[2.4] Silly Toy: 5M+ DPS Flicker, 2h/1h variants, poison 100% crit, with Cospri's Will
Hello there, I've been super interested in your build and have started a character with it! I'm going to play it with some friends (3 of us total), and I've been looking at ways to flicker effectively in a group, I saw that there's the terminus est, and oro's. I wanted to know your opinion on how I should be building, and which weapon to use. You've got lots of build variations and I'm having a hard time picking xD, though terminus seems to be the best alternative (though you mentioned it's low dps).
Edit: If possible the ability to later turn the build into single target (if they bail) would be great, though I'm guessing that could probably be done with just switching around some equipment. Last edited by killergut#2284 on Jun 28, 2016, 11:46:02 PM
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hey man. You have more than 5M dps with hegemony's era, it"s enough to get charges.... Well if there is a culler or someone who runs faster and kill faster it's a problem.
In normal teamplay style you wont need terminus est. Too much damage. Terminus est is just a toy for infinite flicker, it works! no problem with that. It's not necessary in party. There is no points to use terminus est when everything dies faster without infinite charges. So Infinite flicker is a cool but not necessary. It has the dps of a 1h without shield and low crit, there is a lot of downsides to counter. Tho Terminus est dps with this build is already higher than most builds so it's okey if you want to try it. Hmm another advantage of terminus est is it's cheap price but if you can afford the 6L cospri's will... I guess you can afford a good 1h or 2h instead. oro's cant be used for this build, it has no physical nor chaos damage. Why do you want to single target? the dps is enough for all bosses and it's easier when they summon monsters to use aoes. You replace melee splash gem by crit multiplier gem and you gain better monotarget without aaoe ability. I detailled this possibility in the main thread, with herald of ash. Just one hint, the leveling works better as a facebreaker icecrash. When you do not have access to blooddance and blood rage together, and without melee splash the build cannot work. Terminus est has a relatively low level and you could reach enough crit chance to flicker permanently at lvl 53. For the most efficient weapon per cost, scaeva is the best 1h followed by hegemony's era for the 2h. The best overkill dps is achevied by 2h rare crit sword (450dps + with 90% crit mult), then by atziri's disfavour ( high dps, very high vulnerability, but lower % increased in the tree to compensate the lack of crit). Terminus est has more dps than scaeva as a weapon, infinite flicker, but lower % increased in the tree, lower crit etc, and we need to compensate, so the total dps is equivalent. so you lose shield or dps compared to 2h. But scaeva dps is alreayd enough so... Terminus est works ^^ I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 30, 2016, 2:05:59 PM
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can you post Character stat pictures with terminus est setup? Also I have big trouble to bring this build to its potencial. I'am level 86 without uber lab, so only 6 ascendency points. Now I am not able to finish uber lab. My current gear and gem setup for terminus: (i know is not best roll of terminus)
My build:
Before terminus I use: (I probably switch back to this setup)
Please can you give me some help? For example tree changes and gear focus priority... Thanks EDIT: With rare 2h sword I had much better dps, but survivability is better with terminus. And why Kaoms roots? Because corrupted with +1 frenzy costs 1 chaos. ----------------------- BTW: In my current terminus test I find great way to gain frenzy and power charges. + decent dps + dont loose all mana + generate power and frenzy charges on crit + long distance I thing its good Quill rain alternative to have terminus as alternate weapon with this setup. ing marrenna Last edited by marena26#6618 on Jul 2, 2016, 8:42:43 AM
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Hi, the tooltip dps is around 15 000 average damage with terminus est FULL BUFF (potion, vaal haste etc etc), identical to scaeva but with higher attack speed : 10.3 or 10.5.
However i already changed my build to use my loved instead, so i cannot take screenshots, the build is not the same and it would need 7 regrets *2 to change two time again. i had 4150 hp with the terminus est tree, and i had enfeeble with windscream +1 curse because of my curse on hit gloves. The roll of terminus is important, you are losing 15% dps compared to a perfect roll. Your tree is good, your gear is fine but kaom's root has a big downside : you lose 30%+ evasion so you take 30% more hits against attacks. And you do not get enough eva/armour to use iron reflex efficiently ( 15K against 2K+ damage to be somewhat interresting) plus you lose sockets :/ ( say bye to vaal grace increased duration ) armour doesnt protect against elemental attack and in the process you also lost the acrobatic 30% dodge. ( 70% with vaal grace!), if i dont have vaal grace in my post shown previously, it's because it tried the build for test purposes and i havent optimized it. The optimized gear, stuff and things are in the first post of the topic. You also lose movement speed, 20 to 40% depending of the boots. It's perfectly normal that you cannot do labyrinth without movement speed. You are gimping yourself, you cant be stunned but take a lot more hits in the face :P Rare boots would be better. I never suggested unwavering strance and Really i hate iron reflex. :P So, for the labyrinth, pick 2 movement speed flasks, movement speed boots. to optimize the gear, you will need higher accuracy on items : 300+, to gain 3-4% chance to hit (higher dps, crit chance etc) One important thing, it needs +1 power charge quest for terminus est. Cuz the 5% base crit is hard to compensate. :/ " Yeah, terminus est is not powerfull, for the price of your 5L terminus est you could have hegemony's era and wreck everything, instead your choose the hardest way. Infinite flicker is not the best. It's not efficient. It's risky. with a normal weapon, manually reloaded frenzy with quillrain + frenzy + faster attack at the start of the fight, then to discharge it then to reload it again is not so problematic. Terminus est... it was just an adaptation of the build because someone needed it. The damage is fine when the build is finished. It's usable, but infinite charge is not required. We want to melt everything and... terminus est doesnt melt faster than a 1h. You have a 5L, without void manipulation you lose 40% more poison damage, and without 100 % more poison on crit from ascendancy you lose " 280% poison damage" ... In short your potential dps is divided by 2.5 !! ( your initial hit is unaffected , only poison, it's not noticeable against packs but bosses will die very very slower). for the recharge of power/frenzy charges, if you want you can, but frenzy+ quill rain + faster attack is 3 times faster, it's required when you use a normal weapon :P Terminus ST is too slow for this purpose, especially when you have a different tree with less crit chance ( because your normal weapon has a bigger crit chance base, around 8% and T.E 5%), less crit chance = less frenzy/power charge per time, and the range is VERY shorter. You can off screen reload with quill rain. I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jul 2, 2016, 11:18:29 AM
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Hello Geisalt
Thank you for guide, build concept is very nice, I had already a flicker build and converting it this one. Im using Aztiri Axe 6 linked already have, and causes bleeding always. But My question is, is it possible to reach that high crit change with 5 crit weapon ? I will use Rats Nest and Maligaro and 5 crit tree. Hoping it is really possible indeed. |
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Thanks for answer. I switched back to my rare 2h sword, and its much better. I finaly get . Only level 10 but I need arctic armor. Now I must focus to get 6L item to add void manipulation.
ing marrenna
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" hi, atziri disfavour is a good weapon for this build and the crit chance should be around 85-98% with assa mark counted , with the quest power charge I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jul 4, 2016, 11:15:52 PM
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updated thread with a dual wield tree with 5% crit chance weapon. for breath of the council or similar. ( or rigwald set)
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
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Do you think a dreamfeather setup would work for the dual wield setup?
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dreamfeather doesnt improve poison but the main strike yes, and we have a very low evasion without grace ( no direct benefit without eva). we could reach 12K eva with grace ( it's what i use atm), however it's not always easy to sustain mana with flicker... and 12K eva is still not a lot for dreamfeather bonus.
dreamfeather has another downside, low damage with high attack speed : we will spend too much frenzy charges with low efficiency. so no, not a good choice. I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jul 15, 2016, 11:30:10 AM
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