Here is my gear:

I found the Shield and Belt, bought the rest. I have 2 other similar shields and 2 other similar belts with juggled resistances, strength, and dexterity to rebalance a gear swap.


My ascendancy picks are Mistress of Sacrifice, Spirit Eater, Commander of Darkness, and Flesh Binder. I have 8 Zombies and a Chaos Golem for the phys resistance which is my biggest weakness I feel.

My auras are Envy (with Generosity), Blasphemy + Temporal Chains + Enfeeble, and a level 1 Clarity (not generosity so it gives me +20% ele res from Commander of Darkness). I have to use a level 2 Enlighten to get this to work as well as an Unset Ring for the Clarity (assuming I want Faster Casting in my 4-link). I was lucky to corrupt my Temporal Chains into a 20/23 which I think is a 40.5% slow.

(Curse Effectivness = +18% Dying Breath + 10% Blasphemy 20% quality + 30% from passive tree = +58% curse effectivness * 40.5 slow = 63.99% temp chains slow). Temp Chains hard cap is 75%.

My Animate Guardian is a staple Dying Breath + Leer Cast + Southbound + Zahndethus' Cassock + rare Boots with life + Chaos resistance.

I have a Multistrike Support gem in my inventory to swap for Spell Totem for bosses. I also use Increased Duration Support gem over Melee Splash Suport gem when fighting normal Atziri.

I'm currently crafting some ilvl 84 jewelry with Orbs of Alchemy and Screaming Essence of Fear to try and find an upgrade while profiting from running corrupted tier 15 maps.
Last edited by NorrYtt#0768 on Jan 5, 2017, 2:57:33 PM

Is your lootfitler on the OP updated with Neversinks most up to date filter for Breach?

NorrYtt wrote:
Here's an example of a map I bought for 10c that's a brick for others but probably ok for this build:

You might want to use separate gem setup with SRS for this kind of bosses like Core Malachai.
SRS - melee phys - minion dmg - melee splash/multistrike/empower - added chaos - void manipulation

Put in on Tabula or second chest and swap when your weapons are dead and you need it
arcadius wrote:
NorrYtt wrote:
Here's an example of a map I bought for 10c that's a brick for others but probably ok for this build:

You might want to use separate gem setup with SRS for this kind of bosses like Core Malachai.
SRS - melee phys - minion dmg - melee splash/multistrike/empower - added chaos - void manipulation

Put in on Tabula or second chest and swap when your weapons are dead and you need it

I used to keep an SRS staff or bow on switch but the increased power level with United in Dream hasn't warranted it (except Core, Vaal Temple Trio, and Guardians). Switching breaks Envy and I think I need the Strength in my shield but maybe not. In Essence I'd lose my weapons to more things including triple or more Essence mobs.

I think Summons Skeletons might be more correct than SRS. I do have extra gear - a Tabula Rasa, a 6link Holy Chainmail, and a Heretic's Veil with 10% haste reservation enchant. Next time I'll try to make it happen weapon less while running in circles.
Hey Uber, loving the spec.

Quick question, I'm leveling right now with SRS as you suggested and I was wondering if you could viably run shaper/chimera with basically just a recoloured chest swap out using a non weapon reliant skill. I mean srs has a worse dmg effectiveness but but it's still mob poisoning.
Last edited by NoHomoSapien#3863 on Jan 6, 2017, 12:01:47 AM
My question isn't really directly related to the build in OP, but you're quite knowledgeable on all kind of animate builds so I hope you don't mind me asking...

How well do you think animate totem would work in bow SRS build? I wanna play SRS at some point this league, but I've never been a fan of zombies, spectres or guardian which are stuff people typically run along with it. So basically my idea is SRS on 6-link +3 bow and then instead of meatshield zombies/spectres/guardian/whatever you get animate weapon totem in chest 5-6 link.

Is there some issue I'm overlooking here or would that work? And how'd you scale the animate weapon damage with SRS auras (no added flat)? Would you still go poison with similar link setup like you had in EHC?
Does increased chaos damage nodes on tree works with this build?
Balance is an illusion, exile.
Last edited by Marlexyz#3443 on Jan 6, 2017, 4:47:28 PM
No, because nodes will affect the player but not his minions.
chinz wrote:
How well do you think animate totem would work in bow SRS build?

Spending 12 sockets on two temporary summons means u will be socket-starved so maybe need unset rings. You can't be casting both Wither and SRS (not unless you use Cast While Channeling which not recommended!). My instinct is to wear an Alpha's Howl with 50% auras (some combo of Haste, Anger, Wrath, Generosity, Vaal Haste) just to save gem sockets.

When I ran 6link AW in my chest last league, I had a +2 fire 5link crude bow on switch for emergencies. This however meant I couldn't use my Warcry, offering, or movement skill whirling blades that were in my Advancing Fortress and shield.
Last edited by NorrYtt#0768 on Jan 6, 2017, 8:48:15 PM
Oh man, what a nice build. Crashed my first xoph's domain today with just 60 weapons up.

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