Death Penalties
" Lol. Those were awesome. I was thinking more along the lines of picture captchas than words. An NPC could warp in and present an image to match. If you don't match it, you're booted. |
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I think it would be better just to kick a player out of a town after five minutes. Make it so they have to continually keep playing through the areas. Of course when you log out you lose valuable time and your gem suffers as well.
Yes good sir, I enjoy slaying mythical creatures.
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" I wouldn't advocate truly debilitating skill loss. Just enough to make it hurt a little, for a little while. Something just enough that you would want to cure it if you could, for a small price in trade items, but not something that would make it overly difficult to compete in PVE. Some games have done this...the "resurrection sickness" in LOTRO, for example. I am not a fan of killing "like" mobs looking for a trinket or what-have-you, simply because I would fear it would feel like a grind. |
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Looks like all the angles have been covered off so I have nothing really new to add, just my personal observationss.
No death penalty is undesirable, it's like having god mode permanently turned on. Fun for a while but leads to loss of interest with the knowledge that no matter how many times you die, it is meaningless. What I could deal with: - Respawn at last waypoint - Loss of xp - Loss of fame, if it was implemented - If there was a personal achievement area on a player's profile, show a death counter running total, for bragging rights or, conversely, suck factor indication :) What I don't want: - Loss or drop of items - Corpse runs (gag) - Weaken player/strengthen mob - Timer based debuffs. I don't have endless time to play a game and spending one hour out of two waiting to recover is not an attractive prospect. If the devs are looking for something that has never been implememted but can still fit the bill for a death penalty, all I can say is good luck. I guess this thread shows you can't please everyone, just arrive at a compromise solution. I used to be apathetic, now I just don't care.
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I actually do like the idea of a prefix name loss after death. Like every 5 or ten levels u would get a prefix, like Sir or Lady, and when u die, u lose that prefix. Die too many times, get a suffix like "the rat" or "the peasant". This would help people chose who they want to play with. This could go along with the exp loss at death, really making the player not want to die.
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" Heh I could see people committing mass suicide to get the ultimate death title. I'd do it anyway. |
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Current death penalty looks simple and easy to understand. I can understand if this is the reason GGG went with this route atm but looting system is rather complex comparing to death penalties. They could find a better death penalty system with rather complex mechanics or they could find more easy to understand loot mechanics.
It looks design approach is a little bit different in both cases atm. He who fights with monsters
might take care lest he thereby become a monster. |
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We were talking about choices in the loot thread and maybe that would apply here also. Lichalfred suggested giving players the choice, at least during beta, on which loot system they would want to try for that level or instance. I guess we could also choose what death penalty, at least for beta and trying to decide which the players would like more.
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" If you gave players a death penalty choice they would always choose the one that had the least impact on them. Not necessarily the one that was best for gameplay overall. No one likes penalties that actually hurt but harsher penalties may be best for the game as a whole. Forum Sheriff
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I agree with Tpapp. Even if player will feel that he chooses unfairly light penalty he will choose it since he will understand that other players actually do choose it. And he doesnt want to be in a disadvantage compared to other league participants.
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