[old build] Doomfletch's Prism Elementalist (Budget and strong) [Top30 PHC]
Edit: Conflux was nerfed so this build has changed a lot, I won't be updating the guide. The nerf was fair, Conflux was very over powered. Enjoy some other build in 2.4! Prism is still a great bow for traditional bow builds. I'll leave the guide untouched for information/mechanics purposes.
Hey, I'm Oos, got Build of the Week a while back. Currently level 96, hovering around top 30 on PHC. Had some interest in my build, here’s the guide. I’ll try not to ramble too much but there is a lot to explain if I want to cover everything. This build is great for both SC and HC. ![]() The build is designed around Doomfletch’s Prism, a bow from Prophecy league. It can be obtained on the market or by completing the Ancient Doom prophecy. The aim of the build is to create a high dps character with good defense and minimal weaknesses when mapping. It has proven to be a very strong character that can tackle any content I’ve thrown at it. Abaxoth or rippy maps/bosses for example. 560 million exp per hour in Dried Lake. Using the high base damage of the bow, and clever damage scaling, you hit hard and prolif massive shock/burns. The cost of this build at a minimum is 10-15 chaos. But you can invest as much as you like. EDIT: Ended up ripping, rank 27. Was Flame Bearers, I saw them the whole time, attempted to Blink Arrow away three times and each were blocked by terrain. Annoying death really, but it's fine, not a weakness with the build's defense.
Path of Exile in 2.3 is actually quite laggy for me(as you can see in the videos below), so I don’t feel comfortable recording. If it gets better than I’ll make some proper videos of t13+ maps or boss kills. T13 Waterways gfy. This is how the build clears in high maps. Here’s a video showcasing the single target burns. Here’s a 2man Gorge speed run. (Seawitches/Rampage so super easy, just wanted to show the potential speed of the build). I’ll record some videos that showcase the build better when I can.
Passive Tree
Base Leveling Tree Skeleton.
Level 85 Complete Tree. From here get Jewel sockets, Frenzy Charges, and more %Life. Current tree at level 96. Getting the 4% life node and Frenzy Charges to finish the build at 100.
In this section I’ll attempt to explain how the bow works, and how to scale it higher. Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.
This mod: Gain 110% of Bow Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element. Flat physical damage is used as a base for this bow’s damage. Elemental damage added after, from this base physical damage. We then scale this total sum through other modifiers. Elementalist is also used for free shock/chill/ignite based off the total damage. Because there are many steps to the damage calculation we can use damage scaling modifiers to double or triple dip with this damage scaling. To make this simpler to explain, I’ll focus on 3 parts to the damage; base phys, added ele, burn damage. I’ll also presume that the base damage of the bow is 10-20 phys, and the mod is 100% of phys added as ele. So first, you need a high base damage to this bow. Flat x-x phys damage on other gear also applies to this base phys (gloves, quiver, jewelery, etc). So we scale this bow like Facebreaker builds, stacking flat phys as a base to our damage. Lets presume that with all gear your base phys is 10-20 (will be way higher, using this to simplify this explanation). Then 10-20 is added as each element, leaving you with 10-20phys, 10-20light, 10-20cold, 10-20fire. So 80-160 combined damage. The tooltip for this bow is inaccurate, it does not show your added damage. Now, how to scale this higher. Projectile Damage double dips with this bow. It scaled the base damage, then the burn that's based off the base damage. I hope that makes sense. The two most important stats for DPS scaling: Flat Physical Damage (for a base, like Facebreaker) % Projectile Damage (double dip) Other ways of scaling damage: % Physical Damage % Elemental Damage (double dip) % Weapon Elemental Damage % Fire Damage (double dip) Flat Elemental Damage
Why Elementalist?
Conflux, proliferation, no reflect.
Shaper of Desolation (Normal Lab) Elemental Conflux for hock/Chill/Ignite on all monsters. Beacon of Ruin (Cruel Lab) Elemental Proliferation, spreading the conflux and greatly increasing AoE clearing. Liege of the Primordial (Merciless Lab) Allows you to use Flame + Lightning Golems for great damage buffs and boss tanking. Paragon of Calamity (Uber Lab) No reflect issues, slight occasional damage buffs.
All my gear
A 6L isn't required, the build can be created from a very small budget. My gear is obviously extremely good, but I'm level 95+. Doomfletch's Prism bow. Drillneck for flat phys, some defense and mad Pierce/projectile double dipping :) Jewelry with flat phys, life, res. Attack speed, leech, accuracy, %wed, ele dmg all bonuses. Rustic Sash base with life, res, %wed or movement speed. Meginord's Girdle is great for leveling but a good Rustic beats it. Evasion helmet with life, res, accuracy. Evasion gloves with flat phys, attack speed, life, res. Accuracy, leech and ele damage is bonus. Brinerot Whalers are best in slot, phys% and proj% damage. Atziri's Step a solid option for more defense and move speed. This is my favourite body armour, it enables strong cwdt+immortal call, and has solid defense stats too. Lightning Coil, Kintsugi, Kaom's Heart also good options. Or even a rare evasion 6L. Cloak of Flame and Lioneye's Vision also strong, but hard to get 5/6 off colours. My preferred pot setup, use what you're used to.
Gloves: I’d highly recommend “of Fury”, it creates an arc of projectiles that scale with your gear/tree. Every 5 seconds it will proc and the coverage of the arc helps clear stray monsters. Here it is in action. Or you can use “of Spite” for a more defensive option. Boots: Most of the boot enchants are decent, no particular order. % chance to Avoid being Stunned if you've Killed Recently % chance to Dodge Spell Damage if you've taken Spell Damage Recently % increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently % of Damage Leeched as Life and Mana if you've Killed Recently % increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently Helmet: Any of the Split Arrow ones, or % increased Blink Arrow Cooldown Recovery Speed. Not worth farming for.
The two mods you need on Jewels are:
%Life %Projectile Damage For 3rd/4th mods: %Phys dmg %Phys dmg with bows %Fire dmg %Damage %Damage over time %Lightning dmg %Cold dmg %Evasion %Attack speed %Attack speed with bows
Skill Gems
My gem setup is in the gear above.
Split Arrow is used because it has large AoE coverage, can hit a lot of monsters, and from there proliferate burns. All without needing to use LMP/GMP that reduce the base hit. We want to use our support gems for MORE damage multipliers. Split Arrow + Pierce + Physical Projectile Attack Damage + Weapon Elemental Damage. Faster Attacks and Slower Projectile as your 5th and 6th link, whichever order you prefer. 6L is not required, I got mine at level 91. Auras: I use Arctic Armour and Grace. You don’t really need DPS auras, but can use them if you like. Essence Worm ring could be used for Grace (or Wrath), and Arctic Armour and Herald of Thunder for 70% reservation. CWDT: Immortal Call, Enfeeble. Mobility: Blink Arrow + Faster Attacks +(Faster Projectiles optional) Golems: Summon Flame Golem + Summon Lightning Golem (+Minion Life optional) Utility: Blood Rage, Vaal Haste, Enduring Cry.
Leveling is really easy past level 40.
As a Witch, level however you want until level 28. I used bows from level 9 (unique bows + dps leveling gear). You could alternatively use spells. At level 28 swap to Doomfletch and flat phys gear (jewelry, Meginord’s, Foxshade, etc). At level 40 equip Doomfletch’s Prism, complete the Lab, get Conflux and faceroll the rest of the game. I got to level 80 in around 12 hours. My friend did it in 10 hours 25mins. The first difficulty isn’t amazing leveling speed, but level 40+ it’s gg. Expect to get 350-560 million exp per hour in Dried Lake. Bandits: Normal: Oak Cruel: Krait (or Oak) Merc: Krait (or Oak)
Because the Split Arrow tooltip doesn’t show the real damage, or the real dps, there’s no point in showing it.
Here’s my defense in hideout with no potions. Here’s my defense in hideout with potions. Plus Endurance Charges, Immortal Call, Enfeeble.
Map Mods
Can run every map mod, the only ones I skip are “-max resistances” (rippy on HC) and “cannot leech mana/life” (red maps only and super rare).
Make sure to over cap your resistance for Elemental Weakness maps (in hideout: 165% for yellow maps, 169% for red maps). No/low regen is no problem. Phys reflect hurts a little but safe. Ele reflect hurts a little more but safe if you don’t spam in to “allies can’t die totem/aura”. Don’t run Ele reflect maps before doing Uber lab! Pretty sure that's everything. Feel free to ask questions. IGN: @Oos Last edited by Oos#6742 on Sep 1, 2016, 5:36:00 PM Last bumped on May 13, 2017, 1:14:45 AM
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Nice build !
ekSi - making GG builds since 1999
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Can confirm NiceBuild. Told me to play it because I was really bored and didnt know what to play. Gameplay and leveling was so fast. Made level 80 in around 10ish hours.
I do cross-league trading, You are first unless your join date is earlier then mine
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Why Doomfletch's Prism and not Doomfletch? Don't see any diffence between them, at least at wiki.
Thanks for interesting build anyway, will try it. BR. Last edited by IIy3uK#5387 on Jun 26, 2016, 12:19:34 AM
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" Doomfletch's Prism is the fated version of Doomfletch, exclusive to Prophecy league. The difference between mods: Gain 110% of Bow Physical Damage as Extra Damage of an Element. Gain 110% of Bow Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element. Doomfletch's Prism adds the damage of all 3 elements, not just a single random one. IGN: @Oos
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" Thanks for the info, didn't noticed this. BR. |
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i have 3 exalteds atm in prophecy is that enough to get started ? i am not an expert and i dont have that much experience in poe so i would really apreciate if you give me some tips on what parts of my gear should i focuse first ? like for example i know i have to get the bow first because thats like the core of the build next to that a drillneck, then the daressos defiance 5L which is cheaper than a 6l obviously at this point should i focus the accesories or go for the rest of the gear and leave accesories to the last part(last chaos remaining) ?
AND this build looks pretty amazing ... i have never played with bows so it would be my first :) thanks for sharing it Last edited by sipsi32#6813 on Jun 26, 2016, 1:12:33 AM
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" The gear you listed is good. Buy a Meginord's Girdle and Foxshade to level with. Spend the rest of your currency on gloves/jewelry with flat phys, life, res. This build doesn't need much to get started as long as you focus on flat phys as a primary stat. Other than flat phys the rest of your gear can be mostly defensive, then slowly upgrade each piece. So yeah, 5L Daresso's, Doomfletch, Doomfletch Prism, Drillneck, Brinerot Whalers, rest of currency spent on other slots. IGN: @Oos
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hmm i see, thanks i guess i will start leveling tomorrow :)
Last edited by sipsi32#6813 on Jun 26, 2016, 4:05:13 AM
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How you deal with heavy physical hits?
We evade and dodge a Lot but there is almost no reduction if you get hit or am i missing something? Also no vaal grace used |
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