Death Penalties

I believe at least a motion for death penalties could be to render you weakened for a set ammount of time, thus adding to simple, "take portal 50 times to kill boss" strats people have. I'd like it to have it that you may be able to die once or twice with some slack to kill a boss, but keep it challenging enough to make us have to think and change our strategy is we can't keep up with the dying debuff.

Also, I believe if someone rage quits after death and logs out that they receive a penalty to their stats for a duration. (The difference could be told by seeing someone leave a game versus someone losing connection to the game completely.)
Is there a specific league being made that is between Hardcore and Default? I would like to see one that death not only causes large experience loss, but also a chance for one item to be droped/destroyed. This type of death league would be great because you do not lose all your progress but at the same time you are just as paranoid as you would be in hardcore. Player verses player in this league could bring much to the game due to the steep losses and rewards that are pressent.
Balvuwwa - Ranger: Default
Rustychops wrote:
You could always lose your body when you die. It holds all you weapons and items (only you can pick it up). You also drop all your gold and lose a bit of XP.

Iv never seen this idea in a game before.It would be great to see GGG try it out!

it is a good idea but it has been done before (d2) im not a fan of the exp loss but gold is somthing i can see working but tell me if i am wrong but there is no "gold" in PoE right?
Narfi wrote:

-small chance to respawn in the land of death, and have to fight ur way out of it to respawn where u died.
While ur Body and gear is still in the living world, u have to fight ur way out of there without ur standart gear.
Leave some cropses or chests in the starting area, so u get some basic gear.
Dropping everything u picked up into the living world when u respawn there.
Should take around 5 minutes or so.

i love this idea of some sort of purgatory land where u need to fight out of to get back in game would be interesting. the only issue is if u are in a party they would have to wait for you.
Bloodbrawl wrote:

i love this idea of some sort of purgatory land where u need to fight out of to get back in game would be interesting. the only issue is if u are in a party they would have to wait for you.

I agree, the idea has some merit.

But let me get started first: Playing a game is fun. Not being able to play is not fun.
And all those death penalties that give "ten minutes of 75% decreased attributes" do exactly one thing: They annoy the player and make it unable for him to play, they are a "time-out". Death becomes doubly frustrating.

So, how can we penalize death and at the same time keep the player engaged? Make it possible to undo his mistake if he chooses to, and make that a challenge.

Upon death, present the player with two options:

"Accept defeat": Incurs a penalty to EXP, plain and simple.
"Fight for your soul": Teleports the player to a small randomized dungeon which he has to escape before a time limit is up (30 seconds to 1 minute, maybe). Note: This could be very frustrating if there are no clues as to where the exit is. Some sort of "follow the clues" guiding system should be in place. It should not point out the exit in bright letters, but it should be able for observant players to follow the route. Mobs in this dungeon drop no loot for the dead player.
If the player dies again or the time limit is up, proceed to "EXP penalty and revive in town".
If the player succeeds, however, award him the amount of EXP the penalty would have taken as Bonus EXP.
edit: To avoid exploiting this, a Cooldown timer of 15 minutes should help. Also, whoever dies more than once in 15 minutes deserves the EXP hit.
Hm, maybe the EXP penalty for dying with the CD timer up should be doubled...?

Now, how to deal with this in a party? Present the party with the same option. "Player X has died and opted to Fight Death. Would you like to assist him?"
Players who join to assist would be able to profit from loot (since they are helping out). Alternatively, Scrolls of Resurrection could be implemented. They wouldn't drop from mobs, but only be bartered for (not too cheap, but also not so expensive that no-one would want to use them on fellow party members). Players resurrected by these scrolls would incur a penalty for "eligibility for loot". As discussed in another thread, loot might be "reserved" for a certain player for a few seconds before becoming available to everyone. Just invert that: The resurrected player has a debuff which opts him out of eligibility for 1 or 2 seconds for 5 minutes.

What this penalty system does:
- Penalizes death, but gives the player a chance to correct his mistake (and that makes people feel really, really good about themselves).
- Rewards surviving players.
- Avoids "Not Playing The Game".
- May even make the player feel awarded for "cheating death" by granting him the amount of EXP that his Death would have taken from him.
12/12/12 - the day Germany decided boys are not quite human.
Last edited by Avireyn#0756 on Mar 17, 2012, 8:05:11 AM
An idea i found from a game (can't remember what though) is that when you die you incur a small like xp debt in which the amount of xp you get is halved until u can pay it off with any xp you gain. Any xp you gain will help you pay off the debt AND go towards leveling up. The amount of xp you'd have to pay off would increase if you died while you still had some of the debt to pay.I'd imagine keeping the debt amount quite small but not too small to keep the player engaged might be advisable.Also the amount the xp gain is decreased by could be changed by developers to keep the player engaged.
An idea i found from a game (can't remember what though) is that when you die you incur a small like xp debt in which the amount of xp you get is halved until u can pay it off with any xp you gain. Any xp you gain will help you pay off the debt AND go towards leveling up. The amount of xp you'd have to pay off would increase if you died while you still had some of the debt to pay.I'd imagine keeping the debt amount quite small but not too small to keep the player engaged might be advisable.Also the amount the xp gain is decreased by could be changed by developers to keep the player engaged.

Sorry double post :(
Last edited by sharpoint3#6741 on Mar 17, 2012, 10:37:07 AM
Damage on Armor Items, shields, worn stuff.
% XP gain penalty for the next Y kills or until recovering a 'blessing' or something that is left where you die.
Last edited by Blacksteel#7148 on Mar 18, 2012, 10:45:17 AM
I know you guys want your own death penalty as not to copycat other games.

There are lots of great suggestions here,
I like the idea of having a timer that reduces your stats for a certain amount of time.

You can put it on a multiplier, so if the player dies while the death penalty is active it stacks cumulatively.

Also, I think that having a player drop a certain percentage of their currency (yes much like Diablo) give players incentive not to die, as well as rewarding players in pvp scenarios.

A timer penalty will keep someone from re-spawning in town with full stats and hp, and 1-shotting the person (or monster) they were just fighting.

You could further this by only allowing a certain percentage of mana and health to be recovered when being resurrected.

I know lots of these ideas are already in other games, but it's fair and it works. And I think that that's what the community wants :D
Last edited by brallenton#7534 on Mar 18, 2012, 5:11:16 PM
-I like the idea of losing EXP and making the player spawn at a fixed position.
-The loss of IGC or items seems a bit harsh. Maybe put in checkpoints where the player loses items recived after the checkpoint or something like that.
-Removing atleast 90% of health and mana would be cool too.

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