Season One, Race Event 1: One Hour Solo
how to register for this event?
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" It will appear 30 minutes before it starts as an option. |
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can u start a first character, take the first gem put it in your chest then start as another class , do most of the race with it with the extra gem?
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what does the reward points do?
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wow, grinding races for pts huh? i dunno, the air just went out of my balloon, aint gonna lie. was stoked until i checked the rewards today. huh..... meh. thats about all i can muster. i thought initially that was like a season thing and that sounded really cool, soemthing in addition to race prizes... but when i see that all race prizes are just race points? mmmmmmkaaay. whatever i guess, expected a bit more. i mean that is just really really boring. and the same type prize structure from one hr races to 3 hour races? that is even more boring. wow.
i understand that handing out currencies in the amounts distributed in cb would tank the economy at some point im sure, but wow, at least there was some motivation before. i thought the cb rates were quite fat, they could have been leaned down quite a bit and still been attractive. dont get me wrong, i enjoy just racing against my own times and others n shit, but nice to have something cool for prizes. i mean something USEFUL. like stash tabs or something. oh well, high item level unique skin versions of items that we will all get as drops anyway and would only use for very niche builds or early leveling, just aint my thing i guess, happy for all that are stoked about the current prize structure. at least before, a guy with limited time could concievably do one race, and win something usefull. now, that one guy can get a few pts that do him no good unless he is ready to grind out more races for more points. prizes are fun, they should be fun. pts are not fun. pts are a ginding mechanic. pts on TOP of prizes are fun, added incentive for those that choose to grind more. otherwise, pts are completly worthless to those that dont wanna grind pts, only wanna run a race on the weekend when they have the time or something. this just really only rewards the season racers seems like. oh well, games great, i had hoped for a bit more out of the prizing, but call me spoiled from cb i suppose. just a little shocked, this was probably the first "what were they thinking?" moment i have had with poe in 3 monthes. just cant see the same guys who came up with that beast of a skill tree developing such a one dimensional prize structure for races, lol. applaud no trading in solo's. and as many others have said time and time again, why on EARTH is there still a hillock prize?? fastest shadow wins. period. as if it is up for contention by any other class. why is there a prize for killing hillock, and no prize for brutus? that makes ZERO sense. but meh, if the prize is 2 reward pts, who the hell cares anyways, lols. /shrug??? i mean seriously, before, clearing some of the side objectives like pool or something made sense from a financial pt of view, you could go for that win in lew of the overall win for instance. now? what, go deal with FLICKER MOBS for allflame for WHAT? 2 pts? are you serious? who on earth would incurr that risk to reward ratio in a hc race event? wow. there is literally ZERO incentive for a racer to do that beyond the actual skill point that would be stupid to collect in teh first place in a short race. huh. first thing that has felt "rushed" to me honestly. this just doesnt strike me as being particularly well thougth out yet. and hey, thats cool. you guys have nailed practically everything else, and have alot goin. just a vote for a more diverse prize structure in teh future please! fun stuff that is allready in place: custom stash tabs, fun cosmetics, pets. people like that kind of shit. hey,i won a gold race frog, only available from races, etc. that stuff is FUN. pts are just snooze imo. |
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As someone who raced in placed in several of the cb races, this whole race season plan is kinda "meh" from the reward side.
Because there are no rewards for individual races, and the season rewards are awful (especially if you play hardcore where your item will eventually get sent to default where you'll never even see it), whats the point in participating in individual events? The idea race season idea is decent, but removing rewards for events is pretty fail. And so are the season rewards. Last edited by Zaanus#7185 on Feb 21, 2013, 9:43:44 PM
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I've made the rewards easier (level thresholds slightly lower) for the one hour races based on further testing.
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" Just so you know, in practice today, with no unique item drops, Nugiyen got over 21, I think almost halfway to 22 :P So I'm pretty sure 22 is possible. And 20 shouldn't be too hard, honestly. EDIT: Just realized you made the levels easier, my bad. But not sure if they went over 19 before, but not sure if you want to adjust for that. Last edited by TheuberClips#2320 on Feb 21, 2013, 10:12:42 PM
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" That's pretty cool man. I did 6 practice runs and got to 11 almost every time. except my 2 stupid deaths trying to get places sooner than i need to LOL. But that seems doable for all who participate now. |
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" This means if I don't die, I will get at least 3 points. I've been getting level 13 most of my attempts, but never more than 13(46%). With the level threshold lowered, I will get 3 points each 1 hr race and sometimes 4. Makes getting some of the higher season long rewards possible goals. |
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