Prophecy as a Core Game Mechanic

Qarl wrote:
Players were very quick to ask about keeping Prophecy in the main game.

Alot more wanted Perandus.

Qarl wrote:
There will be a quest to have her go to town.

Another scion quest nobody will care about in 2 months.

Qarl wrote:
Silver coins will be rarer.

So prophecies are just another element that nobody will both collecting because no doubt these coins will be rare as fuck now.

Qarl wrote:
Navali will be able to join your hideout.

Cool, but see above.

Qarl wrote:
We need to assess the power of the rewards.

So we'll be going back to the submerged passage in act 1 alot I guess for all those shitty prophecies.

Qarl wrote:
We are also excited for Prophecy being in the core game for another reason.

Me too, but I wager without a doubt you guys are going to make it non-worthwhile that it wont even matter. Congratulations, you gained a coin.. now go and kill me this shitty rare nobody cares about so i can give you a reward you gained 10 times already.


Have you guys tried going out and getting a jack in the box recently for example.. when it was first released people enjoyed it, but fun needs to be gotten rid of here, you now only come across it if you're levelling. Divination cards.. what a waste.

I'd wager a bet that the false idols will be non near existent.. never mind the 6 link prophecy that very little people got.

Sorry for the negativity.. but I won't hold my breath on this one.. and even so.. #bringbackperandus.
this is great news, I'm a new newb to POE and with only low to mid level characters I would never have had a chance in the couple weeks left to finish any of the higher level chain prophecies to get any of the fated unique items or map fragments.

I would like to humbly request that some other "oldy but goody" uniques be added over time this would give some end game utility to lower level so called "leveling uniques" as it did with that quiver.

Personally I would love a end game version of Brightbeak (needs more base damage I suspect) and the Cloak of Flames (more ES) two really fun items I've leveled with that promote really different builds but that I suspect just don't have the raw values to be viable later (I am a newb and I am guessing on this based on many past games so maybe I'm wrong).
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Ryouko wrote:
RunPuppet wrote:
In regards of the Reach nerf- who has enough exalts to buy a well crafted Harbinger? Rich ppl in Standard. I paid 40ex for a 6l Reach there, equivalent Harb would be +/- 100-150ex.

I have dreamt of playing with a really kick ass bow since I started playing this game but they were always unattainable for me. There are already many bows existing that are as strong or stronger than Reach- I just can't afford them.

If my bow gets nerfed and I am back to staring at Harbs that I can't afford, I'm seriously throwing my toys out of the pram & re-evaluating my gaming choices. I feel like whatever I want to play has a risk of getting nerfed every 3 months, getting thoroughly tired of it.

So you want an op bow unique bow that is comparable to the best crafted Harbingers only cause you cant afford to buy one these? Maybe just accept it or learn how to make currency but not devalue crafting rare Harbingers >.< Even with a 6l rare Harbinger for 40ex you still rush through everything in this game. The Power Creep is so big you don't even need an insanely good bow anymore.


FFS my LA Inquisitor Build this league was prototyped on this bow:

And it performed in T13+ without any issues, with a 40 ex bow it would be magnitudes better. Considering ROTC cost less than this test bow did in Standard (let alone a 40 ex bow) when I picked it up and performs the way it does, that's just ridiculous. I'm all for having fun uniques, but when one item completely shits on the notion of even trying to craft, that's going a little too far.
Fake Temp League Elitists LUL
Last edited by _Saranghaeyo_ on Aug 10, 2016, 2:43:12 AM
TreeOfDead wrote:

I see, so basically Reach bow wont be legacy (prophecy vercion will be nerfed too)? Am i correct?

i don't think there will be any legacy, changing a fixed stat like "x additional arrows" is easy for them to apply to all existing bows.


nice that prophecy makes it into the main game eventually, you may also think about lowering her voice a little and nerf the overlay when a prophecy completes (or replace it by simple text), if multiple prophecies trigger i sometimes can't see any ongoing monster action.

age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
You would not be able to add the fated uniques without nerfing some of them...especially the voidheart. Allowing someone to slip on a ring with no cons to it and suddenly their melee attacks have 100% chance to cause bleeding and 100% chance to poison.....this would destroy many items and mechanics that you currently have in place in the game. There are items that are only average in damage that have a small percent chance to bleed or poison, but there is the sacrifice of having an item with only moderate damage. If it is on a ring then someone can use melee items that are already OP, and now they have a 100% chance to bleed AND poison. Just too much.
Missed prophecy due to study so... Thanks!!!
Path of Exile; A world where you are free from pay to win. Unlimited builds, vast enemy mods and a strong end game. Unrivaled community in real life and rewarding developers.
Path of exile is one of the best ARPGS created/ Died 25 times to 1 boss in Path of Exile and would rip again.
I am glad to see this, but will watch it's implemenation with caution. There are a lot of prophesies that worked fine for a league, but will have issues in long term play. The rate of coin drop honestly is fine as it is; I would be hesitant to see it drop too much. My biggests thoughts are make it easier to seal/remove unwanted prophesies and focus more on the lore prophesies than the generic area effects. Finding a plague of rats is amusing enough, but the strength of the mechanic really lies in the world lore it helps highlight. This is a rich world lore wise, but usually it seems like most of it never really makes into actual game play. Prophesies are a good way to do this without overwhelming new players or boring people to death with it.
sorry but i'm not buying it.

Perandus > rest > normal mode > Prophecy.
- Best Signature Ever -
Pleaswe DO NOT nerf the ROC its the only build I have been able to sustain the higher maps with. If it gets nerfed it'l be a sad sad day...
Ok, so, despite one's preferences, this is - the way I see it - the weakest game mechanic so far. Seems okish that GGG wants to keep fated uniques and help leveling, but the rest of prophecy... the backtracking, the returning to town, the devalue of so much stuff. Ill make some considerations:
Invasion did add challenge and reward
Warbands was boring as a mechanic but preeeetty rewarding for a mfer
Talisman was meh, but then in the long run talismans would add more to the game than this
Torment was fun, as long as u dont have it so frequently
Beyond was amazing
Darkshrines were quite epic
Same bout perandus.

Then prophecy: the first league I quitted playing before the end. And the one they decided to keep.

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