SellMeOnEbay's Righteous Fire Double totem (New video lvl 61 Fellshrine= ))

WARNING: If you want some easy to play, OP build where you can right click 2 screen away to kill things, skip this one. This build will probably not please most people, it's probably not even good compared to most, but i find it fun and challenging. Who knows it might be op too?

I was toying with spell totem, and noticed that spell totem + righteous fire work together. Now u'd think, that sucks, until you actually try.

It uses 0 mana, 0 life. Nothing. Bye bye blood magic, Hello auras

FACT: RF does your own HP in damage, NOT the totem
FACT2: All totems are immune to RF, that includes your totem and the boss of The ledge.
FACT3: Fire penetration Gem does not work with RF
ATTENTION: After some tests, it appears + burning REDUCE your damage. Dont take it.

Core: Spell totem +righteous fire + Increased Area of effect + faster casting
Build it cheap.
You need the gems, a 4 and Defense. HP, Resists, Armor. Stack them.

My first try on passive look like this :
One thing is bad : The original aoe radius is terrible, so you need the max + area of effect possible

Adding to brainstorming:
Vulnerability ----> not worth
Flammability ----> core of damage
Enfeeble ---> needed on some hard hitting mobs
Skelettons ---> nice meat shields
Firetrap -----> Need Astramentis
Elemental Weakness
Trap(work on curses)
Temporal chain (to counter the fast running mobs)

Demo video Lvl 34 vs lvl 32 Resist fire mobs. Random items

Video 2 lvl 40 vs The ledge cruel

Lvl 45 Vs Cruel Merveil, 1:40 Chrono Kill - great to farm :d


Added Level 61 Video Felshrine Merciless.
I removed Increased Area for Faster Casting until i get a 5 Link chest.
Now i watched other videos of Fellshrine runs, and i'm really above average dps.

And considering how tanky i can be, how safe is the spec, i'm only not worried. Maybe i'll hit a brick wall in later levels, we will see.

Waiting for your ideas.
Last edited by naturalbad#6133 on Feb 26, 2013, 10:59:02 AM
did u try using righteous fire with spell totem? I'm pretty sure the totem kills its self in like a second.
Last edited by Th3D0n#2827 on Feb 19, 2013, 6:12:18 AM
Of course i tried.

Add me ingame i'll show you this build is crazy fun and i one shot mobs of my level WITHOUT ANY ITEMS
I'll test it out when I'm home from work. If this is how it works, I would actually suggest not doing dual totem, since you're wasting the spell damage from the righteous fire (unless it only buffs the totem's spells).
and your in game name is?
post your ign i'll add you mine is gonna get a name change
Tried elemental proliferation today it does not work.
Sticking with Fire penetration.
with 2 totems i can spam the totem non stop the mobs will keep attacking it.

since i use no mana or life i have infinite sustain and the mob never hit me.

If i used one he'd destroy it and have time to move before i can cast a second.
Last edited by naturalbad#6133 on Feb 19, 2013, 1:54:51 PM
Well i took A video, i have a really bad computer so i could only record once, my fps goes mad
I dont want to freeze and die :d

I farm Docks against Resist fire mobs.
I'm level 34 , Zone is level 32.

If you see my items are Really bad
Last edited by naturalbad#6133 on Feb 19, 2013, 4:43:45 PM

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