Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

I like it. Dont make prophecies too rare please, they are barely worth doing as it is.
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
Last edited by Erak on Aug 10, 2016, 3:49:10 AM
Ayuminator wrote:
Meh. Was specifically farming for the Reach bow in this league so I can use it in standard later. What's the point in playing leagues if not finding their special uniques, for further use? It's called INCENTIVE. You need to learn, that players need this to stay in the game, not to play it at all but keep playing later on.
This goes in Diablo 3 direction, quick leagues for 1-2 weeks to finish MTX stuff then leave and return 3 months later. As there is nothing that is worth spending more time for to carry it over to Std league to make the goons better.
Out for No Man's Sky now, have fun nerfing.
There was incentive to build a character who used it in this league. This league still ongoing btw.

PoE since open beta was about temp leagues/ladders way more so than permaleagues. It's understood that there might be mechanics or items in temp leagues not making it into core game or permaleagues. In fact, what GGG has done lately was give incentive (or lure) to play temp leagues with a lot of uniques handed out one way or another and some overpowered items that were league specific and meant only to be there for one league.
grepman wrote:

Yeah it is indeed a rare and exciting occasion, I have been playing in the league from the start and so far naturally I got access to:

1 From the Void
2 Jewelers' Touch
about 7~8 sets of council maps

I have not gotten fated connections or trash to treasure. There are of course a lot of other useful non-top tier prophecies that I enjoyed and I made profit from ones that are needed for the league. However, once the league ends those will have next to no value.

I have spent thousands of sliver in the league to get such minor returns and they are using some pretty serious language for the kind of scarcity they are intending to create. I am just advocating for moderate means, not as extreme as I am sure they are aiming to impose now.
Those two prophecies you didn't get aren't just rare. They're super rare. Were you expecting to get them in few thousand coins? That'd extremely optimistic to put it lightly. I mean, how many skyforth drops or non-trash 6l drops do people have on an average in a temp league?

I six linked 2 items this league and had about the same rate for other leagues. So I six linked items twice as often as I got fated connections prophecies, I know this is an irrelevant metric for trash to treasure, that prophecy might as well have a rarity tier between exalts and mirrors.

Also your statement proves the point I am trying to make. If you think those prophecies should be so rare that "a few thousand" coins is not enough to unlock them then how the hell do you expect this feature to function when they want to drastically reduce the drop rate on the coins?

grepman wrote:
Ayuminator wrote:
Meh. Was specifically farming for the Reach bow in this league so I can use it in standard later. What's the point in playing leagues if not finding their special uniques, for further use? It's called INCENTIVE. You need to learn, that players need this to stay in the game, not to play it at all but keep playing later on.
This goes in Diablo 3 direction, quick leagues for 1-2 weeks to finish MTX stuff then leave and return 3 months later. As there is nothing that is worth spending more time for to carry it over to Std league to make the goons better.
Out for No Man's Sky now, have fun nerfing.
There was incentive to build a character who used it in this league. This league still ongoing btw.

PoE since open beta was about temp leagues/ladders way more so than permaleagues. It's understood that there might be mechanics or items in temp leagues not making it into core game or permaleagues. In fact, what GGG has done lately was give incentive (or lure) to play temp leagues with a lot of uniques handed out one way or another and some overpowered items that were league specific and meant only to be there for one league.

Ok I am fine with them nerfing the ROTC going forward, as long as they legacy it and don't give it the bullshit voltaxic/consuming dark treatment. They boast that they won't take anything away from players that earned it but that kind of nerfing is very much taking things away from people. Looking back on all the time I spent grinding this league to get my ROTCs, if they get nerfed into the ground with a retroactive nerf, well that's a lot of my time wasted. This also means that in the future when I see something is too good to be true I won't even bother going for it. What will this accomplish, well in my case a much shorter retention period in leagues. I am pretty certain it will be the same for a lot of people because when you erode your players' confidence in their ability to keep what they invested in you are going to lose them. There are insanely op uniques from previous leagues that enjoy circulation in legacy form and no matter how OP ROTC or Voidheart are, they should be given the same treatment. Otherwise you better start nerfing legacy uniques or lose credibility with players.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Last edited by Ageless_Emperion on Aug 10, 2016, 4:00:54 AM
Wonderful. Can't wait to test the STD characters in the prophecy chains (if they will be available).
AND there are still many uniques in need of a fated version.

Time to catch some fated fish :D
Processing tuned down tempest shield MTX [pending...]
Super excited about all of this!

Really glad the Prophecies are being implemented to the core game, it adds a lot of diversity and makes mapping and farming a lot more interesting!
grepman wrote:

Yeah it is indeed a rare and exciting occasion, I have been playing in the league from the start and so far naturally I got access to:

1 From the Void
2 Jewelers' Touch
about 7~8 sets of council maps

I have not gotten fated connections or trash to treasure. There are of course a lot of other useful non-top tier prophecies that I enjoyed and I made profit from ones that are needed for the league. However, once the league ends those will have next to no value.

I have spent thousands of sliver in the league to get such minor returns and they are using some pretty serious language for the kind of scarcity they are intending to create. I am just advocating for moderate means, not as extreme as I am sure they are aiming to impose now.
Those two prophecies you didn't get aren't just rare. They're super rare. Were you expecting to get them in few thousand coins? That'd extremely optimistic to put it lightly. I mean, how many skyforth drops or non-trash 6l drops do people have on an average in a temp league?

I six linked 2 items this league and had about the same rate for other leagues. So I six linked items twice as often as I got fated connections prophecies, I know this is an irrelevant metric for trash to treasure, that prophecy might as well have a rarity tier between exalts and mirrors.

Also your statement proves the point I am trying to make. If you think those prophecies should be so rare that "a few thousand" coins is not enough to unlock them then how the hell do you expect this feature to function when they want to drastically reduce the drop rate on the coins?
actually, I said 6l 'drops' specifically (and non trash and non tabula :))
Prophecies aren't substitutes for drops, they are a complementary mechanics.

Plus drops are 'free'. Fusing a 6l takes fuses. A few thousand coins, if supply is large like it is now, is only a few exalts. Which you probably spent on 6 linking your items anyway.

Also, think of it this way - making coins rarer can also make them more valuable and make GGG enable rarer prophecies more often.
id like the big ticket prophecies removed (chance and 6link)

these might be 'chase items' but they turn players into greedy ungrateful types that are quick to call everything else 'shit and thrash'

this game already conditioned large enough part of the playerbase to the 'play to be rewarded' mindset (that is extremely toxic in the long tun). these two prophecies obscured all other and forced some into hamster wheel of 'seal burn spam' thousands of prophecies just to get this one chase prophecy

it was so strong of an effect that even players barely in the maps complain about backtracking (lol.. 72character has small exp penalty even in the earliest prophecy zone - merc southern forest) and others wasted way more chasing rabbit than it was worth..

psychology experiment worth writing phd

so fated items are STILL proph league specific right?

on a side-note; Rigwald league was very rewarding in endgame, it was an investment, because a million amulets were needed but it WAS very good endgame material.
pls bring it back, i loved that league.
★ IGN: Pinockio_the_Transexual or PM me on forums ★
grepman wrote:

Also, think of it this way - making coins rarer can also make them more valuable and make GGG enable rarer prophecies more often.

Dude I don't know if its like a reading comprehension issue on your part or something but that is the point I made with my posts...

Coins can be rare if sub-par prophecies are removed.

If they keep all the junk then coins shouldn't be rare.

I can't spell it out more clearly than that.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
availablex wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
RunPuppet wrote:
In regards of the Reach nerf- who has enough exalts to buy a well crafted Harbinger? Rich ppl in Standard. I paid 40ex for a 6l Reach there, equivalent Harb would be +/- 100-150ex.

I have dreamt of playing with a really kick ass bow since I started playing this game but they were always unattainable for me. There are already many bows existing that are as strong or stronger than Reach- I just can't afford them.

If my bow gets nerfed and I am back to staring at Harbs that I can't afford, I'm seriously throwing my toys out of the pram & re-evaluating my gaming choices. I feel like whatever I want to play has a risk of getting nerfed every 3 months, getting thoroughly tired of it.

if you need the obscenely broken items to enjoy the game.. then there are more serious issues

you stupid, he talk about worthless farm, stop reading between the lines
hes absolutely correct.

You don't even need a 10ex weapon to absolutely bend over all content nowadays, much less a 100+ex one. A 100+ ex weapon is an utter luxury like a rolls royce. Let's pause this post and hear the world's smallest violin plays for all the undoubtedly unhappy people who are unhappy because they cant afford a rolls royce.

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