[2.2] ElPuppet's The Fabulous Octopus [Lightning Trap] - FAST, TANKY, DEATHLESS UBER, MASSIVE CLEAR
Bump for more people to get into the Octopus
IGN: PurpleTrapperPuppet / Perandus
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Hello man!
Yesterday I thought about same build. Luckily I've found your build and can ask some questions about therycrafting: have you thought about going Scion with Occultist's/Deadeye's ascendancies? So you will got -15% chaos res for packs you're cursing with blasphemy, going Deadeye frees some of your nodes. What do you think about gem setup like: Lightning trap - Cluster traps - Trap and mine dmg - Controlled Destruction - Void Manipulation - Pierce Would it work? And would it work well? Can you please check this tree, is it playable? Thanks in advance! Edit: what do you think about using Essence Worm Unset Ring for your Wrath? +2 lvls of gem and less total mana reserved - so you'll have more mana pool. With 4% node and Enlighteen you will have likely 26,08% (with blasphemy curse and HoT) of your mana as free. Last edited by 4estor#2158 on Mar 30, 2016, 7:51:38 AM
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" Hey, thanks for coming to the thread. Those ascendancies do offer some pretty cool things, but Chain Reaction is a fairly big part of the build, and why the build is really strong for single target. However, you could take those ascendancies if you were to go the grenade type build - Sunblast and 2xCheap Construction jewels. This would mean no pre-trapping on bosses that activate like Atziri and Double Vaals. The ES Regen would also be very good for not worrying about having enough mana to throw, if you don't have vaal clarity up on a boss. That said I just looked at your build, and see you're planning for CI. Those ascendancies could work very well, but yes, you'd definitely need to go grenade build for anything single target related as you will have many traps from Cluster Traps not activating. I can't really comment on your tree that much, as you are trying to do something quite different - no poison and CI. I haven't played CI in a LOOONG time, but I feel perhaps you are investing too heavily in ES? You should definitely pick up Master Sapper in the bottom right of the tree, trim the little nodes near Void Barrier and High Explosives. Pick up some more jewel sockets, the two near Acrobatics. I also feel that getting to Void Barrier is a bit too much of an investment. On the topic of the tree and the gems you linked, I assume you wanted to not use poison. It's very very very good. QoL for clearing up monsters and huge damage. If you weren't going poison, I would also consider staying lightning, and using Penetration, Curses and trying Crit. Just an idea if you were staying away from poison. Here is a trimmed version of your tree, with ~10 points to spare. You could go back into Void Barrier if you really want, but it was necessary to ditch the little nodes so as to reach master sapper. https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAALfWCGfyl9tZ4q17bpM6m10tqAnZlyG9J6iasZC-gMpGwXwYVnvDgwkxNYcHRnFvnrQMykrqusrTX7DWvg18NAq-ipu11S5XyTdmkyehL8M6hMXo1TeDLKZsC3_G74iJ4KbrkNYi9BGW-TfmWG0ZBx4OSNfPkx8RUNlblS5d8u4VSbFJEzW5GyXw1SsKt3WnKx1PS66P-klRES_pAuwY0NBcQOtjLL9kqkcGh8u1SBXXm4bb56ebbWyGrmo2bAhwUXWe53RWY_GKdm-zA88V2xp-sDIYEHvYVL469UvBAAAA Essence Worm could work well for your build, but I'm running on no mana with EB. The enchant + enlighten 3 (and later on Enlighten 4, switch for Lightning Trap damage enchant) is the least sacrifice to make to get all three auras running. This again, is totally different for you as you want to run on just mana. IGN: PurpleTrapperPuppet / Perandus
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" Thank you for your comments. I'll try to clarify some things to explain my choice. I'm planning to go CI exactly because of Occultist's passives. Personally I prefer life myself, but it's ridiculous not to go CI with those. I have never tried trap builds, so I dunno if grenade-like playstile is good and playable or not? Taking some Increased duration nodes (stack of 3 near Scion is 45% and I guess taking 1 node for 1 second duration will be enough for use and triggering - grounded traps will detonate while we're throwing new ones). So the grenade will ground and lay just like in films! Next one I'd like to point is a poison. I personally do not like DoTs. So I'm choosing straight damage for traps instead of DoT execution. And I personally do not like crit since you need to invest your passives in it. That's why I've got Controlled Destruction in my mind. But if I'll invest in crit and replace controlled destr. with crit mult. - will this tree satisfy crit needs? And what is the point to go Master Sapper? It's a too long way to pick humble bunch of nodes IMO. We can get more traps with 1 more cheap construction and picking up 1 more duration node. There would be no point to pick Occultist (and ES, CI respectively) if we would go lightning :) |
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Hi, I wanna join on the fabulous side of the octopus but I have a problem atm:
dont have money for buy 6 link voltaxic bow but I have 6 link coil and I wanna try this build (I love trap build, was my first love on poe). I have lost all (WTF) my chrome for make the better color combo atm BGGGGR, my idea is put empower for trap and mine damage, what do you think about? Have you try some other support gem for this build? Thank you and sorry for my bad english |
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" Empower just works on active skill gems. Trap and mine dmg is a support, not active. |
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" Grenade is the only alternative to Chain Reaction IMO - we get a lot of our damage by all our traps going off, rather than being set off by individually by monsters walking on them. It would be fine for packs, but the spread on Cluster Traps is so big that even in a single target situation, Chain Reaction sometimes doesn't set off all of them. Hence the only alternative is for them to be set off as soon as they land - which you will need a Sunblast and 2x Cheap Construction for. It's the same QoL generally as normal trapping, possibly even better, just requires a bit more investment. You actually don't want Increased Duration at all, that will delay your traps going off. I also would do some numbers first to see if you are going to reach comfortable ES. You can't use a shield, your belt is already going to be a Sunblast, you may not have enough to be safe. Especially as there is no leech in the build - your only sustenance is the ES regen from Occultist. " I can't personally vouch for the damage of non poison Lightning Trap as I haven't tried it. But I think it should be fine. That said, if you're not going poison, you've got to ask yourself why convert to Chaos? It would be more damage to stay lightning, use lightning penetration and Conductivity curse. Then you can use a wand/shield and get more ES if you like. You should still keep with Pierce, but you will lose the damage from Drillneck, but that can be compensated with wand/shield. But then your tree changes as well! I just think that if you were to not go Chaos, you should go with some crit. But then Occultist loses it's appeal too. I honestly think you're fighting an uphill battle trying to make the build CI. If I was to go Crit, I would go Assassin + Pure Lightning + Conductivity. This would out dps Occultist Chaos non poison by a huge amount. I really feel going Life is preferential.... This is a quick mockup of a frontloaded crit lightning trap with Life Assassin. Actually has a bit more life than the current build.
I would like to free up some points to get to Annihilation but that's a start. It would depend on what your base crit on Lightning Trap gets to when power charges are up and how much you need to get to cap. " Free frenzy charge generation, I'm at max during map clears. More traps to drop which is very important for Uber Vaals and Uber Atziri. It's definitely a way to go if you're ES and not entirely necessary if you're grenade spec. Also, re: duration nodes, as before you really don't want them as grenade spec. " I, myself, feel that ES/CI/Occultist aren't the best match for this. For a non poison build, I really feel that the best alternative is pure lightning crit/pierce/conductivity assassin. That said, please experiment! Would love to see some different styles! IGN: PurpleTrapperPuppet / Perandus
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" Yep Trap and Mine damage is the best choice to swap in an Empower for. That said, Vorici Calculator says it will be about 100 chromes for BGGGGG. Not too many! I've considered Chain instead of Pierce (and ditching nodes/drillneck etc) but the only benefit would be coverage, and cluster trap + pierce already hits almost everything on the screen already. There aren't really too many alternatives - all of the non-compulsory gems are multipliers that double dip on poison. Hard to get better than that! IGN: PurpleTrapperPuppet / Perandus
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" TY vorici, I have lost all my 189 chrom yesterday with ur bench... I'm a lucky boy... Ty for reply ;) |
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" >>That said, please experiment Hi dude. It was some kind of disaster to lvlup till 28 (well, my favourite difficulty is cruel), so I've got some additions to your lvling guide. Currently (43rd lvl) I'm running this gem setup in tabula: Lightning trap - Trap and mine dmg - Lightning penetration - Cluster traps - Elemental focus and guess what? Pierce! Currently I'm running so the skill is chaining without any dmg reduction. It's just completely cleaning the screen. I'm also using drillneck - it improves dps so much! As you've recommended, I'm usuing sunblast. Now I'm thinking about getting some stuff to enter endgame with resists and evasion. I'll keep you informed about adventures of my scion :) Last edited by 4estor#2158 on Apr 1, 2016, 5:31:58 AM
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