[2.2] Low Life Tri-Curse Poison Essence Drain Occultist - Uber Viable, 10k+ ES, 40k+ DoT dps
" I just looked at the lvl 97 tree, and it does not have Elemental Equilibrium. Maybe you are looking at a different tree or accidentally clicked EE? ~Dbum~ IGN @Dbum
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Hi Klino,
I was greatly inspired by yours and a couple of other builds. Said inspiration motivated me to make a scion hybrid ED/cont build. While I felt powerful and cleared comfortably, I found myself having trouble with two things, especially when approaching high lvl end-game content (uber, t14+ maps, etc.): my EHP (both HP and ES) and my DoT from drain. I am still utterly stumped as to how you were able to maintain a 40k DoT on your drain while running consuming dark and a shield. My goal was to exceed your damage, but even after everything I've put into my char (total 30% dmg inc. jewels X 5, dual wand, etc.), I am still only able to reach 38k. I have C. Dark and a shield in my secondary, and when I have that equipped, my DoT is only at 28k. How are you doing it??? I am currently doing some more tweaking with my EHP and see what will come of it. Here is my tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAAMEAx4EBwceCGcI9AnZDXwOSA-rES8RUBGWE20UCRa_GDwYVhhqGYoaehqPHU8dqh9BIvQkiyaIJpUrCi0fLagxNTW5Olg64UGHRnFJE0lRSbFMs1KvVcZYB1xAXfJh4mf8akNsC20ZdZ52gngve8N85X5Zf8aDCYPbhMWHy4ngj_qTH5MnkzqVLpcGm12boZu1oS-mMqZXpyunm6iarJitSrFbsZC0DLTRtUi3MLc-t9a7Tb0nvoC-isBUwzrEosgMykbK088V18_YTdi921ndX-GI4q3mWOq662PviPDV8kXyl_ba99f5N_no-wn-Cg== Any advice would be greatly appreciated!! |
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Scions are the best life based ED in the game , however they are not the best ED build . you are missing out on pain attunement which is a more multi of 30% which is worth a ton of flat additve damage nodes. Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Aug 28, 2016, 10:31:14 AM
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Do you think once the double dipping will be nerfed ED/Contaigon will be dead?
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Hi, I am trying to think a Soul Ward variant for this build... since 5L works fine, rather than empower using Poison, since we would be using a +1 gem bow rather than CD. Do you think it would work? Or too low dps?
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Is this thread gna be updated ?
Im actually interesting in Using 6l +3 bow and Soul strike, is it more profitable or not ? |
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" As much as 2 extra level for ED would help i dont this it will come close to the free poison CD gives you. And soul strike gets the ES recharge start time to something silly like 3-4s which anyone can dodge dmge for so yes it very powerful but i think you will miss the single target dmge. I enjoyed mucking around when ED 1st came out , then noticed this build. I have since come up with a slightly amended version for MOAR dmge lol. with similar gear as OP i have 0 trouble with anything, be it Atziri (uber) or any maps you can simply hit and run most things. the only map mod i cannot run is curse immune. here is the tree im using atm https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMBAQMeDR8NfA5ID6sRLxFQEZYTbRQJFX4WvxhqGYoabBqPGyUc3B1PHdkfQSL0JIsmiCepKPorCiymNAo1uTdmPChBh0NUSRNJUUmxS65ObVKvV8lYB1xAXGtd8mJaZ_xp2GwLbRlwu3WedoJ4L3vXfOV88H6hf8aCEILHhEiExYfLiEKJ4I8aj0aP-pDWkQeTH5MnlwaboZu1nDKcvp2uoS-lxKcIpyunm7QMtNG1SLcwuJO7Tbv8vorBxcM6w23EosgMytPPFdWm18_ZW91f34rfmN-w5CLmWOkC6rrrY-vu7BjviPDV9HH22vfB99f5N_no-wk= |
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Hey fellow Essence Drain lovers!
So I gathered gear for this build in the EHC league a week ago and now I'm finally ready to play it. I was looking at the tree and I noticed a few things that I wanna share and get your guys' opinion on. 1.) 100% pierce for me is not just a simple QoL, it's really really good for clearspeed. So for the lvl 100 build what we can do is get Growth and Decay through the life regen node (not useless for us) thus saving 1 point and then skip the 16% spell dmg node at the start of Witch and there we have the 100% pierce. 2.) Not sure why klinolol doesn't include Alchemist and Blast Radius in the build. Sure, 6 jewel sockets are amazing but you can't get flask effect and area radius from them that are very useful. This might just be a case of preference but 30% flask effect and 15% radius of contagion can help with clearspeed and survivability for HC players like myself too. I'd like to know the reasoning why you guys think or don't think they are needed or not. The way you could get them both is dropping 3 jewel sockets (8 points total). Maybe the ES/dmg/cast speed/whatelse from jewels outdoes Alchemist and Blast Radius? Otherwise I think the build is very well made and min-maxed. Gratz on klinolol for making it. edit: now that I'm playing the build and just got a jewel socket where I put 8% ES and double dmg I realized how strong they are so I might actually rethink the points about 100% pierce and Alchemist+Blast Radius. I'm kinda leaning towards getting all the jewels I can. Last edited by attiGT#7833 on Sep 18, 2016, 3:15:28 AM
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" You should use an essence decay +1 bow. The free dot from that is a perfectly good replacement for poison. While it doesn't stack, it's still strong enough to 1 or 2 shot bosses and essence mobs. You just need to hit them once and then walk away until they die. It's actually a lot nicer than CD for bosses that move around a lot or are very dangerous since you don't need to keep hitting them to keep doing damage. I did both a consuming dark trickster and an soul strike occultist this league (89/86 respectively in EHC) and the occultist has better single target dps. I expect the consuming dark to eventually scale better, however if you are at or below ~20k dps you will notice a damage increase from swapping over. I'm currently 1/2 shotting T13 bosses with enfeeble or +%life. It's also a lot cheaper since you can buy a 6l bow for 50-70c and craft it for another 50c. When you compare that to the cost of buying or crafting a good 6l chestpiece... Last edited by Nymel#2384 on Sep 20, 2016, 2:00:23 PM
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is there any reason why I shouldn't do this build with a 6L-Beast Fur Shawl and going for CI ...? Has anyone been doing this build in 2.4 - is it guardian/shaper-viable? Thx for any feedback :-) |
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