[2.4] Silly Toy: 5M+ DPS Flicker, 2h/1h variants, poison 100% crit, with Cospri's Will

poison is fundamentally chaos, to use it with a chaos skill or physical doesnt change it's native nature: Chaos over time.

The wording "chaos skill effect" includes poison ... It is a chaos skill effect.

For the same reason, skill effect duration works on poison, it's a skill effect. But also a chaos one.

and skill duration effect works on flicker+poison, increasing the duration of poison. Because poison is a skill effect, even if flicker is not a skill duration.

But support gem for durations dont work ! flicker has no duration tag so it cannot be supported by thoses gems.

Vortex DoT cold effect is not boosted by breath of the council, it's not chaos ;) But it will work with pyre + the consuming dark! ( not optimal setup, just an example). For poison triggered by chaos damage on initial hit and by the vortex cold dot converted to chaos
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 23, 2016, 7:41:42 AM
No, it still won't. Mark confirmed that it will only affect poison applied by chaos active skills in the mechanics thread.

In addition, pyre will not change the vortex dot from cold to fire at all, only the initial hit, as ground effect dots are unable to be converted (e.g fire trap burning ground).
You can convert the damage type as many times as you want, however the core skill type does not ever change. Vortex damage converted from cold to fire with pyre, and then fire to chaos with consuming dark, is still a "cold skill", and will not be affected by anything that affects "chaos skills" rather than "chaos damage" (like atrophy node - increased cast speed with chaos skills).
Last edited by DySeaL#3873 on Jun 23, 2016, 4:32:56 PM
WTF. i was wrong, you were right.

Hmm, it's extremely disapointing, usually the wordings can only be interpreted in one way.

oh wait

Q: The new unique Breath of the Council, does the "Increased duration of chaos damage skills" apply to poison?

A: Poison is modified by skill duration modifiers, so yes.

i'm confused now
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 23, 2016, 4:33:20 PM
It makes sense - poison is a chaos damage over time effect caused by a physical skill, but is not a skill in itself (Skills are active gems, support gems are not).

Read further, he states it is only when applied by a chaos skill.
Last edited by DySeaL#3873 on Jun 23, 2016, 4:47:00 PM
yup, sad but true! i talked too fast on this one ;)
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
So in conclusion Breath of the Council is not good for this build
in conclusion it's good but not better than 350 PDPS weapon ;) the 60-80% chaos damage works for poison, not the duration
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
hi ,was enlightend by ur build.im trying to work with the sword Terminus est which is 320dps
since easy frenzy charge i use one more curse boot instead of the needed blooddance with other swords
and a one more curse amulet.

assassin's mark + blasphemy + grace + enlighten (80%mana reserved)
with ironreflex and some passive increase of armor and eva plus the eva on equip.when drinking lion's roar
and 3000 eva flask . physical redution looks enough

also a lv21 assassin's mark give 10% additional crit .with q20 blasphemy .its 11%
the rest 89% was with 5 power charges(1 quest and 1 passive) gives 2.5 base. lv21 increased critical gives 2 base.with rat's nest .can even get to it without maligaro's golves when no crit on amulet.
frenzy + power charge on crit + multi strick + fast attack to get some charges and start to fly

with this defence system.can wear kaom's heart.hp expect 4500 at lv90 with rare gloves.

and i think the dps is not so bad from other swords with 3 curses.

blade vortex + q20 curse on hit ( +10% curse effect )
q20 vulnerability + q20 punishment (34% more damage+24% increase attack speed)
gives 2 more curses with one single cast. when dealing with those tough ones.

first this gives 40% more damage compare to others swords(from punishment)
320 x 1.4 = 448

though the frenzy charges from quest and amulet is gone.still possible getting 7 frenzy charges with one on boots.and with terminus its always 6-7.compare to other swords less than 6 after the first 9 hits(1 second)

and with the ring: voidheart
poison is always
get bleeding with any melee attacks (leap slam . frenzy) and change voidmanipulation to bloodlust(60% more against bleeding) for bosses

btw the ancestal protector totem gives 19% more attack speed when stand near it.preety good bonus.

and most important.after the first few frenzy attacks.everything start.and dont have to stop.no more worry about frenzy charges its always full

well thats almost all i got from past few days reseach on my flicker strick dream.im currently at lv77 and only 2400 hp without kaom' heart .gonna get one with a 5L terminus to lv up with.

here's the passive tree

did i got something wrong or miss something
or is it really good with the terminus.
Last edited by yoyoyoyk#4538 on Jun 23, 2016, 6:22:49 PM
If you modify everything, it's not the same build anymore

However, voidheart is not needed, snakebite is fine in your case.

ancestral totem ? you will never have the time to cast it ... throw it away

bloodlust DOESNT WORK ON POISON AND DOESNT DOUBLE DIP, conditonnal effects never apply to dots.

Use void manip instead. Also you try to gain dps but you will also lose flicker bleed damage cuz bloodlust cant bleed, and with vulnerability it's high. Plus the time to leap/frenzy you dont flicker spam so you actually lose a lot of dps in the process.

Punishment is useless if you oneshot packs and bosses are NEVER melee You will not get hit in melee if you kill fast enough. (Only spells, explosion, volatile, etc), use temporal chain instead: survivability and 40% poison duration

cwdt blade vortex curse on hit is cool on paper but it rarelly triggers when you want it and it will limit your effectiveness when it's not up, i prefer blasphemy really.

you do not have hexproof, it can be problematic

you do not have fairgraves tricorne, so i guess you will not use vinktar? :/ or lose a flask slot?

i believe that iron reflex/ unwavering stance is inferior to acrobatic and costs more points... armour doesnt protect against elemental attacks, eva and dodge yes.

Otherwise it looks viable. Probably slower and less efficient than other versions but perma frenzy.

I should make my own variant, to push the concept further

I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jun 23, 2016, 9:24:59 PM
thx for the reply :)
ive been wondering why punishment never trigger on normal mobs.so one shot not count as hit then.

first snakebite when flicker trigger its not max frenzy charge .might lose some poison chance .
since its always 6-7 keep changing

without hexproof is really a problem.but consider only map type and 1 of 20 rare mob have that.not so critical. and with kaom's heart + iron reflexes survival system looks fine.i turn to this system just because too often for me that 2 hit makes 2500hp go empty when at 50% evade 40% dodge

bloodlust is a 60% total more. since the total damage is phy + 40%phy in chaos + Xphy in poison
void manipulation gives 40%more chaos .it dont aply the physical .and its a 40+40x40%=56%more even it apply to physical part.so surely under 56%.
and in maps its always splash.

bleeding damage is really nothing .it can not stack so 10% of one hit per second .cap at 50% pet hit damage per second.u hit for 9 times a second.
compare to 900% per hit damage phy + 400% per hit damage in chaos + 7200% per hit(or more)poison damage per second
its like 50% in 8000%+

vortex + curse on hit +2 curses .i do it for active cast .when dealing bosses.one cast is enough.
and the totem 20%more attack speed =20%more total damage .

though many above is useless in maps.but normal mobs in this build is not really a problem.
and i wanna make it like instant boss killer :)

vinktar.yes its so good .50% more for most ones.except for atziri.cant be shocked.the newest version remove the leech instant apply effect.right now just cant find that 75% crit with rats nest

above all discuss r in words .a simple way to test is vedio.i really want to see the 8 crit sword version
uber atziri film .since its dps looks best
Last edited by yoyoyoyk#4538 on Jun 23, 2016, 11:03:20 PM

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