[2.6/3.1] Shaper down on budget 5-link - The Debuffing Pizza (Tri-Curse CI Elementalist Flameblast)
Does anyone have any tips or guides for beating Atziri with this build? I tried once but I got wrecked. I'm thinking about trying again soon now that I have 9800 ES, but my FB damage feels a bit low (2400 avg damage with golem).
What gems should I use in my 5-link since Ignite dosn't work? Should I forego curses altogether since I only get 2-3 uses of a curse immunity flask? What flasks should I use? Thanks! I'm loving the build so far and can solo Uber Lab and up to T11 maps with little or no problems. Last edited by TheFrequency#7974 on Dec 12, 2016, 12:14:47 PM
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" That mod is irrelevant. You recharge energy shield. You can regenerate energy shield only with Zealot's Oath. Mana is also quite irrelevant since you're running either mana flask or The Dark Seer. " Atziri shouldn't be a problem since you can dodge most of her stuff. Run Elemental Focus instead of Ignite. Remember to switch Increased AoE to Concentrated Effect before the fight. Run only blasphemy curse. You can switch OoS setup to crit (inc crit strikes + power charge on crit) to get Elemental Overload more often. Run Ruby and Topaz flasks. Last edited by Wermine#1485 on Dec 12, 2016, 12:24:33 PM
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hello i am quite new, and i have a quesiton. Why do you need elemental proliferation to use flameblast and what do you link it too?
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" Proliferation is used to spread the ignites (and other status ailments) caused by your hits to surrounding enemies and thus make clearing packs easier. But we don't need the elemental proliferation gem since we use Beacon of Ruin in the elementalist ascendency skilltree (which is basically ele prolif without the damage penalty and a little smaller radius). If you really wanted to you could use the gem until you've done cruel lab though. In that case you'd have to link it to flameblast. |
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"ohhhhh okay gotcha, and is this build doable for a beginner? |
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" Yes. I started this league with it. |
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I made a slight variation of the build, would you check it and suggest improvements?
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(It turns out that the int point is required to respec and untick a few life nodes wayy across on the top side of the passive tree. Had a real hard time realizing this. Thanks! I'm loving this build, HOWEVER..(DISREGARD:SOLVED) I absolutely cannot understand why skill points leading to elemental equilibrium are being seemingly wasted by branching off in 2 directions for what appears to be no reason. They are never reverted and show up in every single build linked. Why spend points on extra int, especially soo early and not use it to respec later or anything? You are having us put in another point for int near the jewel leading to EE. What is the purpose for getting it if its linked through another side? It can't be a mistake since it is in every build listed. Thank you so much for this great guide, any response is highly appreciated. Last edited by alphamule#5644 on Dec 13, 2016, 12:43:04 AM
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thx a lot for this guide!
however i got a problem, i dont one shot bosses, i go in, put down my OoS and then hit with fb but sometimes it seems that i do no dmg. it seems that i mostly kill with ignite not with initial dmg from fb my gear is same like urs, so are my links dont know what i am missing :/ |
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" Its so you can respec out from life nodes later in game. |
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