I just find it funny you had to get a bunch of people on your friends list to come in after you and have them support you for all the reasons you think charging a fee is justified. Its fine if you want to do it...perfectly legal, smart, why wouldnt you?... Tbh, if I linked up mine, I wouldnt charge a fee...just whatever it cost me to change their socket colors for them. If they wanted to leave a tip...it'd be up to them. Ultimately i'd get the 6link for me and my use. If people wanted to mirror it then more power to 'em, everyone benefits.
Dude just stop posting, i dont know the OP or anybody posting here, go troll somewhere else.
And remember to post your godly 6l that you will let people mirror for free, remember to link the thread.
Now go back to your mountain cave.
Edit: This chest deserves many more copies, and less jelly haters.
Vouch though - It's easy enough to say 'In this hypothetical situation, I would _____'.. Doesn't mean anything until you do it.