[2.2] SuperNova III - ChaosNova - reflect immune 140K+ DPS whole screen and 290+K single target DPS
Hi Everyone This is one of the fastest mapping clearing specs in the game and fun to play. Here is the shadow update to my GGG featured Supernova build which has been going strong since 1.1.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1096765 Videos Quick Atziri run https://youtu.be/RYjNR8FcVDE Waterways https://youtu.be/Ma3CZ2skehE New! One shotting end game map bosses Guys if you can make 75% lightning res wearing these Dual Dagger life setup https://youtu.be/3JgUM0W5JJA double boss enfeebled https://youtu.be/SUItkcEeMAw *New Low Life spec see very bottom for LL addition most of thread is about life/lightning coil One shot 12 shipyard boss with LL spec. https://youtu.be/NgkDIDKT8SE One shot 14 Piety https://youtu.be/kVY-keG5Vpg Pros
Very fun jumping in middle of pack and destroying whole screen - true battle mage
Can do all map mods with -pick any and I'll run it - save money on map rolling Very fast clearing Reasonably cheap 5L just fine - about 6-8ex starting Decent defenses and EHP - over 50% physical damage mitgation and over 5500 life Reflect immune! Cons
Cant do uber or core most likely. I died once to uber vaals and 5x to uber atziri...99.9% of self caster cant..it is what it is. Until its fixed go check out my toon Dis_Bitch_Crazy for the best CoC discharger if you want uber..my friend matrixfactor designed it with little help from me
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1405842 Cost
Like 6ex starting to 60ex for GG support gear and 6L (or CI version)
Essential Gear is -pyre ring to convert all cold to fire - 1c -two consuming dark daggers to convert all fire to chaos - 1ex ea -Lightning coil chest for physical mitigation 5L is just fine vs 6L 110K vs 140K DPS - 3ex 5L to 20ex 6L DPS, no flask buffs and GEMS NOT EVEN LEVELED
![]() Single target Swap Ice nova for DPS no flasks ![]() Defense
Keep in mind you are wearing a lightning coil so thats 30% flat mitigation for legacy and 22.5% for current You have 4 endurance changes up all the time...another 16% You have basalt or legacy taste of hate another 20% or 22.5% respectively (do not use new taste of hate its worse than basalt) Phys dam is a complete joke for this build. You see i take direct hits from trio and laugh it off. Where I died to uber was atziri her self. I'm not good enough to dodge her attacks and all kill me. storm calls or FB. defense with face breaker ![]() defense with EHP glove ![]() Gear
-All rares should have tier 1 or 2 life and a double life belt to maintain >5K life.\ -Rares should have mana too or craft it. -Need mana regen on ammy and ring for when curse immune maps come up and your regen and Clarity lets you still spam. -Ideally you want high armor helmet, boots and gloves. But hybrid armor/ES is nice for coloring Perfect rares would be Ammy Implict dex + str Life Mana regen Mana Armor % Crit multi Cast speed Ring Implict life Dex t1 Life Lightning res or cast cpeed if you have enough lightning res Mana regen Mana Craft armor % Armor Boots life Str Lightning res Cold res Move speed 30 Craft mana Armor Helm Life STR Lightning res Fire res Armor % Craft mana Armor Gloves Life STR Lightning res Cold res Armor % Craft mana Belt Implicit life Life Armor Lightning res fire res Chaos res My STD gear Until high level you use EHP gloves like this to try and stay around 5K life I'm like 5576 life with those gloves so I feel safe enough to ditch them for DPS facebreakers. But I'm 95. My league gear currently Flasks
Basic flasks for survival. 1. You want all Perpetual mod unless playing standard then use legacy surgeons. 2. I like one movement speed flask with anti freeze one life flask with anti bleed "staunching" one physical mitigation flask - taste of hate or basalt with % armor one topaz flask with shock removal "grounding" one fire flask with bleed removal "staunching" 3. I have not covered unique flasks like Zerphi's Last Breath, Atziri's Promise, The Writhing Jar, etc all have utility though. check em out Gems
Double Curse
Option in 4L is you want to run Herald of Ice too 5L Lightning coil chest 6L - controlled destruction, or cold to fire, or add empower Best color is 5B1G to use controlled destruction instead of empower but I dont recommend it due to cost....can still maintain 95% CC with Controlled Destruction and its more DPS than empower. (sheet will say ~87% crit at full PC but add Assassins Mark aura/curse puts it well over 95% cap) ...about 10K more DPS than level 3 empower CWDT setup Lightning warp setup Flame golum and optional Herald of ice Some vaal gems for fat health boss swap gem Tree and Leveling
End game SC skill tree https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAQGRBLMHHgj0DkgPqw_EEJIRDxEvEZYWQBZvFr8Yaho4G8gc3B0UIG4i9CM2JIskqiaVJy8pTyoLKjgt0jIyNuk5UjpYOtg7fDwFPV9BlkWdSVFMs1AwUXRSU1MQU1JVS1XGWAdd8mHiYqxjQ2ZUZp5qQ2qMa7dsC2yMbRlwUn_GgpuD24V7hX2J04w2jmSO6Y8aj0aP-pBVkyeVLpeVl_SaO5rgm6Gdqp_foS-iAKKjotmmmacIrJius7DYtvq4yrmTvG-86r6KwFTAZsMJwzrIFM_d0B_Q9dWm2YbbXuNq44Tr7uv17DjtPO987-vwH_DV8YryHfVv96b31_rS?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Jumpin_Jack_Slash Leveling First you want to make the long runs and chase down all the life along the way. Just use ice nova and flame totem in two lifesprig wands at start and its easy pz leveling. Last take up crit nodes... How I rock a 3L until end game even 9-14 maps for super cheap no 6l and one shot bosses Note this is not the chaos nova spec but just fire nova for now and you are not reflect immune but its cheap as hell to make cash for your 6L chest and darks. couple quick runs https://youtu.be/roqzHC7imSU village ruin enfeebled https://youtu.be/UGlR67NtYt8 Gear lvl 38 https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYAAQQHBx4I9A5ID6sRlhXnFr8i9CaVKgs2PTpYPV9FfElRTLNSU1VLVcZd8mHiYqxqQ2wLbIxtGW1scFJzs3_Gg9uJ04w2kyeVLpeVl5eX9J2qrJi1SMBU8Gvw1Q==?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Chaos_King lvl 60 https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYAAQQHBx4I9A5ID6sRlhXnFm8Wvxo4HRQi9CSqJpUnLyoLNj026TpYPV9FfEWdSVFMs1JTU1JVS1XGWfNd8mHiYqxmnmpDbAtsjG0ZbWxwUnIPc7N_xoPbidOMNo9GkFWTJ5Uul5WXl5f0muCboZ2qpwismLVIwFTjauvu8Gvw1ffX-tI=?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Chaos_King make swap to full time chaos ice nova after getting your two daggers and tabula rasa or lightning coil chest like lvl 65 https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYAAQSzBx4I9A5ID6sRDxGWFkAWbxa_GjgdFCBuIvQkqiaVJy8pTyoLNj026TpYOtg8BT1fRZ1JUUyzUDBSU1NSVUtVxl3yYeJirGaeakNqjGu3bAtsjG0ZbWxwUn_GgpuD24V9idOMNo9GkFWTJ5Uul5WX9Jo7muCboZ2qn9-iAKLZpwismLDYtUjAVMBmyBTVptte42rr7uw47TzvfPAf8NX1b_fX-tI=?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Chaos_King Take Vaal Pact when you decide to one shot bosses with Vaal Righteous Fire Bandits
A2N point or life A2C point or cast speed A2M Power charge I like taking points in normal and cruel because two points for another Jewel slot beats the hell out of 40 life and 5% cast speed with a GG 4 prop jewel Jewels
cast sp, life, crit multi, spell dam, area dam all nice. We do not need crit chance. We are way over 95% cap usually with assasuins mark.
DPS Izaro's Turmoil's is the way to go! Up to 50% spell damage each jewel. Ideal Jewel setup is 1 Intuitive leap and 5 x Izaro's Turmoils if you have your life and resits covered with gear. How to play
whirl blade into packs or lightning warp in center of packs (best to pop flasks on hard monster) applying shock stack, and kill everything with chaos nova.
1. I can't get a lightning coil. too expensive and really too expensive to 4B? -Using tabula Rasa is fine till mid maps. 2. What about CI/LL? -Can also go CI but need a 800+ ES chest and other high end CI gear with fat ES to make 9-10K ES to absorb damage. This cost more than lightning coil option. Tree http://exilecraft.org/#AAAAAwYADdEPxBCSEQ8RLxFQFdcV5xZAFvMYahslHRQfxyBuIvQjNiY8KU8qCysKK3gsnCy/LYsvnTIyNbk5UjsNO3w8BT1fQZZFfEcGSVFJsUuuTLNQMFJTUxBWY1eUWAdcQFxrXfJfamNDZp5rt2wLbRlwUnOzdZ5/xoKbhEiFfYauh8uJ04w2jHaOZI9Gj/qTJ5eVl5eX9Jo7m6Gf36EvoqOnK6ebrJius7VItvq3MbjKuZO8b76KwGbBxcMJw23PFdDQ0PXVptfP2VvZhtte43XjhOkC62Pr9ewY7TzvfO+I7+vwa/DV8h3y4fem99f5N/rS I don't recommend Low Life because you are wielding two daggers and shavs is not enough EHP without a shield. 3. Why do you use lightning warp and not fortify? Shock status effect on boss and I like its distance, jumping over chasms and ability to get right in the middle of packs. You're essentially a human bomb and its best to get right in middle of crowd. Lightning warp does it best. You could certainly use a fortify whirl blades setup for super tanky but I find mitigation enough with 4 endurance charges and lightning coil and flask use. 4. can it do uber.. with sublime play. Not easy by any means for a self caster and I recommend trapper, discharge, or Blade Vortex lawn mower. 5. HC viable? Seems so see page 6. Use fortify setup to get into packs instead of lightning warp. Use life jewels for over 210% life. NEW! Low Life, Standard only
Same DPS as dual dagger life spec above but you have a shield about 10K ES but maybe a little more vulnerable to reflect. Must have 75% dagger and slot life leech gem on ele reflect maps instead of C2F. Reason I went Low life is vaal RF to hit even harder since it's based on total EHP.
Gear Tree https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAAFvBx4N0Q5ID6sPxBB7EJIRDxEvEVARlhXnFkAWvxhqGyUdFCBuIvQjNiSLKU8qCyo4KwoyMjW5OVI7fDwFPV9BlkV8SVFJsUuuTLNQMFF0UlNTEFgHXGtcil3yX2pjQ2ZUZp5sC20ZbWxwUnOze9d_xoKbhEiExYV7hX2J04w2jHaOZI7pj0aP-pMnlS6XlZeXl_SaO5uhm7WePJ_foS-io6aZpyusmK6ztUi2-rcxuMq5k7xvvjq-isBmwfPDCcM6w23QH9DQ0PXXz9lb2YbbGtte4vfjhOd06QLrY-v17DjvfO-I7-vwa_DV8h33pvfX-Tf60g==?accountName=Aim_Deep&characterName=Jumpin_Jack_Slash Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jun 1, 2016, 6:52:20 PM Last bumped on Jun 24, 2016, 5:51:01 AM
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Added Atziri video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYjNR8FcVDE Git R Dun!
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That feeling when you made a 6L Judgement and a 5L Carcass for the Templar build and it gets turned into a completely different Shadow build :|
Well, what about a templar. If we dont go ref maps is it still viable/playable or is it not worth. Also could you recommend any builds that use Judgement Staff as base? Last edited by Domee#1541 on Mar 24, 2016, 6:50:57 PM
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" Templar is great just reflect you have to be on point with flask use and use life leech gem since its all cold Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Mar 24, 2016, 7:37:02 PM
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I see. I dont know if you want to, but is it possible that you might finish that build aswell? If not ofcourse I wont be offended because it's your time, however I believe that I and many others aswell want to try that one out.
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I plan on finishing that guide been updating all my others plus playing in ladder plus working plus little kid at home etc.
Git R Dun!
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Of course I'm not saying like you have to ! or now ! just wanted to know whether you'd do it. Glad to hear you will and appreciate it :) Have a nice day !
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Hey Aim_deep, I'm loving your ice nova builds !! this assassin one looks amazin, but i'll stick with templar for now, to make some currency :-) thanks and cyaa
btw, wouldn't you lose a lot of defense potencial w/o arctic armour? maybe that's why you'd put the vaal skeletons in? _:D / |
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AA is certainly an option instead of Herald of Ice. However I don't feel it's needed wearing a lightning coil.
Lightning coil is 30% (legacy) or 22.5% physical mitigation while AA is 13% and conditional, standing still. Templar is a better build overall and could wear lightning coil as well be he needs two 6L and reflect issue still looms. Git R Dun!
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hey do you just use lightning warp out of personal preference? Or is there another reason to prefer it over Whirling Blades?
edit: ascensions are deadly infusion and ambush? will lvl 3 enlighten suffice for the additional herald? Last edited by Anderherz#4477 on Mar 26, 2016, 12:33:53 PM
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