[6 Served!] Offering Mirroring: 6L 2025 Armor Chest w/94 Life, Dual Res Cold/Chaos

exorzist wrote:
can you please reply to your PMs or at least to other threads where youve been selling stuff? i find it a bit rude to ignore them totally ... thanks

I get quite a lot of PMs, so it's difficult to really reply to them all. I just assume people would realize that when the OP lets a thread die, hasn't bumped it in near a week, that they're generally not interested in the topic anymore.

Sorry to just ignore the PMs, but it'd be pretty time consuming to respond to them all.

Will go edit that post though, didn't think to do that.
Chest has been sold! No worries though, you can still got a copy - and it's still only one exalt.

Thread here: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/186486

Good luck guys, and enjoy.

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