[old build] Doomfletch's Prism Elementalist (Budget and strong) [Top30 PHC]
" Rat's Nest is alright for SC. I think you may have meant Devoto's Devotion though? That has move speed. That's also decent I guess but you lose a little base damage, but the aps/ms should make up for it. " I dislike CI builds but that's a playstyle preference. You can make CI work well with this. Uber Lab is viable if you use Lightning Arrow + GMP, with Frost Wall to abuse that setup. Vaal Burning arrow isn't really viable for Izaro because you have no Vaal charges when entering his area. " Use both with the Elementalist passive. Stone Golem is also viable but I felt as though Fire/Lightning Golems were best. " The raw damage of the bow is high enough that you can kill bosses just fine as long as you know the fight. I can only think of Palace Dom second phase where this isn't possible, I fought him once, it took a little longer but was fine. Some people have used Writhing Jar, but I haven't felt that was worth dropping a utility flask for. " Correct. " EE will just be less damage, you're attacking with all 3 elements at once. Use what you prefer for CWDT setups, I just put in GMP+AB because I had free links. IGN: @Oos
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If some of you are worried about bosses with no adds, you can carry a worm flask and pop it to trigger conflux. Pretty standard "trick"
As Oos and others have stated, your damage should be fine once you have your build together. Last edited by Curtsie#3607 on Jun 29, 2016, 9:40:26 AM
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Has anyone tried this using LA-GMP-Pierce-WED-PPD on a 5 link?? And then Frost wall for bosses? Would the extra aoe's on LA kill you to reflect?
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NICE build!
Having lots of fun with it, just one question. How do you permanently have EO up? I just speced into it am lvl 67 and its procing rather unreliable. Have 8.3% crit chance but my bow is the same roll and gear as you had. on the hunt
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" i dont have overload yet because on the main post he gave us 3 trees the first one was the "skeleton" which is your tree for leveling then the 85 tree which should be the complete build in which you are suppose to put overload. Maybe in higher level with the other parts of the tree u will most likely trigger it pretty often. |
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I am also wondering about elemental overload. I only have 8.7% crit so is it worth it to invest into all of those int nodes to reach EO?
Really really fun build im at 82 on PHC atm and the build feels super strong! :) |
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" uhm it doesnt matter as you obv. dont get more crit. think it procs decently well using a diamond flask atm but not too sure its worth it bc its hard to proc on bosses and thats where i need it the most imho on the hunt
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About the Elemental Overload posts:
It's not up all the time, but late game when you're moving/attacking/killing fast it should be up often. Maybe spec in to it 85+. I got it earlier (70ish) and it helped, but maybe there's more efficient nodes first. Even with low crit, because you attack fairly fast. Contrary to what schraegstrich said, I think it's up most in boss fights, because they're longer, and you have more hits that havea chance to proc EO. You could possibly get a crit roll on amulet if you feel that will help. IGN: @Oos
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This build is NUTS.
I just had like 20 Dried Lake runs @ SC Prophecy and level 70-74 or sth. ... A level 74 elementalist using this build was carrying a 6P PARTY , just 1-shotting everything o.O Never seen anything quite like it as such a low level. I N S A N E . "Wealth in a game is measured by the amount of fun, joy and entertainment you can get out of it".
-Mythabril |
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Hi playing this build atm. It's insane damage. I have question regarding the physical damage nodes on the tree. Is it more efficient to spec into physical damage nodes on this build, specifically the deadly draw and heavy draw wheel? Is it more efficient than the projectile damage node? elemental damage nodes? Does the scaling of the physical damage converts to the rest of the elemental damage one?
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