[No longer updated] Pizza Sticks: Flameblast Totem Hierophant

Mordrigar wrote:

Tried this build and levelled 80. It was kinda fun. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Now I started to complete maps but I have some problems.

I know my gear is not that well. So I need a shopping list. Which part of my gear should be changed first? My order is:

5-Link Chest
Dagger with Cast Speed - Spell Damage - Spell Critic
Dual Daggers?

Also, how much critical chance and cast speed considered good?

Lastly, I have that "breach" problem just like everybody else. Totems are a bit slow in breaches and it is easy to die while trying to survive in breach.

Here is my character (OnBesTotemMuzExile) Feel free to recommend improvements!


I have 145% Cast Speed with Whirling Blades active in Hideoout.

3000 HP 1300 Shield full res on 75%

My Damage is at lvl 72 about 1800(Average Damage) ... my Flameblast is very fast and explode quick. I dont know what the Average Damage mean.... how much DPS ?!

I have no Problems in Breaches .... all die very fast!

I think you should have minimal 100% Cast Speed to play easycheesy. My 145% are good but it could be better ^^

Critical Strike Chance i have 40% but i need much more ;)

All i can say is that this Build is superstrong and makes alot of fun to play.

But you need more Castspeed ;))
Last edited by BiggestB on Mar 8, 2017, 11:10:02 PM
Ditch the shiiiield. Without dual wielding you're missing a lot of cast speed.
Is flammability not recommended here?
The silent majority.
How are you fareing in breaches. So far I have an very easy time against all bosses and content, but beaches are giving me a headache, which is kind of sad giving the possible returns i am missing.

Sometimes they go well but when i get swarmed and or my totems get killed fast then i am dead pretty fast. I am currently sitting at 4.2K life and 2.5k ES running - still running a tablula though. Flameblast average dmg is at 5900. My cast speed ist at about 100 while using a shield. I image if I could get my cast speed to 130 it would make things easier?

what is the recommend chest piece. I am aiming for a tukamaha shield, so i am not sure if an infermal mantle woudl be a good fit, giving i would most like have to be pure life then? If i am not using a tukohamas, then i guess infernal mantle is best in slot till i can get a 800+ ES chest.

Last edited by Sjeg on Mar 9, 2017, 3:02:17 AM
sry if this have been answered before. but why is the 6th gem Controlled Destruction Support?

i thought this is a crit build and Controlled Destruction lowers crit chance, no? thx
Last edited by buttcommander on Mar 9, 2017, 4:17:50 AM
I watched your CI video on Phoenix. Looks good for an ignite build. Can you explain how your ES regeneration starts so fast after being hit?
Last edited by Sjeg on Mar 9, 2017, 3:57:41 AM

I'm also wondering about CD. I have somewhat decent gear since I got quite lucky, so with 6 PC and all effects I have about 88% crit chance, missing only about 87% crit chance from jewelry (assuming I only buy perfect jewelry). So while 95% seems to be atleast theoretically possible with high end gear, CD would absolutely wreck that.

And while it does give 44% more spell dmg it also gives you a 7% chance of doing straigh up 0 dmg. I have been wondering for a while now which skillgem would be better.

For atziri and phoenix its obviously elemental focus, no contest here.

I am far less sure for everything else though. The only two gems that come to my mind are Culling strikes (10% cast speed, 38% increased dmg, and kill bosses below 10% hp) and minion/totem resistance (19% more dmg, 54% elemental resis). My biggest problem in breaches atm is that my totems get killed as fast as they get placed so I have to whirl around like a fucking maniac placing totems and chugging my anti bleed potion. Then there ele prof. obviosuly , which I haven't tested yet.

I can see the sense of CD against high hp bosses but against enemies which die to a single crit it actually gimps your clearspeed, quite a bit too.
Sjeg wrote:
I watched your CI video on Phoenix. Looks good for an ignite build. Can you explain how your ES regeneration starts so fast after being hit?

he took a different ascendancy path sanctify and pious path together with zealot's oath give good amount of es regen which is helpful during long boss fight like phoenix. its a slightly different playstyle than the original build, but both works i think, its a matter of preference.
Vallenhael wrote:

I'm also wondering about CD. I have somewhat decent gear since I got quite lucky, so with 6 PC and all effects I have about 88% crit chance, missing only about 87% crit chance from jewelry (assuming I only buy perfect jewelry). So while 95% seems to be atleast theoretically possible with high end gear, CD would absolutely wreck that.

And while it does give 44% more spell dmg it also gives you a 7% chance of doing straigh up 0 dmg. I have been wondering for a while now which skillgem would be better.

For atziri and phoenix its obviously elemental focus, no contest here.

I am far less sure for everything else though. The only two gems that come to my mind are Culling strikes (10% cast speed, 38% increased dmg, and kill bosses below 10% hp) and minion/totem resistance (19% more dmg, 54% elemental resis). My biggest problem in breaches atm is that my totems get killed as fast as they get placed so I have to whirl around like a fucking maniac placing totems and chugging my anti bleed potion. Then there ele prof. obviosuly , which I haven't tested yet.

I can see the sense of CD against high hp bosses but against enemies which die to a single crit it actually gimps your clearspeed, quite a bit too.

OP mentions Ele-Prolif for Breaches in the 1st post, suggest you test it.
Another alternative to CD when you have high crit chance is
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All right. My idea was to push as high as I could with shit-tier life gear and tabula.
Shaped my atlas, did all t14-t15 except Core(doable tho, I just fucked up too much) and even crazy mod t16. And did 20 uberlab runs(without charges/gargs, one-shots are no fun). Almost deathless.

And all of it with this gear which I got on lvl78:

Stats are:
5k HP with almost no armor. You definitely need some kind of dmg reduction like armor/evasion for red maps tho. I was using flasks constantly and placing totems ahead to compensate for the lack of it.

FB in h/o with golem: 46% crit, 330% multi and 124% cast speed, 3700 avg. dmg with aoe and 5600 with conc.
Fully buffed: 73.5% crit, 154% cast speed, 8100 with conc. and 5300 aoe.

I got some cast speed nodes in skill tree instead of inc. fire damage and some more multi/chance(Assassination is just 2 nodes away from Trickery).

I do think it's possible to kill uber/shaper but the room for error is too small and attempt cost is too high right now :D

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