[2.2] SuperNova III - ChaosNova - reflect immune 140K+ DPS whole screen and 290+K single target DPS

How do you have only 3.7k life? I have 3.7K at 60 and wear no life tabula rasa as well (see chaos king character in profile). You should have at least 4.5K at 75 because you get 12 per level, wearing coil and have taken more % life on tree by 75.

Mechanics is easy for this. jump in the middle of pack and take them out. warlords provides the life and mana leech. Assains mark provides power charge and does significant more dps. If you are having trouble pop all three survival flasks before engaging- basalt with armor, fire and lightning (i do this when opening unknown chests)

Can you can post gear and tree?

Your tree should be looking about like this at 75
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Mar 31, 2016, 11:39:11 AM

i took a lot more damage over life seeing as i was playing sc league. i don't die to many things, in t8-10 maps, only when i have bad placement or stand in explosions.

and by mechanics, i meant mob/boss mechanics. not really got to mapping on poe before so still learning the different types.

gear and gems are pretty good i think, but the tree is a bit off compared to what you posted

Last edited by crazypearce#3760 on Mar 31, 2016, 11:54:02 AM
Gear is decent but you're missing a lot of life on tree. like 35%... Nothing wrong with going more glass just not my preference. I take all the life first and DPS last even in SC because exp hit if death occur. Have not died yet and probably wont until I start doing 14 maps or village ruin which is a 12 haha.

This is a 179% life build not including the 5 jewel slots and you have 136%...
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Mar 31, 2016, 12:36:59 PM
i just respecced into almost the same tree as u posted and my hp went to 4600. stuff still dies as fast as it was before, so it's better!

thanks for all the help, love the build!
i just respecced into almost the same tree as u posted and my hp went to 4600. stuff still dies as fast as it was before, so it's better!

thanks for all the help, love the build!
hey aim,

i made it in phc to lvl 80 now,my tree look like this atm:


(using the intuitive juwel to reach nullifcation etc )
the other jewel slots im using a 6%life 13 dex 15 crit multiplier with cold , and the last one is a pure dmg jewel

so sadly i only reach 4,5 k life and the only lifenodes im missing are the quickrecovery ones,

my nova dmg with all pc is like 35,xxx k, im feeling pretty good in t6 maps, not tried higher ones yet

my gear looks like this :

so what im doing atm: every 150 fusings i try to 6 link my coil, sadly its quiet hard

i was aiming to the passiv snowforged, but instead its maybe beter to respec the 2 points and get the jewel slot next to painattument?

since i got really lucky yesterday when brodiro sold me 2 voltaxic and another coil, im slightly rich atm, so i can afford better gear, what do u think i should aim for first?

imho its the belt , i could also enchant my amulette with 1 ressist which i dont need on the belt than

reists are atm 80//108//98//-14

thanks for ur help

That 5B lightning coil is awesome!

The quick recovery is quite important - it's not only life but mana regen. So if you get a curse immune map you turn off your blasphemy curses and slot clarity and can do it.

Like my tree at 66 in temp already has 4K life wearing tabula in PSC.

I'd upgrade jewelry first with mana and mana regen. Again, so you're not OOM if you do curse immune map or run into curse immune monster.

If you're rich...
Belt can have 99 life prefix or at least throw a couple blessed at implicit you only have 24/40
Helm 99 life
Glove 89 life....

I dont know why my DPS is so much higher I'm actually 160K now with 7 PC in std. Have you done all lab? I guess being 95 and 6L and 21/20 ice nova. You'll get there. Hopefully you'll stay alive.:P Take life.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Apr 1, 2016, 8:34:22 AM
i still missing ambush from merc lab, y, and i just thought wtf , why he has 7 pc? than i realized, i killed all bandits lol><
So first thing is spec 20 regrets and get PC. Cos each PC is huge for Deadly infusion. Adds crit and crit multi

Ambush isnt that important. Dont stress merc lab.

What flasks are you using?

Should be something like
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Apr 1, 2016, 8:39:47 AM
using diffrent flask combos but overall the same ( not using a movement flask, cuz my favorite movement is wb +ff) but overall its the same

y im gonna respecc that damn mistake of bandits now lol

btw any suggestions what i can use instead of vaal skells? its cuz... my pc is a potato, and i get huge lag while activating... thats like suizid using it in a scary situation

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