Death Penalties
just a shot in the dark here but it seems that everyone is fixated on ideas they have seen before and some just outright coping diablo in every single way ha ha ha
yeah drop your body all your gold and weapons with an exp loss i've never heard of a game that does that ( cough diablo cugh) and things like buffs and debuffs andlosing loot gaining loot etc are all done and dusted and argued about. why not when you die just ignore all the cliched rubbish and do something new and exciting. you got a highly viseral game why not when you die program some form of battle scar gore so when you die you look a little "messed up" something like this could really impress people that you've gone an extra step into realism and coolness that death has actually changed your appearance. you can always go to a bed hospital etc to remove it and heal and look back to normal as for penalty and not wanting it it's ingenious because other players would know you had died a lot and you could get mocked by the community. thereby decreasing the incentive to die all on its own. it could also promote freind making cause some people would wanna help this guy who looks all battered up and party with him. or you could be a real badass and fight with these battle scars and disfigureations cause you are a warrior and you can have that whole scarred warrior thing going on. this way you've been imagineative and cool it will provoke loads of different reactions and you don't have to sit there number crunching trying to decide the best way to take away exp take away gold work out a balanced debuff system that is'nt unfair and does'nt provoke spawn camping. that does'nt force you to sit there and have to get ya loot back you can jump straight back into the fight and the game you won't ragequit. and pvp adds a whole new depth when you have actually caused some sort of battle scar on the guy you just beat. let's be a bit special and unique guys |
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" Ok i think creativity is nice and all but what you suggested can't be seen as an actual penalty because in infulances cosmetics and not gameplay. I do like the idea but it should have something added to it to influance gameplay aswell. |
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i dunno there are many mmorpg's out there that don't have a penulty for dying you don't lose your body or exp or gold or something. dying in itself is an inconveinance it will teleport you out of the way of where you wanna be or waste time i mean you're never gonna climb high on the ladder spending time dead.
if you really wanted an effect on the actual gameplay you could limit the effects on the npc's or something with a grisly appearance refuseal to serve or terror or something i just think there are more ways to make a game interesting and make dying not a great option than trying to appease the world with varied amounts of number crunching with exp loss money loss or just throwing away al ya equipment til you grab it back. no proper gamer or player of games dies outa choice every proper gamer will fight to live you don't have to hit them with a hammer to make them remmeber not to die. if they wanna die loads and mess about your never gonna change those people even if you took away 80% of their exp every death |
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just a thought maybe keep a "death count" that other players can see this will make players not want to die often becuase people can see there death count it also adds a competative play to the game becuase players will want to show that they have completed an act or the game with the least ammount of deaths in certain difficulties you could even go a step further if u wanted and have a leader board for ppl who have completed the harder difficulties with the least ammount of deaths
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I think there shouldn't be a penalty for dying but a reward for surviving for a long time - because losing some exp, gold or equip's durability isn't a big deal - and won't give any motivation not to least not much enough to change the player's strategy in difficult situations. but having in mind that you can earn/find special items/quests/rewards/titels - makes it much more intereting - cause THIS is all time present!
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" Im still a big fan of this idea, even after reading some of the new ones. Think it would play a really nice part in PoE. You could even mix this idea with the "Death Count" Idea. So you then have an incentive and a challenge, at the same time. +1 Rep for those ideas. As for hardcore players, it might be an idea to display a "ladder" type of thing, showing which player got to the highest act, lvl and/or experience before dying. Can really "push the boat out" in this thread. Liking it alot. ^^ My Signature Image :D |
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1. About the corpse:
When you die, you should respawn with your full gear. Why? There are heroes who are more dependant on gear rather than others. A very bright example was when dying in D2 with high level Sorc and Barb. This was really imbalanced. 2. About the respawning: a) Cooldown? (as in DotA) Sounds kind of reasonable. But won't that screw you in multiplayer? Example: You are a melee hero, the boss kills you, the rest of the party kills the boss while you remains dead - they get its loot and xp. Next time you will say yourself: "Fuck them, I won't tank the boss only at the end to be left with empty hands". This game is for hack'n'slash. It's for the action! Being killed in irritating enough to be forced to wait a cooldown to respawn. 3. About dying and losing xp: The normal flow of the game is NOT to be killed. You don't need bonuses for that. In, Cut-throat, you bonus for not being killed is to be ... alive. So, when dying a penalty should occur. Since the main part of moving forward in the game is gaining xp, then losing xp when killed, sounds quite logical. Dying = losing some chunk of your xp. Let's say you are lvl N and to reach level N+1, you need 100 000 xp. If you die, you lose 10% of the gap between your current level and the next one. So you lose 10 000 xp. But dying multiple times can really screw you. Thus, if you die 2nd time while being level N, you will lose 9%. Dying more than 10 times during one level, won't cause more penalties. If you have gains some exp and the gap to N+1 level has reduced, let's say, to 95 000 xp, and you die, visually it will be displayed that you need 105 000 to next level, but the system will remember that the gap between N and N+1 is 100 000 and for 2nd death will calculate the penalty based on that (-90 000 xp). You won't become N-1 level even though you are now -5000 xp. Reaching the next level, the counter of the deaths will be reset - dying will cause again a penalty of -10% exp. 4. About dying and losing gold: I am a bit neutral here. Is it really necessary? How much of you really care about the gold when dying in D2? 5. About the monster who has killed you: Gaining morale and becomes stronger is a bit tricky. This may cause a vicious circle - if you have died 3-4 times by a hard-to-deal-with boss, this will make you even harder and a further deaths are inevitable. The desperate player may prefer to log out and replay the run to the boss, which this time won't have morale's buff. More reasonable is: If a monster kills you, to receive only HP bonus. Let's say 25% of its max hp. Thus, replaying won't do any good, because the monster will be at max hp and you will have a reason to continue fighting. This topic is so vast as a question - with not much of a thinking 5 different aspects of the "dying" was outlined. And definitely there are more. It would be really cool of the dev guys look through the suggestions, apply their own thoughts and maybe create few polls for every aspect of the "death penalties". Last edited by Viximo#3438 on Sep 2, 2011, 7:14:51 AM
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I loved the way that demons souls took. But this would scare the casuals away. There should be some kind of "hardcore mode" So you are in a dungeon and you die, you have one chance to get back to your corps. If you die during that, all the xp that you earned in this dungeon is away. Maybe thats a little bit to cruel, but i hope you guys find a way to make in intressting. In most rpg´s you die and nothing happens. You should give the players a reason to concentrate and pay attention. This will elevate the game experience to a whole new level. If you slash and grind through a dungeon while knowing: "hey i could die anytime, but it doesnt matter" you dont play with that much passion. If there is something on the line, people will get deeper into the game.
Just my 2 cents. Last edited by capon#1123 on Sep 2, 2011, 9:04:21 AM
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i think the best way is to reward people not dieing and punishing the people dieing.
reward : give people 1 kill point for each mobs kill higher then your level at each 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000.... you got a new title each time you die it reset. people love to show off punish : maybe reset the area you die in, so if you die at the boss you need to find it again in a new map and gonna make you kill more mobs and give you more exp to help you kill the boss next time. ps: sorry for my english doing my best Last edited by jeersolo#6788 on Sep 3, 2011, 12:37:50 AM
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I don't like the idea of people getting punished for dieing. having to replay the segment is punishment already.
The entire fact that they died is an indicator that the area was too hard or that they was unlucky/unprepared. I dont see why one should add insult to injury by making it harder. Last edited by Chaber#1319 on Sep 2, 2011, 3:56:41 PM
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